英语人>词典>汉英 : 不肯跑 的英文翻译,例句
不肯跑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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As he looked into Tu Wei-yueh's face, Wu Sun-fu secretly applauded his firmness and astuteness, though he dared not admit to the young man that the reason he had hurried over so soon was that he had had qualms about his ability to carry out his task


It was, therefore, a very goodprovidence to me that I had furnished myself with a tame breed ofgoats, and that I had no need to hunt any more about the woods, orshoot at them; and if I did catch any of them after this, it was bytraps and snares, as I had done before; so that for two years afterthis I believe I never fired my gun once off, though I never wentout without it; and what was more, as I had saved three pistols outof the ship, I always carried them out with me, or at least two ofthem, sticking them in my goat-skin belt.


But never was a Fight manag'd so hardily, and in such a surprizing Manner, as that which follow'd between Friday and the Bear, which gave us all (though at first we were surpriz'd and afraid for him) the greatest Diversion imaginable: As the Bear is a heavy, clumsey Creature, and does not gallop as the Wolf does, who is swift, and light; so he has two particular Qualities, which generally are the Rule of his Actions; First, As to Men, who are not his proper Prey; I say, not his proper Prey; because tho' I cannot say what excessive Hunger might do, which was now their Case, the Ground being all cover'd with Snow; but as to Men, he does not usually attempt them, unless they first attack him: On the contrary, if you meet him in the Woods, if you don't meddle with him, he won't meddle with you; but then you must take Care to be very Civil to him, and give him the Road; for he is a very nice Gentleman, he won't go a Step out of his Way for a Prince; nay, if you are really afraid, your best way is to look another Way, and keep going on; for sometimes if you stop, and stand still, and look steadily at him, he takes it for an Affront; but if you throw or toss any Thing at him, and it hits him, though it were but a bit of a Stick, as big as your Finger, he takes it for an Affront, and sets all his other Business aside to pursue his Revenge; for he will have Satisfaction in Point of Honour; that is his first Quality: The next is, That if he be once affronted, he will never leave you, Night or Day, till he has his Revenge; but follows at a good round rate, till he overtakes you.


The horse folded up in the homestretch.


The horse fold ed up in the homestretch.


But clasping her hands, she ran beside me sobbing and gasping, and would not leave me.


But Matthias Sammer's keeper change in winter 2003/04 fortunately did not end in Weidenfeller's banishment: after 25 matches as reserve goalie, Bert van Marwijk entitled him to his second chance in October 2004 – and Roman definitely used it!

多特蒙德球员故事魏登费勒球员故事 2003年12月17日晚上9点30分,一个寒冬之夜,威斯特法轮球场内,门将魏登费勒跑向禁区线救球,但是不巧队友梅策尔德和他的想法不谋而合:多特队长将球一碰,球竟然穿过了门将的十指关,当然凯泽斯劳滕的林肯是不会拒绝这份大礼的。15分钟后终场哨响起,在有些人看来,对于魏登费勒来说,他在多特蒙德的路走到头了。

An hour later, the elephant began cries, they refused to listen to the command of Yu mahouts, hiking up into the southern desperately to run.


She screamed, spooking the 211-pound bear, which ran to a nearby tree, climbed 40 feet up and wouldn't budge.


Michele then told me that the big aluminum pot with fifty-centimeter diameter and seventy-centimeter height I once saw in the garage of my in-laws is the main apparatus for passata making. They prepared four to five pots of it every time and hundreds kilos of tomato were used at least.
