英语人>词典>汉英 : 不知觉 的英文翻译,例句
不知觉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incognizance  ·  unawareness

更多网络例句与不知觉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Transformation - refers to mental pain and anxiety into physical symptoms manifested, thereby avoiding the anxiety and psychological suffering, such as the hysterical patient's inner psychological conflict, anxiety or somatization symptoms often manifested, such as paralysis, aphonia, seizures , syncope, spastic torticollis, etc., patients themselves totally to this perception, the transformation is completely unconscious motivation, is patient awareness can not be recognized.

转 化——指精神上的痛苦,焦虑转化为躯体症状表现出来,从而避开了心理焦虑和痛苦,如歇斯底里病人的内心焦虑或心理冲突往往以躯体化的症状表现出来,如瘫痪、失音、抽搐,晕厥、痉挛性斜颈等等,病者自己对此完全不知觉,转化的动机完全是潜意识的,是病者意识不能承认的。

The mentally retarded students in elementary school lacks of the perceptual motor and experiences personally than the general and normal student, the development is slow down in the aspects of body schema and space awareness, taking into the fine and small muscle and acting ineffective live, from whole to see, present and see and move the action mode of the coordination difficulty, behavior clumsiness. So, they need more body activities and improve its drawback, and Lin's Circle-round Service assists the design and usages that haves, is by the perceptual motor train act the its perceptual sense and fines to function and stir up, and convert life ability.


Jervis has introduced the psychological concept of "perception" to probe into the impact of perception and misperception on international politics,thereby the "black box" of decision-making can be opened its working mechanism and procedure can be deciphered.


The best strength area of the consciousness ability various index signs of the development sport also does not fulfill same alike, among them the best strength area of the synthesize consciousness ability as average heart rate mostly at 125~145 times/ min, the best strength area of the elbow joint kinesthesia directions consciousness ability is an average heart rate mostly at 130~148 times/ min, the best strength area of the depth consciousness ability for average the heart rate mostly at 132~147 times/ min, the best strength area of time consciousness ability is an average heart rate mostly at 126~138 times/ of the min


Owing to the characteristics of quantification and obliviousness of aspect-oriented language,modular behavioral analysis and modular reasoning are more difficult than that of the traditional paradigms.


Based on twenty yearss research, Chen Lin developed the holistic processing hypothesis of Gestalt psychology into topology property perception theory, and thought of the human perception as a processing from holistic property to local property of perceptual object. From the viewpoint of Chen, a primitive and general function of the visual system is the perception of topological properties, and perceptual organization should be understood in the perspective of transformation and perception of invariance over transformation in the topological approach.


Yi Chen, see sisters face boring thing that has not completed Linger on the open-ended enlighten up, henny pulled my mother said something in her ear, before we know Yang months looking for her mother talked about something else to think again is a new case, evidently that even a headache than Linger, easy to pick up the morning to help their child so that he went to sleep so that Lei care henny a will, his sister's side went to her to study, and two sisters chat at length quite speculative, Lei discussed from time to time to hear the sound coming from the opposite direction, not the name of sleepy perception, see henny asleep after the room behind closed doors and into the back to sleep.


I've always been in awe of the power they unknowing possess.


He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.


An unsuspect ing university professor is an unwitting accomplice in a foiled Mexican cocaine deal .


更多网络解释与不知觉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

extrasensory perception:超感[官]知觉

超感官知觉(Extrasensory Perception) 简称ESP. 一种超心理现象,不受书籍感觉过程的支配而发生的知觉. 超感官知觉现象有多种:(1)心电感应,又称传心术,是一个人不使用物质媒介而直接传递信息于他人的现象;(2)灵感,是反映在无直接感觉下产生对具体事物的知觉现象;

impoverished perception:刺激贫缺知觉 刺激贫缺知觉

impotentia erigendi 勃起不能性阳萎 | impoverished perception 刺激贫缺知觉 刺激贫缺知觉 | impoverished perception 简约化知觉

impoverished perception:刺激贫缺知觉 , 简约化知觉

impotentia erigendi 勃起不能性阳萎 | impoverished perception 刺激贫缺知觉 , 简约化知觉 | impoverishment 枯竭

Fatal Imprudence:不谨慎的致命

16. Madness 精神失常 | 17. Fatal Imprudence 不谨慎的致命 | 18. Involuntary Crimes of Love 不知觉地为爱犯罪


incognizable 不可知 | incognizance 不知觉 | incognizanceincognizant 不认识


incognizable /不可知/ | incognizance /不认识/不知觉/ | incognizant /不认识/无意识的/不知觉的/


imperceptible given 未感知到的材料 | imperception 知觉不全 | imperceptive 知觉缺乏的


incog 用假名的微行者 | incognizable 不可知 | incognizance 不知觉


incognizanceincognizant 不认识 | incognizant 不知觉的 | incognizantinconscientunintentionalunwitting 无意识的


incognizance /不认识/不知觉/ | incognizant /不认识/无意识的/不知觉的/ | incoherence /不连贯/无条理/