英语人>词典>汉英 : 不应计的 的英文翻译,例句
不应计的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不应计的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The opportunity factors of earnings management are accruals accounting, accounting rules' faultiness and asymmetric information.


The total price of a bond less accrued interest.


Except for any items for which the daywork schedule specifies that payment is not due, the Contractor shall deliver each day to the Employer accurate statements in duplicate which shall include the following details of the resources used in executing the previous day's work


The minimum requirement for sensitivity shall be such that a succession of not less than 20 breakdowns of the spark gap shall cause the fault indicator to register neither more nor less than one cunt per breakdown when the spark gap is open and is of the length shown above, with the current limiting impedance in series with the gap.


The minimum requirement for sensitivity shall be such that a succession of not less than 20 breakdowns of the spark gap shall cause the fault indicator to register neither more nor less than one count per breakdown when the spark gap is open and of the length shown above, with the current limiting impedance in series with the gap.


The minimum requirement for sensitivity shall be such that a succession of not less than 20 breakdowns of the spark gap shall cause the fault indicator to register neither more nor less than one cunt per breakdown when the spark gap is open and is of the length shown above, with the current limiting impedancein series with the gap.


The minimum requirement for sensitivity shall be such that a succession of not less than 20 breakdowns of the spark gap shall cause the fault indicator to register neither more nor less than one count per breakdown when the spark gap is open and of the length shown above, with the current limiting impedancein series with the gap.


You shouldn't underestimate the risk s of the enterprise.


The performance of sacrifice which is executed according to the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures by those not hankering for fruitive rewords, with the firm conviction that it is a matter of one's duty to do is in the nature of goodness.


For the remainder of the burn period the calorimeters shall maintain a minimum average temperature of 1,200°F(650°C) and none of the calorimeters shall have a temperature less than 1,050°F (565°C).


更多网络解释与不应计的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accrual Basis:应计制

具体步骤可以稳妥,先从现金制(Cash Basis)发展到修正的现金制(Modified Cash Basis)再到应计制(Accrual Basis). 将以现金制为基础的账簿记录中已不能直接反映经济业务的项目,部分的、有限制的引入权责制,即修正的现金制. 如设立"应付利息"账户,


PSNB反映在应计(accrual)基础上,英国公共部门入不敷出的幅度. 与反映现金基础上的政府收支短差(PSNCR)相较,PSNB的波动性较低,是政府较为...摘要: 利率并非固定不变的债务. 此类债务的利率与某一变动的基准利率--如国库券收益率或伦敦银行同业拆息(LIBOR)挂钩. ...

Accrued interest:应计利息

全价交易是指债券价格中将应计利息(Accrued interest)包含在内的债券交易方式,其中应计利息是指从上次付息日到购买日债券的利息. 净价交易是以不含利息的价格进行的交易,这种交易方式是将债券的报价与应计利息分解,价格只反应本金市值的变化,


防御者应不计任何损失守住阵地,并发动反击(counterstrike)或反攻(counterattack)夺回失地. (在这里,反击指由有预备队的附属部队发动的进攻,没有炮火掩护,发动的速度越快越好,而反攻通常是有准备和支持的. ) 防御的纵深由前哨、前部要点和主防线组成.

Dirty price:脏价--- [债市] 指债券不包括应计利息的现值

Directors' undertakings 董事承诺 | Dirty price 脏价--- [债市] 指债券不包括应计利息的现值. | Disclosure 信息披露


却对可忽略性的规定增加了新的数量和时间限制:可以忽略的倾销进口产品必须是在提起反倾销诉讼之日起的12个月的时间之内进口的;在计算所有的进口产品数量的时候,那些被裁定没有构成倾销的国家的进口产品数量不被计算在内. (33)相对于守则中通常(normally)应被认作是可以忽略不计的规定,

Objectivity rule:客观原则

在对一些问题持怀疑态度时,会计师要恪守客观原则(Objectivity rule).一笔交易必须要有足够 的可以查证的证据说明,否则就不应记录在案. 例如, 竞选公务员职位形成的信誉就不能计在帐上. 试问, 这种价值该计做多少?

Nosocomial Infections:(医院内感染)

医院内感染(nosocomial infections)为病人在住院期间发生的感染. 住院前获得的感染、住院时正值潜伏期或于住院后发病者不能作为医院内感染;反之,住院期内获得的感染,出院后才发病者,应作医院内感染计. 新生儿通过产道时发生的感染,如B组链球菌感染,

semispinalis capitis:头半棘肌

最终pH值适用于测定DFD肉,测定部位以头半棘肌(semispinalis capitis)为宜. 与反刍动物比较,猪较少发生DFD肉. 3.2.4 测定方法:按照pH计使用说明进行操作. 电极直接插入胴体指定部位背最长肌的中部刺孔中. 若插入剥离的肉样中,深度应不小于1cm,

nenrenewal penalties:期末若不留购或不续租时的罚金

不同的产品 separate products | (期末若)不留购或不续租(时的)罚金 nenrenewal penalties | 不应计的状态 non-accrual status