英语人>词典>汉英 : 不可微分的 的英文翻译,例句
不可微分的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与不可微分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Instead of Gronwall\'s inequality,the non-linear Bihari inequality is crutial in dealing with the non-Lipschitz equations.Moreover,we emphasize that the dominating functions in non-Lipschitz conditions always satisfy concavity and some non-integrability near zero.The concavity is for using Jensen\'s inequality.Because of the non-integrability near zero,we can apply the comparison theorem of ordinary differential equations together with Bihari\'s inequality to yield many results.


You can apply the genetic algorithm to solve a variety of optimization problems that are not well suited for standard optimization algorithms, including problems in which the objective function is discontinuous, nondifferentiable, stochastic, or highly nonlinear.


The question of integrability and non-integrability always are two importantaspects in ordinary differential...


Application of HHGL to lithium atom As a starting point for exactly solving schrodingerequation for lithium,the part has twofold purpose,one isto derive the coupled hyperradial differential equation,and discuss whether HHGL can be used or not,the other isto build the symmetric basis functionfor twodimensional irreducible representation of 〓 permutationgroup and estimate the ground-state eigenenergy.


Our analysis framework relies on the reflected Backward Stochastic Differential equation approach.We characterize the value functions of the noncallable bonds in terms of the reflected Backward Stochastic Differential equation,Then the relationship between the value function of convertible bonds and reflected backward stochastic differential equations with single reflect is built at the same time,and provide the optimal conversion strategy for bondholders.2:We get the value of non-callable convertible bonds by numerical methods.


Mathematically, the miscible displacement of one fluid by another in a porous media is governed by a nonlinear coupled system of two partial differential equations, one of elliptic form for the pressure and the other of parabolic form for the concentration of one of the fluids.


Systems with hysteresis are nondifferentiable nonlinear systems. So they cannot be studied through control theories and methods used in differentiable nonlinear and linear systems.


The topics covered in this course include: unconstrained optimization methods, constrained optimization methods, convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, nondifferentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming.


Key words:Spectral and pseudospectral approximation,incompressible fluid flow,un-bounded domain,nonlinear partial differential equations.


In the first place, the normal flexible body dynamics modelling method of continous system is built based on hamilton principle. And then taking the flexible beam tunning in the horizontal plan for example, in the assumption of Euler-Bernoulli beam,the identical linearilized vibration differential equation is deduced according to geometry constraint conditions .


更多网络解释与不可微分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bernoulli equation:白努利方程[式]

一个物体在不可压缩、无黏滞性的流体中,会遵守白努利定律: ...1.5 线性常微分方程(linear ODE) 及白努利方程式(Bernoulli equation). 若一阶常微分方程可以改写成下式则称为一阶线性常微分方程 ...续流动特性,我们可以引用白努利方程(Bernoullis equation)来描述,

bound charge:束缚电荷

理想的电介质(Ideal Dielectric)内部没有自由电子,它的所有带电粒子受很强的内部约束力束缚着,因此称为束缚电荷(Bound Charge). 称之为焦耳定律(Joule's Law)的微分形式. 综上所述,恒定电场基本方程的积分形式和微分形式分别为电场是驱使电荷运动不可缺少的.

Joule's law:焦耳定律

称之为焦耳定律(Joule's Law)的微分形式. 电场是驱使电荷运动不可缺少的. 以金属为例,金属中质量较大的正离子,在晶格(Crystal Lattice)中的正常位置是相对固定的,无助于形成电流. 因此金属中的电流是自由电子在电场作用下逆电场方向运动形成的(等效为正电荷沿电场方向运动.