英语人>词典>汉英 : 不信仰者 的英文翻译,例句
不信仰者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不信仰者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nay, if we may openly speak the truth, and a:(ecomes one man to another, neither Pagan nor Mahometan, nor Jew, ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the commonwealth because of his religion.


Although what happens in the brain can be explained by neurochemistry, supporters argue that consciousness can exist independent of a functioning brain.


It's the freedom of the relativist, the rule breaker, the teenager who has discovered his parents are imperfect and has learned to play one off of the other—the freedom of the apostate.


The assumption on which this is grounded, is that the oath is worthless, of a person who does not believe in a future state; a proposition which betokens much ignorance of history in those who assent to it (since it is historically true that a large proportion of infidels in all ages have been persons of distinguished integrity and honor); and would be maintained by no one who had the smallest conception how many of the persons in greatest repute with the world, both for virtues and for attainments, are well known, at least to their intimates, to be unbelievers.


Both of you, the believer and the non-believer, are in the same category, are you not?


So we can completely put aside positive or negative belief; the believer and the non-believer are the same.


The theologian does it in one way, the intellectual in another, and the believer and the non-believer in their own different ways.


The believer is as the non-believer; neither will find the truth, for their thought is shaped by their education, by their environment, by their culture, and by their own hopes and fears, joys and sorrows.


As such they will fiercely fight any non-believer (basically any non-Haven creature).


God is the illusion which we worship; and the non-believer creates the illusion of another god which he worships - the State, or some utopia, or some book which he thinks contains all truth.


更多网络解释与不信仰者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apostate, unbeliever:背教者 不信仰者

I failed, he did not.|我失败了 但他没有 | Apostate, unbeliever.|背教者 不信仰者 | Saviour.|救世主


screever 马路画家,告地状的人 | believer 信徒,信仰者 | unbeliever 不轻信的人,怀疑论者,异教徒

Another Believer:有一个信仰者

One more glance And I will make of you|再多一瞥,我对你印象更深刻 | Another believer|有一个信仰者 | Guess what? You got more than you bargained|你估不到吧? 你获得的比你索求的还多

weight coulometer:重量电量计

hydrometric 液体比重计的,液体比重测定的 | weight coulometer 重量电量计 | unbeliever 不轻信者, 不信仰者, 异教徒


rhetorical 带修辞色彩的,用作说服效果 | infidel 不信仰者,异教徒 | fundamentalism 正统派基督教


nonfiction非小说 | nonbeliever不信仰者 | nonalignment不结盟

unbeliever:不轻信者, 不信仰者, 异教徒

weight coulometer 重量电量计 | unbeliever 不轻信者, 不信仰者, 异教徒 | hydroacoustic mine detector 声纳探雷器


unbeliever /不相信者/不信仰者/异教徒/ | unbelieving /没信心的/不相信的/多疑的/ | unbend /弄直/


而在场的其余自治二科的队员都只有2=9信仰者(Zelator)或者2=9,理论者,他们的魔力在7=4,被免达人的面前就如同沧海一粟,完全不值得一提. "魔术(FromTsukipedia)超脱常识的现象. 将在常识下即能做到的事情,用另一种非常识的方式使其发生.

and marks unbelievers for murder:杀害不信仰者

condemns women to subservience|迫使妇女卑屈 | and marks unbelievers for murder.|杀害不信仰者 | The other system is based on the conviction that freedom|而另一种制度则是基于这样的信念