英语人>词典>汉英 : 不果断的 的英文翻译,例句
不果断的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

weak-headed · weak-kneed
更多网络例句与不果断的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The beneficial result that because this affects oneself,perhaps fears as a result of airline is harmonic praise, or because of its aerostat breakdown and complement without new transport power, also airline studies to weather judgement is not accurate, measure vacillation, hold to the time of incur loss through delay forbid, etc.


Absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力:be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on


But firm decisions elude you, or the people you need to talk to have been evasive or unreliable.


He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting; he had not changed his mind anyway


Enter summer camp in one's childhood, others swims, I do not go stoutly.


If use underhand method purposely to Baidu, must know keep back strength, had escaped Baidu tierce examination, do not put the content that any Baidu do not like stoutly.


By waiting until the economy has overheated and is at risk of veering out of control, the need to act -- and act decisively -- has become more urgent.


If the dog squirrels around because he does not want to stand, then I firmly control him.


Those who back and fill at problems will be got rid of .


The input will be with the pilot's right hand and should be a sweeping, very firm one so that the kite doesn't unroll out of this position but is still sufficient to have the kite make the flat spin rotation.


更多网络解释与不果断的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

not all-inclusive:不全面的

17: a tortuous course: 不平坦的道路 | 18: not all-inclusive: 不全面的 | 19: take resolute measures: 采取果断措施

hesitant:不情愿的 犹豫的

delude 欺骗哄骗 | hesitant 不情愿的 犹豫的 | tentative 不确定的 不果断的 犹豫不定的


10月10日 甜瓜(Melon) 花语:饱食 花占卜:你具有丰富的想象力,适合从事创作的行业,但做事不够果断,有时眼睁睁地错失良机. 对此你似乎不太在意,你对自己拥有的条件非常满意,只要尽心发掘想象空间,凡事皆可顺利,你的生活亦丰衣足食.

China will never participate in any arms race,nor will it engage in military expansion:中国不参加军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张

平等互利、和平共处equalit... | 中国不参加军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张. China will never participate in any arms race,nor will it engage in military expansion | 中国果断反对任何形式的霸权主义、强权政治英语六级真...


tentative 不确定的 不果断的 犹豫不定的 | noncommittal 不做允诺的,不表态的 | agitation 焦虑不安 烦乱的

out of touch with:同...失去联系, 与...没有通信 对...不了解

no touch to [美口]和...比起来不算什么 | out of touch with 同...失去联系, 与...没有通信 对...不了解 | the Nelson touch 象(英国海军上将)纳尔逊那样的临机果断的本领


8月22日 绣线菊(Spirea) 花语:努力 花占卜:你对自己的实力充满信心,处事果断勇敢,干脆利落,绝不拖泥带水. 你的态度是值得欣赏的,但太过独断会被人误会是个独裁的人,有时也要考虑别人需要,毕竟这个世界不是你一个人独有的.


understate 打着折扣说, 保守地说, 有意轻描淡写 | wacky 古怪的,疯癫的 | weak-kneed 软弱的, 不果断的

weak-kneed:软弱的, 不果断的

wacky 古怪的,疯癫的 | weak-kneed 软弱的, 不果断的 | vicarious 代别人做的

Allegro non troppo:(意)不太快的快板

allegro non tanto(意)不过分快的快板. | allegro non troppo(意)不太快的快板. | allegro risoiuto(意)果断有力的快板.