英语人>词典>汉英 : 不好过 的英文翻译,例句
不好过 的英文翻译、例句


not well
更多网络例句与不好过相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No, it's not just you. My 30th birthday sure wasn't much fun.


The new secretary found working under him a real baptism of fire.


These were difficult times for Mr. Budd, and he was attracted by any opportunity of making money.


Budd, and he was attracted by any opportunity of making money.


I am sorry to say that Peter was not very well during the evening.His mother put him to bed, andmade some camomile tea; and she


""We've had a tough time here," said Sean Connolly, owner of the Eatery Restaurant and bar."


From now on I will not look the South Korean television does not buy the Han domestic products not to listen to the Han national anthem not to go to the South Korean Enterprise work to see South Korean not him If surpasses 1/3 South Korean such to think that I such do Did not have the Chinese South Korean to have nothing to eat the grass their American's running dog grass you to lull the North Korean nationality the shame to lose face to the person of Asian descent from the thinking matter's comedian clown Above me said the words are aim at the South Korean anti-Chinese chop suey to say are not aim at all South Korean I to believe that South Korea has understood in the middle of China's South Korean's Chinese also has did not understand affair's person key is needs to think this country how the leader is educates own national, despises The US government grass you to lull them askewly chirp should not be intensely the mule is the horse do take in there slides, if you dared to meddle the Chinese internal affairs labor to be killed by explosion your grass with the nuclear bomb you to let us not be able to live we also to let you not feel better fight in which both sides perish Does your mother


The high rate of unemployment is make many families feel the pinch .


The high rate of unemployment is making many families feel the pinch.


The high rate of unemployment makes many families feel the pinch .


更多网络解释与不好过相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

complain about my family all afternoon. oh,look,i know it's hard right now:抱怨了一下午我家里的事 - 噢 我明白的 现在很不好过

well, thanks for listeni... | complain about my family all afternoon. oh,look,i know it's hard right now...|- 抱怨了一下午我家里的事 - 噢 我明白的 现在很不好过 | (cell phone ringing) but your family's ...

All Leno could do was coyly remark, "Geez what a tough room:雷诺只能羞愧地表示:"天啊,坐在这儿可真不好过

雷诺只能羞愧地表示:"天啊,坐在这儿可真不好过!" All Leno could do was coyly remark, "Geez what a tough room." | authoritative 有权威的 | barb 尖刻的话

Old Fashioned:古典

据说在美国,诸如"边车"(Sidecar)、"古典"(Old Fashioned)及"曼哈顿"(Manhattan)等经典鸡尾酒重新流行,令人回味起二战前的禁酒时期及大萧条时代. "日子不好过的时候,大家开始追忆似水流年. "

I have with you:我和你拥有的

I'll spend all the time 我会用我所有的时间 | I have with you 我和你拥有的 | I'd never treat you bad 我从来没有对你不好过

in hot pursuit:紧随其后,穷追不舍

*hotly disputed 有激烈争议的 | in hot pursuit 紧随其后,穷追不舍 | *make it hot for 使(某人)难以应付,让(某人)日子不好过


我正在学习安排一个"放松"(Relax)的生活. 虽然我缺少物质,不无后顾之忧,但是我知道吾生亦有涯,而快乐更有涯. 最近和妻子常常谈到,老人的日子是不好过的,当我们和老人家一起时,我们知道"老而使人厌烦"的道理,


据说在美国,诸如"边车"(Sidecar)、"古典"(Old Fashioned)及"曼哈顿"(Manhattan)等经典鸡尾酒重新流行,令人回味起二战前的禁酒时期及大萧条时代. "日子不好过的时候,大家开始追忆似水流年. "



Now is now. I know it's a hell of a thing|to break back in on:现在是现在,我知道如今回来很不好过

Forget Mott Haven, all that s... | Now is now. I know it's a hell of a thing|to break back in on...|现在是现在,我知道如今回来很不好过... | ...but you worked those streets. You know|the neighborhoods up...

We'll kick their wetback ass in every jail in the state:在本州的每座监狱, 这些墨西哥鬼的日子都会不好过

They fuck with us, they got problems in the jails.|他... | We'll kick their wetback ass in every jail in the state.|在本州的每座监狱, 这些墨西哥鬼的日子都会不好过 | It's like an insurance policy for 'em...