英语人>词典>汉英 : 不正当影响 的英文翻译,例句
不正当影响 的英文翻译、例句


undue influence
更多网络例句与不正当影响相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All along strictly during the past 4 years, insist that benefit readjusts oneself to a certain extent in the first , press the customer close to a marketplace , deal with concrete matters relating to work being innovative, debut new low style price unceasingly according with the high-quality goods that the consumer needs, unceasingly, unfinished products has been innovative grinding the transitive hair stream distribution and has made great efforts to improve on after-sale services, and has got very excellent results , brand notability gradually rise, market share is also more and more big , be also attracting illegitimate malicious calumniation of a few bad companies therefore, If publishing fictitious invitation of relevance and article on the network, be in progress to my company calumniate, my company warns these of malicious calumniation person here, solemnly and justly: My company will reserve pertinent litigation rights, to the normal business affecting my company, the company will apply a legal weapon to defend legitimate rights and interests


So these graduates must be guided by the relevant institution and teachers, analyse the present vocational situations of colleges and universities graduates with a full understanding about the vigorous situations which permeates the market of the employment of manpower. They should receive the correct graduate education taken by the relevant institution and party organization of different levels, avoid being influenced by the improper propaganda in our society and find out the shortcomings and problems of their own. Thus they can bear the correct views about employment and be free form the shackles of ill state of mind. During the course of taking up new occupations they must eliminate the improper psychological influence such as vanity, selfishness, doubt, impetuousness, misgivings, following blindly or depending on others and so on.


He also used improper means to Henan certain influential newspapers - out of the mouth of Health, these reporters have not completely in accordance with the intention of LXX reported AIDS.


Recent days, On net one paterfamilias asked: My daughter will be to famous college,but it is a very difficult problem for her tuition and cost of living.


They are applicable to unreasonable restraint of trade and private monopolization, which are limited to pertaining or affecting the consideration of goods or services.


Only the existence of such undue influence can be presumed to exist.


At this time, he is over the age of eighteen(18) years and, to the best of our knowledge, he is of sound mind and is not acting under duress, menace, fraud, misrepresentation or undue influence.

在这个时候,他是年龄超过18 ( 18 )岁,并在尽我们所知,他是健全的头脑,是不是在胁迫下,威胁,欺诈,虚假陈述或不正当的影响。

Last summer my company agreed to take on two such young people, for the usual appalling reason that their parents were well known to us and therefore had undue influence.


A series of consequent negative influences are mainly as follows. In terms of the loss of natural ecology, the traditional technical innovation cajoles people into inappropriate consumption, causes the malformed development of techniques, results in the ecological loss of technical rationality and functions as an amplifier to technical dissimilation. In terms of ecological loss of society, due to ecological loss of themselves, traditional activities of technical innovation will produce bad effect on people's value views, on much loss of intellectuals in undeveloped countries,on social economy,on political and economic orders in the world and on polarization between the rich and the poor.


The book discusses the particular approach to unfair competition law in the 10 new Member States and the possible impact on the future development of European unfair competition law.


更多网络解释与不正当影响相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

set aside:撤销

加之,因受不正当影响所签订的合同仅涉及到双方当事人的利益,与社会公共利益无关,所以赋予受不正当影响的一方当事人以撤销(set aside)该合同的权利足以保护其利益.

unjust enrichment:不当得利

"恢复原状"主要是对并非违约的"不当得利"(unjust enrichment)的处理,尽管它有时也被用来作为违约赔偿的一种替代方式. 这种不当得利是由错误、不正当影响、胁迫、欺诈等原因造成的. "恢复原状"甚至适用于不具法律约束力的合同. 1937年,


他更直接指出是牙周病否微软牙齿用跟过去对 PC 市场一样以不正当 (inappropriate) 、不合法 (illegal) 的植牙影响网际网路市场. 说微软经常尝试进行各种垄断,尝试利用其 PC 市场的植牙优势往网际网路市场延伸其垄断行为.


undress 暴露 | undressed 穿着便服的 | undue influence 不正当影响

undue influence:不正当影响

英国衡平法原则中有不正当影响(Undue Influence)之说,美国整编契约法第二次汇编中第176条及177条规定威胁系不正当( Threat is imp roper) ,虽称谓不同,但意思及法律上的救济大体相同.

undue influence:不当影响

"不当影响"(undue influence)由衡平法发展而来,"其意义乃指衡平法院将对因不正当影响而得来之利益予以排除. "其发展的主要原因在于英美法国家的普通法对传统的胁迫的范围拟定的过于窄小所致. 传统的胁迫是指双方当事人在缔结契约过程中为意思表示时,

Duress and Undue Influence:胁迫和不正当影响

Misrepresentation虚伪陈述 | Duress and Undue Influence胁迫和不正当影响 | Illegal Contracts非法合同

groosly unfair or undue influence:显失公平与不当影响

51. 不正当的胁迫 unjustified threat | 52. 显失公平与不当影响 groosly unfair or undue influence | 53. 意思主义 principle of will

Undue political influence:不正当的政治影响

"Trial' report "试算"报表 | Undue political influence 不正当的政治影响 | Unit of accounting 会计单位


undue influence 不正当影响 | unenforceable 不可强制履行 | unenforceable contract 不可强制履行之契约