英语人>词典>汉英 : 不愿 的英文翻译,例句
不愿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hate  ·  nill  ·  refuse  ·  reluctance  ·  reluctancy  ·  refusing  ·  hated  ·  hates  ·  hating  ·  nilled  ·  nilling  ·  nills  ·  refused  ·  refuses

be disclined
更多网络例句与不愿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is more ,while England itself substituted for those forms of recourse a procedure of appeal in the nineteenth century ,reserving a procedure analogous to cassation for limited class of case including , most importantly, recourse against the decisions of administrative authorities or tribunals ,in the United States of America the older English forms of recourse-including what is actually now called an 'appeal'to a 'Court of Appeals'-have been developed rather than replaced:for the purposes of this chapter ,therefore ,the American appeal is treated as a form of cassation rather than of appeal.

更多是什么,当英国本身在十九世纪中为依赖的那些表格替换了一个诉愿的程序时候,保留为最重要地包括对抗管理主管当局的决定的依赖或者法官席的情形的有限制班级就像是毁弃的一个程序,在美国的美国依赖的较年长的英文表格-包括什么现在实际上被称为'appeal'to 一'诉愿法院的-已经被发展而不愿代替了:为了这一个章节,因此,美国诉愿被当做一种毁弃的形式不愿诉愿。

It was stubbornness that made him disregard the warnings of the Young Marshal, Chang Hsueh-liang, that his Manchurian soldiers no longer wanted to fight the Communists, and resulted in his being kidnaped at Sian in 1936; it was ignorant obstinacy that made him countermand General Stilwell's order in 1942 for Chinese troops to evacuate Burma by way of India so that many were lost under the fastnesses of Tibet where they died; it was conceited mulishness that made him go into Manchuria in 1945 against the advice of General Wedemeyer; and finally, it was blind obstinacy and a crazy faith in his own rightness that made him disregard the warnings of his generals that the war could only be settled by political means until in the end politicians refused to head the government, generals refused to take command in the field and foreign powers refused to send him any more aid.


Quench fire; fire won't burn stick; stick won't beat dog; dog won't bite pig; piggy won't get over the stile; and I shan't get home tonight.


He said to himself that that chaste and valiant sword had done well to escape from him, and to depart in wrath into the gloom; that if it had thus fled, it was because it was intelligent and because it had foreseen the future; that it had had a presentiment of this rebellion, the war of the gutters, the war of the pavements, fusillades through cellar-windows, blows given and received in the rear; it was because, coming from Marengo and Friedland, it did not wish to go to the Rue de la Chanvrerie; it was because, after what it had done with the father, it did not wish to do this for the son!


The people of China and of all other countries hate to see any new hot war or cold war or turmoil break out in any part of the world, hate to see any country or group of countries pushing hegemonism and power politics and hate to see any further widening of the development gap between North and South or the gap between the rich and the poor.


My son is now 10 more than a month, just ten months when weaning, weaning the former has so far refused to drink milk do not want to eat, that is, after weaning so that he managed to adapt cattle to drink milk, Abbott has just started to drink 2 Xikang the edge, just a can of ready to finish when a friend heard that Mead Johnson's good, I give him change, but he refused to drink, I think he started is not used to, but more than half a month later is still the same, every time the voice hoarse cry do not want to drink, people are distressed read, but I have tried many ways, such as: let him osmium, for pacifiers, dilute the point, so drink before going to bed..


He has the address of every whorehouse in Paris, and the rates. Even from the ten franc joints he gets his little commission. And he knows the shortest way to any place you want to go. He will ask you first if you want to go by taxi; if you say no, he will suggest the bus, and if that is too high then the streetcar or the metro.


She will not stay the siege of loving terms, nor bide the encounter of assailing eyes, nor ope her lap to saint – seducing gold: O, she is rich in beauty, only poor, that when she dies with beauty dies her store.


I dislike hearing although "明日は来ゐから"is very perfect, for you is a difficulty -- just because the Japanese level didn't enough. I dislike hearing "The Secret Code" was finished when you had a cold. I also dislike hearing because of work you didn't care the illness. I hate when someone had stomached he still say "nothing" then lean against friend's shoulder say "very painful". I want to eternally hear "123, hello everyone, we are ". I want to see wherever you go, you can be prized by another singers. I want to see in the Golden Disk Awards, you hugged on the stage. I like hear you use "Super Mary" or other words to make a noise. But in fact, I really hope 5 persons can gather together and act carefully for us. It beyond all the words and actions. 6 years, TVXQ! hadn't been an easy name any more. It means many movements which can't tell to others.

不愿听《明日再来》即使那么美、完成度那么高,但对你们来说仍是无尽的困难--只因日语水平不够;我不愿听众人肯定的《 Secret Code 》是你们集体感冒时完成的;我也不愿听到因为忙碌感冒发烧也不顾;更不愿听某人犯胃病时硬撑着说没事而后躺在朋友的肩膀上说&真的很痛苦&……我愿听到永不厌倦的&123,大家好,我们是东方神起&;我愿看到何时何地都受前辈爱戴的五个人;我愿看到在金唱片上帅气发言后五人抱在一起时的兄弟情;我还爱看到彼此拿& Super Mary &或用外国问候语相互拌嘴时乱七八糟的模样……我最最期望的是能看到五人同站在舞台上为我们表演,那比任何甜言蜜语、任何撩人的舞步都重要。6年的时间,&东方神起&已不再是一个简单的名字,更多承载的是一些说不清道不明的感动。

I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me.

宁愿 宁愿昂着头,怀着不动摇的信念,抱着对祖国前途的真切信心而死,也不愿不愿在屈从之译文:我宁愿也不愿下背弃神圣的原则而生。

更多网络解释与不愿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

declined comment:不愿置评/拒绝评论

不愿透露姓名did not want to be named???/wanted his name withheld | 不愿置评/拒绝评论declined comment | 不让传媒报道是次军事行动的细节declared a news blackout on details of military operations


disinclination 厌恶 | disincline 不愿 | disinclined 不愿


disincline 不愿 | disinclined 不愿的 | disincorporate 解散法人组织


grudge /吝给/吝啬/不愿给/嫉妒/遗恨/怨恨/恶意/罅/ | grudging /不愿的/勉强的/ | grudgingly /不愿意地/不情愿地/


relogging 回头采 | reluctancy 不愿 | reluctate 表示不愿

An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded:寧愿身有残缺不愿心灵堕落

A small mind is a tidy mind. 开放的心灵是没有门... | An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. 寧愿身有残缺不愿心灵堕落. | Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 希望...

this girl he was going steady with. But l wouldn't, l wouldn't hear of it:那个一直和他在一起的女孩. 但是我不愿他这么做,我不愿听到这些

And l think Bobby really li... | this girl he was going steady with. But l wouldn't, l wouldn't hear of it.|那个一直和他在一起的女孩. 但是我不愿他这么做,我不愿听到这些. | ltwasjustwhat itwas, you kno...

A galled horse will not endure the comb. (EP):马儿受伤,不愿梳洗. (英谚)(注:指感情受到伤害的人不愿别人帮助. )

A gallant man needs no drums to rouse him.... | A galled horse will not endure the comb. (EP) 马儿受伤,不愿梳洗. (英谚)(注:指感情受到伤害的人不愿别人帮助. ) | A gift in the hand is better than two prom...

A gloved cat catches no mice:戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠.(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业

A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠.(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业.) | When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. ... | Who will bell the cat? 谁去给猫系铃铛?(谁愿...

Helen prefers going by train to flying:海伦宁愿乘火车而不愿乘飞机

I prefer country life to city life. 我喜欢农村生活胜过城市... | Helen prefers going by train to flying. 海伦宁愿乘火车而不愿乘飞机. | Helen prefers to go by train rather than to fly. 海伦不愿乘飞机而愿...