英语人>词典>汉英 : 不妨 的英文翻译,例句
不妨 的英文翻译、例句


may as well · might as well · there is no harm in · it would be well if ...
更多网络例句与不妨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So when you've completed a short or long-term goal, give yourself a pat on the back.


I hoped they was going to say he could have one or two of the chains took off, because they was rotten heavy, or could have meat and greens with his bread and water; but they didn't think of it, and I reckoned it warn't best for me to mix in, but I judged I'd get the doctor's yarn to Aunt Sally somehow or other as soon as I'd got through the breakers that was laying just ahead of me -- explanations, I mean, of how I forgot to mention about Sid being shot when I was telling how him and me put in that dratted night paddling around hunting the runaway nigger.


In General, fault detection order is left to the operator of the ancient, just enter the perimeter of a Nano-imprint lithography drum, and select the appropriate xtb, will be able to clearly observe the image, and then the system will automatically also the image is stored in the computer's memory as the primary image.


Even in a climate of corporate cost-cutting, Oldfield's company (she prefers that it remain unidentified) and many other New Economy survivors continue to invest money in training sessions that do not involve blackboards, computers or conference rooms.


Narrow Web business card printing and membership card making machine manufacturers are working very hard for cards and membership cards to producers so that they develop and establish a specific market business card printing and membership card-making machine, such as to be able to business card printing and membership card production with high added value's trademarks, labels, lottery, scratcher and laminating, cutting, drilling, hot pressure type business card printing and membership card-making machine.


How are you to think of the small bands of Illini, Ottawas, Cahokians, Shawnee, Miamis who camped in the turkey grass, and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississippi and found them.


He said:" we are able to take full advantage of their expertise, as well as reliable feedback so that we can have a clear understanding of a range of technical possibilities and how to take full advantage of Sleever systems."


Trees do not grow into a towering Dongliangzhicai, it may do for the youth presented a trace of a grass green; not like the sea with an open heart to embrace hundreds of rivers, we might do a small stream to foster our land Pengshang mannose; days can not be of pride, we might do a little-known worker for our education, and quietly do what it should do.


With the HP Designjet 5a HPDesignjet5500 the same technology platform, offering as HP Designjet 5500 as mature-performance, high reliability and ease of use, make sure your enterprise to take advantage of the well-proven platform of increased.

HP Designjet 5100不扎取与HPDesignjet5500不异的技艺平台,因而不妨像HP Designjet 5500不同具有老练的本能机能、矮靠得住性和易用性,包管企业不妨充足诳骗这一久经验证的平台达本钱钱的提矮。

Miamis who camped in the turkey grass, and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississippi and found them.


更多网络解释与不妨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As well:也,同样,不妨

as well as 既...又;除...之外 | as well 也,同样,不妨 | as well 也,又

may as well:还不如,不妨

marvel at 惊奇(异) | may as well 还不如,不妨 | may as well 还是...的好

may as well:最好,不妨

no matter 无论(...),不管(...) . | may as well 最好,不妨 . | by all means 尽一切办法;一定 .

might as well:不妨

367. meet one's needs满足要求 | 368. might as well不妨 | 369. mistake a for b 认错

might as well:不妨,倒不如

midterm exam 期中考试 | might as well 不妨,倒不如 | might at least 至少

could as well:不妨,还不如,最好

188corruptionn. 腐败,堕落,贪污 | 189could as well不妨,还不如,最好 | 190could not very well不好

could as well You may as well wait upstairs:你不妨在楼上等一下

▲may as well不妨 | ▲could as well You may as well wait upstairs. 你不妨在楼上等一下. | You might as well stay with us here. 您不妨和我们一起待在这儿.

If you can, check out the Marin County Arts Fair:有机会不妨造访马林郡艺术节

If you can, check out the Marin County Arts Fair.|有机会不妨造访马林郡艺术节 | It'll be going on through Thanks giving.|活动将... | Well, nothing's changed. We've got fog in the East Bay...|天气没有变化...

for what it is worth:(真伪未明但)不妨暂时这样说(听, 看)

whammy晦气,剧烈的打击 | 9 for what it is worth(真伪未明但)不妨暂时这样说(听, 看) | or what(用于问句后),还有别的么?

In a manner of speaking:不妨这么说吧

4. So to speak. 可以那么说. | 5. In a manner of speaking. 不妨这么说吧. | 6. I suppose so. 我想是这样吧.