英语人>词典>汉英 : 不变色的 的英文翻译,例句
不变色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Acid production of products with strong anti-pollution, anti-aging, for many years does not change color, not falling off.


According to the requirement of the department of foreign trade Xue Jingwan experimented and produced successfully the first inside painted snuff bottle with baked color [1] in 1957, which made it come true that the pictures was not destroyed after being watered and the picture would not fade the color after a long time.


Do these after our business card printing and membership card making products may be solved by chromotropic problem, of course, there is also a problem too, making these efforts our business card printing and membership card making products still chromotropic as soon as the Heidelberg company.


First of all we should check our business card printing and membership card making products in the design is reasonable, such as the big pattern (or coaction of the four-colour network) is placed in the position of the drag-and-a bit like layout must have been detrimental to our business card printing and membership card produce high-quality business card printing and membership card making products of this issue, we should put them to pick out the opening position, which is beneficial to pick out the teeth on paper, easier business card printing and membership card produce not changing business card printing and membership card making products.


The emulsive innovativeink on the cards and membership cards make great severity should be watered down, drying, creating the effect of imprinting, floating hair "" continues with ink, ink roller deink, imprinted chromotropic, paper turn yellow or blue, affecting product quality, and so on.


The chemical properties of gold ink too with acids, alkalis and sulfide contact occur to varying degrees, and that its metallic luster greatly reduced and Kim monlchamus becomes nigrescent, and second, it's easy to gold ink also with air, caused by water vapor chromotropic reactions, so that when you save the Gold Ink containers need to be tightened.


Tibetan tea, after the staling procedures, is fermented and other special processes occur allow for stable color, taste and odor to be maintained, making it convenient to be produced, transported and stored.

一、 稳定性好:藏茶通过陈化、发酵和特殊工艺制作后,具有十分稳定的色、味、气稳定效果,便于生产、运输和保存,有着百年不变色、不变质、不变味、不变气的特性。

On the basis of atmospheric corrosion analysis and on the premise of unaltered originappearance of metal antiquity, a novel systematic technology of rust stabilized conversion and corrosioninhibition for archeological iron was developed in this thesis. Model occulted corrosion cell was used to studythe formation of bronze powder rust, its characteristics of pit corrosion and effect factors. The filmingtreatment of azoles composite corrosion inhibitors was used to prevent silver tarnishing, and its anti-tarnishingmechanism was proposed by measurement of electrochemical techniques and Surface-enhanced Ramanscattering.


The heat-chromism was studied and the reaction mechanism was presented according to electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy.


Through the research of this paper, can find better prescription of silk-screen printing ink which is high-temperature resistance and does not change color. If the prescription is applied to production practices, develop the printing ink that performance reaches the foreign equal level and can replace the imported printing ink, it will bring the good economic benefits.


更多网络解释与不变色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alexandrine sapphire:合成变色蓝宝石(是不确切的术语,现已很少使用)

alcohol 洒精 | alexandrine sapphire 合成变色蓝宝石(是不确切的术语,现已很少使用) | alignment 对准,成直线


(10)变色(discoloration)色斑主要表征胶包内有未干透的橡胶而引起生化降解. 色斑或许伴有发霉、热斑和(或)秽臭物分解的气味. (11)干燥橡胶(dry rubber)根据外观鉴定, 看不出有任何水分的迹象. (12)坚实橡胶(firm rubber)这种橡胶与弱胶和松软胶的状态相反,


dyschromasia变色 | dysgenesis不育;生殖障碍 | dysgenicmilk乳质(本身)低劣的牛奶

Mesopotamian civilization:美索不达米亚文 明

meson 介子 | Mesopotamian civilization 美索不达米亚文 明 | metachromatic (因生锈,温度变化)变色的,


有时变色部分的轮廓不很清楚,这种症状就称作斑驳(mottle). 斑驳症状在果实上也是常见的. 单子叶植物的花叶症状,是在平行叶脉间出现变色的条纹、条斑或条点. 典型的花叶症状,叶上杂色的分布是不规则的,但有的可以局限在一定部位,

off-color gem:色泽不佳的宝石

"变色;非标准色","off-color" | "色泽不佳的宝石","off-color gem" | "废气;放出的气","off-gas"

Oil paint:油性漆

Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色 | Oil paint 油性漆 | Oil putty 油性腻子


如题,因为我给孩子吃苹果时,往下挎(KUA)很费力,就用了榨汁机搅碎半个,可是还没等喂几口. 碗里的苹果泥就变成红色的了,看着不好看也没食欲了. 有哪位妈妈有能让苹果泥(还有香蕉泥之类的)不那么快变色的妙招吗?


nondiscolouring 不变色 | nondiscretionary 不可任意支配的 | nondistinctive 无辩义作用的


活氧(OXY)配方,高效杀菌,并对化纤布艺有"复彩增艳"的作用. 不伤织品、皮革,安全环保. 清洗的同时还可以释放出新鲜的氧分子(O2). 还可用作十分有效的干洗预处理剂. (为防止变色,用于布艺、真皮前,请在不明显的边角处试用)