英语人>词典>汉英 : 不夸大的 的英文翻译,例句
不夸大的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sober  ·  soberer  ·  sobered  ·  sobers

更多网络例句与不夸大的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, I would agree with you that things should not be blown out of proportion for hero-worship and to attack the C.O.


He is fond of using high-sounding phrases .


Survey shows that the real estate industry is a major means of tax evasion: individual real estate enterprises to take advantage of off-the-books, accounting, false invoices for the apparent increase of tax evasion; part of the real estate business to avoid tax regulation, does not accurately pre - pay corporate income taxes; own Jian'an inflated costs, the cost ratio does not follow the principle of carry-over, corporate profits as the year in advance the size of carry-over costs, man-made regulation of profits, corporate income tax evasion; together to build the party issuing false invoices, the expansion of another party development costs, the transfer of profits, corporate income tax evasion; advance purchase transactions shall be pegged not to declare their taxable accounts, low-priced sale of product development, drilling policies do not take advantage of value-added tax timely clearing of land; sales garage, storage room through the non-Non-invoiced transfer income, tax evasion related taxes; way to reduce the recording of non-existent staff made售房sales royalty income, personal income tax evasion; with branches or associated enterprises business is not a normal transaction between independent enterprises, and through cross-cutting shared billing or concealed operating items, operating income to conceal tax evasion; bank into the personal housing mortgage loans credited to the "short-term borrowing" subjects, the transfer of income, tax evasion business tax, land value-added tax and enterprise income tax; will develop products for their own use, foreign donations, to cover the debt in exchange for non-monetary assets are not regarded as sales in accordance with the regulations and carry-over income, tax evasion related taxes.


But some people can exaggerate privacy, boast or show off insalubrious privacy intentionally, it is problem of a kind of psychology.


Thus, pretax income inequality will be artificially high and the reduction in inequality also exaggerated.


Chapter3, first of all, sums up the theories concerning about ideology control since the founding of People's republic and clarifies the disputes between various theories. It holds the point that the attitude to trivialize or overemphasize is wrong , neither of which is advisable. On the issue of ideology control,both the extreme and conservative ways should be abandoned. Instead, we should stick to the principle of moderation, which requires us neither to go back to the old way of class struggle nor to exaggerate the pursuit of democracy and freedom.


Rather than deconstruct our culture's romanticized vision of Dillinger as a handsome populist hero, Mann adds to the gangster's puffed-up Robin Hood image, photographing Depp lovingly at every turn and filling the story with unsubtle nods to the character's altruistic side. It's a missed opportunity.

Mann不去解构我们文化中夸大潇洒的平民英雄Dillinger的观点,而是去加深黑帮分子神气十足的Robin Hood式的形象,在每一个环节都把Depp拍得很可爱,不小心地使故事填充着不细致的错误,这些错误就是描写Dillinger利他主义方面。

Peasants who suffered unreasonable deprivation would allege even exaggerate irrationality of the treatment in order to endow legitimacy with his incompliance. And if this treatment had no validity, he may also threat prosecuting or finally indicting his antagonist ,this means will give him great courage in the game. The effect of this strategy also lies on the type of the antagonist. Whether he takes law as a weapon or not in the dispute is decided by cost calculation of this means.


This entry was posted on Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 3:47 pm and is filed under Uncategorized .


However, I would agree with you that things should not be blown out of proportion for hero-worship and to attack the C.O.


更多网络解释与不夸大的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(二)酒中毒(alcoholism) 在急性酒中毒患者中,由于一次大量饮酒,患者表现为一种特殊的兴奋状态,情绪易激惹和不稳定,言语增多,重复,有夸大成份,有时对平时不满意的事,大声辱骂,有攻击行为;此时口齿不清,手唇震颤,走路不稳,并面部潮红,

request anonymity:不愿公开姓名

4. slender straw 细微的征兆,微弱的迹象 | request anonymity 不愿公开姓名 | 5. exaggerate the woes 夸大苦难

bombastic; inflated:夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的

unrequited ADJ. 不报答的,不回应的 not reciprocated. | stilted ADJ. 夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的 bombastic; inflated. | unwarranted ADJ. 莫名其妙的;没来由的;冤枉的 unjustified; groundless; undeserve...


米勒(John Mueller)指出,执法机构的确挫败了一系列恐怖阴谋,但这并不意味着美国国内有"数不清"(countless)的恐怖组织在策划阴谋,美国本土伊斯兰极端分子所构成的威胁实际上被夸大了.

grandeur delusion:夸大妄想

否则经常沉湎于幻想中,而使"现实"与"幻想"混淆不清时,会显现出歇斯底里(hysterical neurosis)与夸大妄想(grandeur delusion)般的症状. 如,有一位学校临时约聘的技工,最近因参加技术检验考试,没有通过,而较之同时一起被学校约聘的其他两位技工,


英国广播公司电视节目>(Horizon)调查了一些言词夸大的大化妆品品牌后,向观众报告说,真的有一种产品功效毫不夸大,价格也不昂贵. 节目播出后第二天,原价约三十三美元的博姿(Boots)抗皱精华乳霜(No.7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum)在英国各主要城市销售一空.


)弗莱的说法未必十分确切,因为故意把话说过头的"夸大陈述"(overstatement)也可造成不可靠的叙述,也可形成反讽. 但弗莱看到了反讽与主体精神有关. 就此来说,反讽的创造与欣赏确实不完全是语言修辞性的讽刺、悖论所能涵盖的,

roll back:击退

米国再去为了被夸大的危险作出错误的策略是非常不值的.在50年代,Dwight Eisenhower因为倾向於包容共产主义而不是击退(roll back)它(McCarthyism)火上加油,


两千多年前,塞涅卡(Seneca)就指出,辩护律师是社会不正义的帮凶, 他们猖狂扼杀社会正义". 柏拉图则谴责他们是"卑微恶毒的小人". 在这种历史背景下,对律师行业的批判很容易被误认为老生常谈. 我们既不能过分夸大最近这些批判言论的新颖性,

not reciprocated:不报答的,不回应的

dispirited ADJ. 没情绪的,沮丧的 lacking in spirit. | unrequited ADJ. 不报答的,不回应的 not reciprocated. | stilted ADJ. 夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的 bombastic; inflated.