英语人>词典>汉英 : 不能复苏的 的英文翻译,例句
不能复苏的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For cryonics to work today, it is not necessary that we can currently reanimate cryo-preserved patients.


More often, this opportunity can not arrive just by waiting, but by making it on one's own initiative. One side actively makes water feculent to make the situation roily , then things could happen.


But others thought the capesize sector would remain lethargic, bordering on the somnolent, until after the holiday, mainly due to the snail's pace of talks between iron ore producers and Chinese steel mills to agree this year's iron ore price increase.


All signs are that Washington will be unable to restore the status quo ante after the present "great recession" has finally given way to recovery.


Unless the economy starts to recover powerfully enough to cut America's high unemployment levels, this modest set of policies will seem footling. Such tiny giveaways are unlikely to help assuage Americans' growing sense that this is an administration that has expended more effort on advancing long-held liberal dreams, like universal health care, than on securing middle-class jobs, nor to allay their suspicion that bail-outs are only for bankers.


This insidious mechanism, which does not deter the herbivore from feeding but impairs its recruitment, will restrain the cohort size of the next generation of early-rising overwinterers. Such a transgenerational plant–herbivore interaction could explain the recurringly inefficient use of a predictable, potentially valuable food resource—the spring diatom bloom—by marine zooplankton.

但是现在,用桡脚类动物Calanus helgolandicus所做的饲养实验表明,在硅藻与其捕食者之间在进行一场化学战:当被咬碎时,一些早期繁茂的硅藻会释放毒素,杀死以硅藻为食的桡脚类的后代;这样虽然不能阻止桡脚类继续吃硅藻,但却能影响其&兵员补充&,限制来年较早复苏的过冬者的数量。

Make no mistake: if He rose at all it was as His body; if the cells' dissolution did not reverse, the molecules reknit, the amino acids rekindle, the Church will fall.


Even richer and more sluggish Japan, which cannot match that figure, seems to be recovering faster than its Western peers.


But there is less reason to be confident that China's biggest oil refiner is capable of the recovery some predict for the country as a whole.


The last several weeks there's been a bloodbath of selling.


更多网络解释与不能复苏的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be careful:小心

哈珀总理则回应,应"小心"(be careful)对待统计报告提供的数据,因为那不是真实的情况的"完全写照". 同时,他提醒反对党,政府已经拓宽了EI的申请资格,同时还增加了再就业培训的投入,以能确保这些失业工人做好准备,经济一复苏便能找到工作.


曾有一种傻气的想法那就是既然红袜队都能复苏,那世界上没什么是不可能的了,我无法解释那种感觉,就像披头士狂(Beatlemania)无法解释那股狂热一样. 但这是真的. 当红袜队突飞猛进的时候这里的每个收音机都转到了现场直播.


irrespirable 不能呼吸的 | irresponsibility 不承担责任 | irresuscitable 不能复苏的

irretrievable loass:不可弥补的损失

irresuscitable 不能复苏的 | irretrievable loass 不可弥补的损失 | irreversibility 不可逆性


irresponsibility 不承担责任 | irresuscitable 不能复苏的 | irretrievable loass 不可弥补的损失

Credit Lyonnais:里昂信贷

在更加乐观的人士当中,里昂信贷(Credit Lyonnais)的电信分析师加布里埃尔.洛伊(Gabriel Lowy)表示,电信运营商的支出已经削减到不能再削减的地步,日后一定会出现反弹,这种状况可能会从明年第四季度开始出现,尽管任何复苏都将会"悄无声息".

Bank of England:英国

在季度通货膨胀报告中,英国央行货币政策委员会(mpc)表示,英国经济复苏将逐步进行,产出直到2011年年末才 ...英国(bank of england)行长默文金(mervyn king)周三表示,目前还不能排除央行利用新增资金重启债券购买计划的可能性.