英语人>词典>汉英 : 不正常的兴奋 的英文翻译,例句
不正常的兴奋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不正常的兴奋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Speed of the ejaculation when although same individual is in,making love every time is not identical also, be like newly-married the first time sexual intercourse, marriage hind meets again after a long separation, or abstinency too long hind make love for the first time, because the man is excessive excited, ejaculation happening is very fast, even premature ejaculation, this also is normal completely, need not much Lv, increase as coital frequency, can adjust normal level.


the interhemispheric asymmetries of brain motor cortical excitability in patients with depressive disorder are opposite to the controls, and the left cortical excitability in patients have a evident decrease relative to normal subjects.


To make love -- Sho nuff You're the only one I'm ever thinkin' of Just to hold you baby i can.


ROGER FEDERER: It's a compliment, yeah. That's why I put on clothes tonight so we can speak normally together, don't get all overexcited.


It become wit after strange, exceted, wateriness, and can treat it as normal. It's why I am not a twisted freak and also have the so-called "virgin knot".


The category is designed to include a group of children with severe mental retardation (IQ below 50) who show major problems in hyperactivity and in attention, as well as stereotyped behaviours. They tend not to benefit from stimulant drugs (unlike those with an IQ in the normal range) and may exhibit a severe dysphoric reaction (sometimes with psychomotor retardation) when given stimulants. In adolescence, the overactivity tends to be replaced by underactivity (a pattern that is not usual in hyperkinetic children with normal intelligence). This syndrome is also often associated with a variety of developmental delays, either specific or global.

因有下述特徵则作此诊断:出现注意力不集中及过动行为的重度智能不足(智商低於 50 );给予兴奋性药物治疗并不能改善此类儿童的情况,反而可能会有情绪低落反应在少年期少动行为常取代过动行为(这种情况在正常智商的过动儿童并不常见),同时常并发特定或全面的发展迟滞。

At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms and 2000ms,the VWtimes increased markedly with the BCL prolonging, and the degree of increasing was even obviously when heart rate was slow (BCL=2000ms or 1000ms). The enlargement of VWs was a most important reason to increase the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias; 2)At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms or 2000ms,the VWtimes of the premature stimulates S2 was at endomembrane were wider than at the outermembrane. We supposed that premature stimulates come from endomembrane was easier inducing VF compared with outermembrane;3The VWtime of unidirectional block was wider than reentry's, we can see that reporlarization dispersion changed dynamicly. 4The QRS polar of the premature stimulates was opposite the primary beats ,which suggesting that excitation of inducing premature beats was coming from epicardial. That is to say electrotonic potential take part in the creation of reentry;5With the ratio of the Tp-e/QT increasing the occurrence of VF was upgrading. So the ratio was an effective method to estimate the event of SCD.6 The VWtimes of S3 were broaden than S2's. But we can not study penetratingly, which is the contents of our future studies.

在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,随着刺激周长的增加单向传导阻滞时间易损窗呈增大趋势;并且在心率较慢时(BCL为2000ms和1000ms)增大最明显,是LQTS患者室性心律失常发生率增加的原因之一;2)在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,S2位于内膜侧时时间易损窗大于在外膜侧时的,推测来自于内膜侧的期前刺激易于诱发室性心律失常;3)折返激动时间易损窗小于在单向传导阻滞时间易损窗,折返易发生于S2刚进入单向传导阻滞区间时,这说明复极梯度的不均一是动态变化的;4心电图上倒置QRS波与正常S1刺激所引起QRS波极性相反,提示不同位置S2刺激引发的室性早搏的兴奋均来自于外膜侧,说明了电紧张电位扩布参与了折返的产生;5)Tp-e/QT可以反应跨膜复极离散度,随着Tp-e/QT比值的增加PVT的发生增多,其可以用来预测室性心律失常的发生。6)随着期前刺激数目的增加时间易损窗增大。

Safety period contraception: New wedding day because the excitement of sexual life, the oviposit pattern with threw into confusion regular, easy happening additional oviposit, because this is safe period also insecure.


It become wit after strange, exceted, wateriness, and can treat it as normal. It's why I am not a twisted freak and also have the so-called "virgin knot".


If you are SEO black hat, then you can say surely, do, be done of course, and we can assure to give a platoon to go to the first you inside a month, and make sure the rank is changeless 2 years, normal word, the enterprise accepts these black hats gladly people service, next black hat SEO people can think in psychology, be in charge of him, money was taken besides, do assorted group what send, let him go up in platoon of a month, when arriving, take service cost, go next person, can last one year as to the rank of his website or be two years that no matter he, father took money to go person, be in charge of his website is dead it is vivid.


更多网络解释与不正常的兴奋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是经肺吸入机体,认为其主要中毒机理是有机磷和胆碱酯酶(AchE)的活性中心结合,形成牢固的磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使酶丧失活性,胆碱能神经末梢所释放的乙酰 胆碱(Ach)则不能被胆碱酯酶正常水解而在体内异常积蓄,胆碱能神经过度兴奋,

compensatory pause:代偿间歇

le)和 代偿间歇(compensatory pause) 当心肌进行正常的窦性节律性收缩时,如果在舒张期(有效不应期之后,正常窦性节律到来之前)心肌受到额外刺激,就会引起一次比正常窦性节律提前发生的额外兴奋和产生额外收缩.这种发生在下一次正常收缩之前的额外收缩,

erectile dysfunction:勃起障礙

有性的刺激开始性兴奋时,阴茎就能勃起,但插入阴道时不能完成正常的性交,或虽能插入阴道但在射精前阴茎就已经松软下来. 分为三类:阴茎不能勃起,勃起无力,或勃起不能持久. 目前国际医术界把阳痿称为"勃起障碍"(Erectile dysfunction)缩写简称"ED".

subnormal period:低常期

超常期(supranormal period)和低常期(subnormal period):更精密的实验还说明, 在相对不应期后,该组织细胞还要经历一段兴奋性先增高(超常期)继而又低于正常的(低常期)缓慢变化的时期.

supranormal period:超常期

(3)超常期 (supranormal period) 相对不应期之后,膜电位由-80mV恢复到-90mV,这一阶段内心肌的兴奋性高于正常水平,故称为超常期. 在此期间,心肌细胞的膜电位已基本恢复,Na+通道基本复活到备用状态. 因为膜电位低于正常静息电位,