英语人>词典>汉英 : 不断重复地 的英文翻译,例句
不断重复地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不断重复地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you really want to tick a customer off or incite an already upset customer, belabor your point. Repeat your point (your policy; your position) over and over again.


Therefore, fractional distillation must be used in order to separate the components well by repeated vaporization-condensation cycles within a packed fractionating column.


The evening sky, tirelessly repeating the starry constellations, seems like a child struck with wonder at the mystery of its own first utterance, lisping the same word over and over again, and listening to it in unceasing joy.


In his mind, the monsoon is followed by broiling sunshine, and then another monsoon. The incessant repetition of the rotation of the celestial bodies is just the mercilessness and absurdity of time.


That's why he constantly had to reaffirm his love for art.


"Up to the limit" is an art work about time. On the surface, this art work tests people's tolerance of extreme tedium of endless routine labor and unbearably apathic physical space where one can hardly stay long. But the concept of time emerges during the process of close references with the formation of the work; moreover, a hidden craziness opposite to the apathy of the work sharply stabs into the viewers' eyes and further thrusts into their hearts; and it is exactly during the process of watching, that time settles down and achieves its existence.


Maybe romantics are too far from earthliness to land on a prefect ending.


Your child might want to hear the same book over and over and over -- and it may very well be the dopiest book in the house.


Jared is among the one in five people who chronically procrastinate, jeopardizing careers and jettisoning peace of mind, all the while repeating the mantra:"I should be doing something else right now."


The birds that the two girls had brought in were duly returned to the yard, and the process was repeated till all the pet cocks and hens had been submitted to the old woman - Hamburghs, Bantams, Cochins, Brahmas, Dorkings, and such other sorts as were in fashion just then - her perception of each visitor being seldom at fault as she received the bird upon her knees.


更多网络解释与不断重复地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Behavior modeling:行为模仿

行为模仿(Behavior Modeling)是先向受训者展示正确的行为,再要求他们在模拟环境中扮演角色,根据他们的表现,培训者不断地提供反馈,受训者在反馈的指导下不断重复工作直至能熟练完成任务.

capital turnover:资本周转

资本周转(capital turnover)是指不断重复、周而复始的资本循环过程. 资本必须在运动中才能实现其价值增殖,这种运动不能孤立地循环一次便停下来,而必须持续不断地周期性地进行. 这样的资本循环,叫做资本周转. 产业资本连续不断、周而复始的循环.

Exploratory testing:探索性测试

QA的工作包括设计测试用例、探索性测试(exploratory testing)及回归测试,等等. 这些工作有的依靠QA的聪明才智, 而有的却只是重复劳动(例如回归测试). 随着系统中不断地加入新功能,回归测试这类工作耗费的时间也越来越多.

Everything in the universe is in constant motion:宇宙中的万物都在不断地运动

constant a.不断的,经常的,强调始终如一地经常出现.... | Everything in the universe is in constant motion.宇宙中的万物都在不断地运动. | incessant a.不停的,持续不断的,强调令人厌烦地重复出现,中间有可能有停...




西绪福斯(Sisyphus)是古希腊神话中的人物. 他用智慧和计谋反抗命运,藐视天神,而招致悲惨的结局. 天神罚他把一块巨石推上山顶. 由于巨石太重,西绪福斯每次没推到山顶就又滚下山去. 于是他就不断重复、永无止境地重复着同样的动作.

top light:顶光

每天下午在导演和选手之间不断重复并最终学会诸如面光(facing light),顶光(top light),环境光(ambient light),侧光(side light),地流(ground light),追光(spot light),定点光(pin light)等鸟语,并且发现导演都不是什么好东西,



Has been rehashed and then replayed:都会不断地重复

Every mistake I've ever made 我犯的每个错误 | Has been rehashed and then replayed 都会不断地重复 | As I got lost along the way 犹如我迷失了前进的路

Allegro risoluto:坚决的快板

在一个充满奇想、类似即兴的过渡引子中,贝多芬不停地否决自己,并不断地超越自己(<<第九"合唱"交响曲>>第四乐章的引子在更大的尺度和规模上重复了这里的做法),迫使音乐一步步迈向命定的必然目标--一曲以"坚决的快板"(Allegro risoluto)写就的巨型赋格.