英语人>词典>汉英 : 不得其所 的英文翻译,例句
不得其所 的英文翻译、例句


be out of one's element · be in the wrong box
更多网络例句与不得其所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The student then replied,"Okay. I'd tell him 'I hereby give and convey to you all and singular, my estate and interests, rights, claim, title, claim and advantages of and in, said orange, together with all its rind, juice, pulp, and seeds, and all rights and advantages with full power to bite, cut, freeze and otherwise eat, the same, or give the same away with and without the pulp, juice, rind and seeds, anything herein before or hereinafter or in any deed, or deeds, instruments of whatever nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding...'"


Therefore, the phrase means someone that in a situation that they might be unsuitable for, feel uncomfortable in, or be unaccustomed to.

"离开鱼的水"一定是不舒服的,a fish out of water就是那些不得其所,在所处的环境中感到不习惯,不自在的人。

Theref ore, the phrase means someone that in a situation that they might be unsuitable for, feel uncomfortable in, or be unaccustomed to.

"离开鱼的水"一定是不舒服的,a fish out of water 就是那些不得其所,在所处的环境中感到不习惯,不自在的人。

That city slicker is out of his element out on the farm.


That city slicker was out of his element out on the farm.


If the Indemnifying Party does not notify the Indemnitee within sixty (60) Business Days after its receipt of such notice that the Indemnifying Party disputes its liability to the Indemnitee under Section 6.1 or 6.2, such claim specified by the Indemnitee in such notice shall be conclusively deemed a liability of the Indemnifying Party under section 6.1 or 6.2 and the Indemnifying Party shall pay the amount of such liability to the Indemnitee on demand or, in the case of any notice in which the amount of the claim is estimated, on such later date when the amount of such claim becomes finally determined.


He is the proverbial square peg in a round hole.


In the time of be in power of that seigniory power, he resents to have the capacity of the title in vain at oneself, try to change and do not get its place, often be contrary to with the presbyterial opinion photograph in cabinet consequently.


The student then replied,"Okay. I'd tell him 'I hereby give and convey to you all and singular, my estate and interests, rights, claim, title, claim and advantages of and in, said orange, together with all its rind, juice, pulp, and seeds, and all rights and advantages with full power to bite, cut, freeze and otherwise eat, the same, or give the same away with and without the pulp, juice, rind and seeds, anything herein before or hereinafter or in any deed, or deeds, instruments of whatever nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding...'"


A clerk shall not be amerced in respect of his lay holding except after the manner of the others aforesaid; further, he shall not be amerced in accordance with the extent of his ecclesiastical benefice.


更多网络解释与不得其所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be out of order:发生故障,失调

be out of date过期 | be out of order发生故障,失调 | be out of place不得其所的,不适当的

a bird of passage:候鸟 //一只鸟

5.a bed of roses 安乐窝 /事事称心如意 | 6.a bird of passage 候鸟 /一只鸟 | 7.a fish out of water 不得其所的人/一条离开水的鱼

flog a dead horse:徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的议论

38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应. | 39. flog a dead horse.徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的议论. | 40. fly in the face of 公然违抗;悍然不顾.

fish out of water:离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应

37. fine feathers make fine birds.人配衣裳,马配鞍;(讽刺)好的衣裳只能打扮出一个好的外... | 38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应. | 39. flog a dead horse.徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的议...

a fish out of water:离水的鱼, 不得其所的人

a fish out of water 离水的鱼, 不得其所的人 | All is fish that comes to his net. 到手的都要; 来者不拒. | April fish [谑]愚人节的受愚弄者

in embryo:萌芽的,未发展的,在筹划中的

out of one's element不适应,不得其所 | in embryo萌芽的,未发展的,在筹划中的 | from end to end最终,结果

in the wrong box:不得其所, 搞错地方, 处于窘境

in the same box 处于同样的困境, 处于同一地位 | in the wrong box 不得其所, 搞错地方, 处于窘境 | jury box 陪审席

out of place:不得其所的,不适当的

in the last place 最后 | out of place 不得其所的,不适当的 | take place 发生,进行

be out of place:不得其所的,不适当的

be out of order发生故障,失调 | be out of place不得其所的,不适当的 | be out of practice久不练习,荒疏

Idioms38. fish out of water:离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应

37. fine feathers make fine birds.人配衣裳,马配鞍;(讽刺)好的衣裳只能打扮出一个... | 2. Idioms38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应. | 39. flog a dead horse.徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的...