英语人>词典>汉英 : 不爽 的英文翻译,例句
不爽 的英文翻译、例句


not well · in a bad mood
更多网络例句与不爽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are no standard so women who do not ejaculate should not feel inadequate.


At London I am pent up in frowzy lodgings, where there is not room enough to swing a cat.


I felt bad about it. I was thinking about this, John, John, here's how it works. You don't come to see me? Well, we might not see you on Inauguration Day.–David Letterman


I would like to remind you sincerely that I have been being no sicker of you.


I thought once how Theocritus had sung Of the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years, Who each one in a gracious hand appears To bear a gift for mortals, old or young: And, as I mused it in his antique tongue, I saw, in gradual vision through my tears, The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years, Those of my own life, who by turns had flung A shadow across me.

2 下一页啧啧,这个贴子多达 2 页今天去二楼食堂去吃饭本来心情好的一比,结果被弄得很不爽!有一男服务员打卡时多打了五毛,我跟他说时,他一副很不爽的样子,而且还说是因为给我多打了一点土豆丝,我见他那样也就没说什么!

If you are going to bathe put before your mind what happens in the bath---water pouring over some, others being jostled, some reviling, others stealing; and you will set to work more securely if you say to yourself at once:" I want to bathe, and I want to keep my will in harmony with nature," and so in each thing you do; for in this way, if anything turns up to hinder you in your bathing, you will be ready to say," I did not want only to bathe, but to keep my will in harmony with nature, and I shall not so keep it, if I lose my temper at what happens."


If we are going to make it back to the campsite before dark then we can't ⑨hang around while you rhapsodise like a moron about what is patently unpleasant and uncomfortable.


Xinyangmaojian the color, flavor and taste, have shaped a unique personality, its color鲜润, clean, free of impurities, elegant aroma, fresh taste鲜爽, mellow, back Gambari, speaking from the appearance is neat and well-spaced,鲜绿shiny, Baihao obvious.


Xinyangmaojian tea color, flavor and taste, have shaped a unique personality, its color鲜润, clean, free of impurities, elegant aroma, fresh taste鲜爽, mellow, back Gambari, speaking from the appearance is neat and well-spaced, fresh glossy green, Baihao obvious.


This is the most不爽weather ghost death row so good.


更多网络解释与不爽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You son of a bitch. - I 'm sorry, guys. My codpiece is killing me:王八蛋 - 对不起伙计们,我的裤褶搞的我很不爽

You wore the same thing last year.|去年你... | - You son of a bitch. - I 'm sorry, guys. My codpiece is killing me.|- 王八蛋 - 对不起伙计们,我的裤褶搞的我很不爽 | It's totally restricting my junk.|把我...


CLUELESS:愚蠢的 | CREEPY:另人不爽的 | FUNNY:古怪的

Men's courses in life foreshadow certain ends:人生因果循环报应不爽

or shadows of things that may be?|或是可... | Men's courses in life foreshadow certain ends.|人生因果循环报应不爽 | But if these courses are departed from, these ends will change. Isn't that so?|不过只要...

Some guys get upset when you objectify their girlfriends:有些人会不爽别人性幻想他女朋友

Why would you hide that?|这有什... | Some guys get upset when you objectify their girlfriends.|有些人会不爽别人性幻想他女朋友 | But if you're okay,I've got a digital video camera,so we could-|但如果你不...

on the blink:身体不爽;性能不佳

on some days in certain weeks 在某几个星期的某几天里 | on the blink 身体不爽;性能不佳 | on the carpet 训斥

out of sheer petulance:因为不爽痛殴了犯人

He mention he assaulted a prisoner this morning|他有没有说他今天早... | out of sheer petulance?|因为不爽痛殴了犯人? | Broke three fingers on Eduard Delacroix's left hand.|爱德华.戴尔的左手被他打断了三只...

15.It was poetic justice:15.这是天理昭彰, 报应不爽

[02:43.75]13.I'll break his legs 14.An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ;13.我会打断他的狗腿. 14.以... | [02:50.26]15.It was poetic justice. ;15.这是天理昭彰, 报应不爽. | [02:53.70]3. Ill-Treatment 虐...

to a hair:丝毫不差,不爽毫发

715.to a degree 非常,到极度. | 716.to a hair 丝毫不差,不爽毫发. | 717.to a man 全体,悉数.

ungratifying defecation:大便不爽

大便不行 constipation | 大便不爽 ungratifying defecation | 大便不通 fecal stoppage

We're getting clobbered up here:我们这儿很不爽

Tell me you got something, Dex.|告诉我你发现了什么... | We're getting clobbered up here.|我们这儿很不爽 | It's no picnic down here either, Cap. Hang in there, I've almost got it.|我这里也不舒服,上尉 坚持...