英语人>词典>汉英 : 不在规定的过程中 的英文翻译,例句
不在规定的过程中 的英文翻译、例句


off course
更多网络例句与不在规定的过程中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xu Ting is very clear when taking money its are not had overdraw functional bank has more than yuan 170 only on card, the input when he takes a money for the first time takes an instruction 1000 yuan pure belong to innocently, after be being buckled 1 yuan, his much 999 yuan are belonged to civil those who go up is undeserved benefit; But, he knows perfectly well these 999 yuan not only later is not he deserved belongings will still its glom on to, and the identifying that uses an ATM is wrong, occupy promising purpose to be inputted intentionally 170 times continuously again with ill will exceed its the instruction ill will of amount of real bank savings takes a money, its behavior is belonged to trade by the contract the crime that behavior derives, accord with " criminal law " the 224th of the 5th regulation " it is a purpose with detinue, in sign, in fulfilling contract process, with property of the opposing party of other method diddle " of contract crime of fraud make important document.


In the case of convents in university towns, especially Paris and the Roman Curia the nomination belonged to the general or the general chapter; and there appears to have been an unwritten law that at Cambridge, Louvain, and other universities the priorship should be filled by the bachelor who in the course of the year was to take his degree as Master in Divinity.


A separate corporate personality is required upon the incorporation of a company and the entity should not be disregarded for a failure to comply with mandatory or prohibitory provisions in the process of the company's formation. Therefore, in modern company law, there is no room for void incorporation.


A separate corporate personality is required upon the incorporation of a company and the entity should not he disregarded for a failure to comply with mandatory or prohibitory provisions in the process of the company's formation.Therefore,in modern company law,there is no room for void incorporation.


But the tone of the narrative makes it at least possible that there are was not really anything unusual in the method of his cremation; and that the elaborate rites prescribed in the Brahmanical books for use at a funeral were not, in practice, observed in the case of the death of any person other than a wealthy Brahman, or some layman of rank who was a devoted adherent of the Brahmans.


A merge-split algorithm based on study property of neural net and sum aggregate is presented. Its merit is that its merge is disconnected a little and freedom satisfies the adaptability, and it is realized during learning rather than stipulating in advance. Furthermore, the method of fitting edge of uncontinuous image with neural net is given. The method can carry on the fit at self-learning, using its learning function fully under the circumstances without the mathematical function form of edge.


Xu Ting is very clear when taking money its are not had overdraw functional bank has more than yuan 170 only on card, the input when he takes a money for the first time takes an instruction 1000 yuan pure belong to innocently, after be being buckled 1 yuan, his much 999 yuan are belonged to civil those who go up is undeserved benefit; But, he knows perfectly well these 999 yuan not only later is not he deserved belongings will still its glom on to, and the identifying that uses an ATM is wrong, occupy promising purpose to be inputted intentionally 170 times continuously again with ill will exceed its the instruction ill will of amount of real bank savings takes a money, its behavior is belonged to trade by the contract the crime that behavior derives, accord with " criminal law " the 224th of the 5th regulation " it is a purpose with detinue, in sign, in fulfilling contract process, with property of the opposing party of other method diddle " of contract crime of fraud make important document.


The clear intent of this provision—and this is true in the House bill as well—is not so much to end the Iraq war but to return to the course that US commanders were taking late last year, before Bush ordered the "surge" in force levels and shifted to a more active counterinsurgency plan.


The clear intent of this provision—and this is true in the House bill as well—is not so much to end the Iraq war but to return to the course that US commanders were taking late last year, before Bush ordered the "surge" in force levels and shifted to a more active counterinsurgency plan.


In the case of convents in university towns, especially Paris and the Roman Curia the nomination belonged to the general or the general chapter; and there appears to have been an unwritten law that at Cambridge, Louvain, and other universities the priorship should be filled by the bachelor who in the course of the year was to take his degree as Master in Divinity.


更多网络解释与不在规定的过程中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


法案要求必须是的真的(bona fide)非营利性的教育机构始能援用合理使用的免责规定,而假的(bogus)教育机构则不能用合理使用的规定.在数位传输的过程中产生短暂的重制物或录音物可以免责.例如:在伺服器上的快取(cache),

deposited metal:熔敷金属

这是由于钢材在热轧后的冷却过程中发生相变时铁素体...熔敷金属(deposited metal) 完全由填充金属熔化后所形成的焊缝金属,它不含母材成分. 熔敷金属是按标准规定在留有大间隙(13mm)的对接坡口中焊成的,坡口型式如图所示.


2.不依从(noncompliance) 是指研究对象在实验过程中,不遵守规定的实验要求. 如果实验组的成员不遵守干预规程,相当于退出实验组;对照组的成员不遵守对照规程,而擅自接受干预规程,相当于加入实验组. 3.失访(loss of follow up) 是指在实验过程中,

physical assets:有形资产

>中把 RCM 定义为:确定有形资产在其使用背景下维修需求的 一种过程.从其定义可以看出 RCM 的适用对象为有形资产(physical assets)而 不是传统 RCM 规定的大型复杂系统或设备.这里有形资产主要是相对于无形资产(资金或软件)而言,


人民不要政府去管制(regulate)他们的私人事务(private concerns), 或在他们的产业事务中规定(prescribe)过程和给予利润(mete out the profits). 保护他们的人身(persons)和财产,其余之事他们自己都能搞定不需要政府为其操心.

original writ:起始令状

因为诉讼的开始需要某一既存的起始令状(original writ)的诉讼程序. 但是,在国王和地方贵族争夺司法权力的过程中,最终达成了一种妥协:1258年地方贵族迫使国王签订了>(Oxford Provision),规定未经国会允许,国王不能颁布新的令状,

natural calamities:灾害

若保险货物在运输过程中发生承保责任范围内的损失,承保人应按照其出具保险单的规定给予投保人经济上的补偿. 自然灾害(Natural Calamities)是指不以人的意志为转移的、人类不可抗拒的非一般自然力量所造成的灾害,例如恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、洪水、等.