英语人>词典>汉英 : 不同的 的英文翻译,例句
不同的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
another  ·  different  ·  disparate  ·  dissimilar  ·  distinct  ·  divers  ·  diverse  ·  nother  ·  unlike  ·  variant  ·  varied  ·  various  ·  othergates  ·  vari  ·  distrinct

更多网络例句与不同的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boorstin的The Discoverers和Charles Van Doren的A History of Knowledge.


"Conclude"的同义词有:accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, clinch, confirm, decide, determine, effect, establish, fix, pull off, resolve, rule, work out " greatly "的同义词有: abundantly, by much, conspicuously, eminently, emphatically, enormously, exceedingly, exceptionally, extremely, famously, glaringly, highly, hugely, immeasurably, immensely, incalculably, incomparably, incredibly, indeed, infinitely, inimitably, intensely, largely, markedly, mightily, most, much, notably, powerfully, remarkably, strikingly, superlatively, supremely, surpassingly, tremendously, vastly, very, very much


I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two 的 directions at once.


We can see that market segments and niches can be identified by applying successive连续的) variables to subdivide a market.


Grill 一词的义项之一是; a square or rectangular uninked pattern on a postage stamp (as on a United States 1867-71 issue) composed of rows of raised or sunken pyramidal bosses w...


If , after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a party's economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party…本例中的thereof

如果本协议签署之后,中国国家,省,市或地方政府通过任何新的法律,法规,法令或条例,修改或废除任何法律,法规,法令或条例的任何条款,或对任何法律,法规,法令或条 4 例给予不同的解释或采取不同的实施办法,导致与本协议相冲突,或对一方在本协议项下的经济利益造成实质性的不利影响,受影响的一方经书面通知另一方后……课后练习:课后练习:下面对中国合同法中的两句译得不是很到位,请尝试用古旧副词对其加以改造: 1。

Websters Third New International Dictionary (1981)下的定义为: The humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or application of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings: a play on words.


CATCHING A RIDE \ 搭车的羊 Sheep farmer Nick Honig, unseen, transports his sheep with a moped because he says his land is too large to move them around otherwise.

牧羊人霍尼格(Nick Honig,不在图中)用一辆电动自行车运送一只羊。他说草场太大了,必须藉助交通工具才能把羊带到不同的地方。

Tiff:的TIFF: My sansa fuze used to work now i tried it on alost every computer and tried different USB cords but ...


The Ouroboros connects the Above and Below大毒蛇的连结:上面和下面 Born from this symbolic notion, there are many different cultures which share this great dragon-serpent symbol (the serpent Jormungandr, from the myth of Yggdrasil, is just one).


更多网络解释与不同的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at one time with another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one and the same time 在同时; 一面...一面又

at one time and another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度 同时 | at one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期

emotionally different:(在情绪方面不同的,即精神失常的)

cosmetically different (在美容方面不同的,即丑陋的) | emotionally different (在情绪方面不同的,即精神失常的) | metabolically different (新陈代谢方面不同的,即已死的)

in different ways:以不同的方式,用不同的方式

443. in all 总共 | 444. in different ways 以不同的方式,用不同的方式 | 445. in the same way 同样的,以同样的方法

Kristen Bell:妆容基本没有变化,头发的不同LOOK打造不同的时尚效果

Kristen Stewart,上眼皮深色眼影是双目更有神. | Kristen Bell,妆容基本没有变化,头发的不同LOOK打造不同的时尚效果. | Lauren Conrad,也是妆容基本没有变化,盘发显活泼,散发更妩媚.

one time and another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度 同时 | one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期

lobed:裂葉 各種深淺不同的裂片有不同的名稱

lithocysts 鐘乳石細胞 含碳酸鈣結晶鐘乳石的細胞 | lobed 裂葉 各種深淺不同的裂片有不同的名稱 | locule 心室 含胚珠的腔室

different cliques:同一所学校 不同年级 不同的圈子 任何事情都不同

Maybe they sniffed disulfoton to... | Same school, different grades, different cliques, different everything.|同一所学校 不同年级 不同的圈子 任何事情都不同 | They managed to get poisoned together. They...

Extrema Ratio:不同的时代有不同的审美标准,现在叫酷

Emerson:全龙骨是PUK给我留下的最深的、唯一的印象 | Extrema Ratio:不同的时代有不同的审美标准,现在叫酷 | Fallkniven:身体结实,相貌平平

metabolically different:(新陈代谢方面不同的,即已死的)

emotionally different (在情绪方面不同的,即精神失常的) | metabolically different (新陈代谢方面不同的,即已死的) | morally different (道德方面不同的,即不诚实的,不道德的)