英语人>词典>汉英 : 不可信任 的英文翻译,例句
不可信任 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不可信任相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By 2003 he was an uninsurable serial relapser famous for being pulled out of hotels or other people's homes in an addled, disheveled state.


DOMINICK DITAN: The problem with the GPS is that this is a system that today you can not trust.


You may be rolling the wrist and forearm which gives you a swing that's not dependable.


He's snake in the grass .


The 1950s were the era of McCarthyism: it was a common fear of US writers and artists that to be viewed as a smart aleck might be a preliminary to being attacked as a homosexual and thence, by a curious progression, as a communist -- that is, to be an intellectual implied that one was suspicious and unreliable.

的《雄辩的大学问家》(The Silver Eggheads,1958FSF;1961)呈现了一个可怕的设想,一个只有机器人才能创新的有趣的反智力社会。20世纪50年代是麦卡锡主义时期:美国的作家和艺术家都害怕被看作是个聪明人,因为这可能意味着会被当作同性恋而被攻击,再经过某种莫名其妙的过程,被看作共产党员——这就是说,如果是个知识分子,就意味着这个人是可疑而不可信任的。

The belief is deprived and much belief which is noncommittal turns to be unbelievable and let people doubt about it.


People such as he are not to be trusted.


Indeed, her unreliability is one of the sources of this novel\'s tension and power.


If you need to write out untrusted data, encode the output


There are two levles of device security: trusted device and untrusted device.


更多网络解释与不可信任相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

treacherous: a.1:不可信任的,不忠的,奸诈的 2.不牢靠的,危险的,变化莫测的

foster: v.1.培养,促进,鼓励 2.养育,照料 3.抱有(希望等) | treacherous: a.1.不可信任的,不忠的,奸诈的 2.不牢靠的,危险的,变化莫测的 | consequence: n.1.结果,结局; 2.重要性,价值


trusting 信任的 | trustingly 相信地 | trustless 不可信任

The world becomes frightening and untrustworthy:这个世界变得如此地可怕,如此地不可信任

A person's beliefs about the world and him/herself are dis... | The world becomes frightening and untrustworthy这个世界变得如此地可怕,如此地不可信任. | Symptoms due to expectations of threat 这些症状让...

a broken reed"=a weak, untrustworthy person:不可信赖的人

reed 芦草: | 1."a broken reed"=a weak, untrustworthy person 不可信赖的人 | Don't trust him; he has been proved to be a broken reed. 不要信任他,他已经被证明了是 一个靠不住的人.


trustingly 相信地 | trustless 不可信任的 | trustworthily 可信赖地

truthlessness:不诚实, 不可信任,虚伪

an odd lot 不成整数的一批货 | truthlessness 不诚实, 不可信任,虚伪 | meridional cell [气]经向环流


naut 不(not) | ne'kales 谨慎、不信任 | ne'kalsa 伶俐、不可托任


? get the drift明白,了解 | ? Fly-by-night不可靠的,不可信任的 | ? Nervous wreck紧张,激动


fly 苍蝇 | fly-by-night 不可信任的 | fly-fish 用假蝇钓鱼

that Vicksburg Firearms is liable for her husband's wrongful death:维克斯堡火器公司对他冤死的丈夫负有不可推卸的责任

believe in: 信仰;信任 | 3:... that Vicksburg Firearms is liable for her husband's wrongful death. 维克斯堡火器公司对他冤死的丈夫负有不可推卸的责任. | be liable for: 对...应负责任