英语人>词典>汉英 : 不揭发 的英文翻译,例句
不揭发 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不揭发相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you could give us attorneyship, we will make every effort to make profits for you.


This is an injustice which needs to be exposed.


The evangel is not denunciatory of sin. It is not pronunciatory of judgement. Itis annunciatory of salvation.


The evangel is not denunciatory of sin. It is not pronunciatory of judgement. It is annunciatory of salvation.


More often it is grim: almost everyone, it turns out, was informing on the Martons, from neighbours to the nanny. Through it all, her father baffled his persecutors, who could not believe that the suave, stylish polyglot was just what he claimed to be: a hard-living, hard-playing newsman. His undoing came when a traitor in the American embassy reported that he had lent to officials there a copy of an official document, the state budget. Not exactly a secret, but pretext enough to send him to be broken in the AVO's dungeons.


Katharine would unquestionably have denounced him to the Thought Police if she had not happened to be too stupid to detect the unorthodoxy of his opinions.


So why not unveil them, I have to say that's due to the biased viewpoint of western peoples.


Yikes. I'll leave that peach for someone else.


And your fault for not ratting him out while the patient was still alive.


In a free, democratic country, posties can blow anywhistle they like within the rule of law, and Peters is entitled tobe as obnoxious as he likes, again within the law.


更多网络解释与不揭发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

said he was going to put the kibosh on Alex's creative accounting:他说要揭发亚历克斯造假账的事

Paul told Marlon what he'd discovered,|保罗告诉了马龙他... | said he was going to put the kibosh on Alex's creative accounting.|他说要揭发亚历克斯造假账的事 | Marlon couldn't have that.|马龙不能让这种事...

lay bare:暴露; 揭发; 摊开

have no use for: 不需要; [喻] 对...不耐烦; 厌恶; 不喜欢 | lay bare: 暴露; 揭发; 摊开 | lay about: 努力干; 做准备


[大公网讯]丰田汽车日前针对美国广播公司(ABC)先前报导丰田轿车因电子系统缺陷而引发的暴冲问题,指控报导内容不实,发函要求美国广播公司撤销报导并公开道歉. 根据报导,美国广播公司播放的实验内容短片里,有关转速计(tachometer)影像经丰田汽车方面揭发是事后插入的合成映像,并非原本实验内容的母带.


二年的>(Unfaithful),李察基尔饰演被妻子背叛的丈夫,最后揭发妻子的奸情,他一怒之下将奸夫杀掉. 这个角色的个性比>更加阴沉,而且有点像性格分裂的双面人:平时是好好先生,发怒时却变成杀人凶手.

relevation:揭露 被揭发的事

frivolous 不重要 不必要 轻浮愚蠢的 | relevation 揭露 被揭发的事 | questionable 可疑的 有疑问的

lay about:努力干; 做准备

have no use for: 不需要; [喻] 对...不耐烦; 厌恶; 不喜欢 | lay bare: 暴露; 揭发; 摊开 | lay about: 努力干; 做准备