英语人>词典>汉英 : 不信仰 的英文翻译,例句
不信仰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不信仰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or if I believe other than you, at least pause before you correct my view.


Citizens enjoy freedom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism.


" "" The Brothers Karamazov " the main character in treat God in the question to have each one different manner, dissolute and unrestrained old Karamazov sends out the decayed smell in the life not to believe God, has lost and the cross relation; Dmitri experiences in own contradiction is being wicked, but finally obtained has redeemed; Ivan and Smerdyakov good branch husband treats in the real life by the rationality wickedness, rejects God, has caused the fearful result; Alyosha distant has even more strengthened own belief in the suspicion through the love.


There must be a reason,don't you think? I believe it's linked to their willingness to kill whoever doesn't believe in Hallah or Muhamed,his prophet.F..K them


The issue of the relationship between faith and works was taken up by a second group, the Mu'tazilah, who argued that the non-repentant sinner occupied a middle state between belief and non-belief.

这个问题关系的诚意和工程采纳了第二集团, Mu'tazilah ,谁主张,不悔改的罪人占领一个中等国家之间的信仰和不信仰

On the other hand, if such faith does not continually expose itself to the possibility of unfaith, it is not faith but a convenience. It becomes an agreement with oneself to adhere in the future to a doctrine as something that has somehow been handed down.


Because you will never understand a man like Samir if you don't.


Whether you have religious convictions or not, the role of the church in community life is impossible to ignore.


But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don't believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods.


In this kind of case, all levels government, each kind company business enterprise, all the third section, each citizenses want to believe in the method but disbeliefs person, all want the rule of law spirit, all want to learn the method to understand the method, this is obvious.


更多网络解释与不信仰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无神论现代广义上来讲是否认(denial)神的存在或不相信有神论, 但是在西方狭义的语义里面也可以理解为不信仰(disbelief)耶和华上帝.另外在网上找到游戏手册的一张图, 一方面解释了为什么游戏制作者认为huns具有这种反宗教特性,

disbelieve:不信; 怀疑 (动)

disbelief 不信仰, 怀疑, 不信 (名) | disbelieve 不信; 怀疑 (动) | disburden 解除负担 (动)

faith cure:信仰治疗

与后一种效应有关的有信仰治疗(faith cure),它是指因当事人的某种坚定信仰而使疾病提早痊愈或不药而医的情形. 这些信仰大多涉及到疾病病因的新解释、或对某种观点、某人、某物、某种方法、的神奇治疗效果等顶礼膜拜和深信. 从某种意义上说,

faithlessness:不忠; 不可信赖; 不贞; 无信仰 (名)

faithlessly 不忠实地; 靠不住地 (副) | faithlessness 不忠; 不可信赖; 不贞; 无信仰 (名) | fake 假的; 冒充的 (形)


(这一点,遭到了17世纪晚期Simon Foucher的反对)信仰主义者(fideist)是那些认为如果不通过信念获得某些基本的真理,就不可能通过理性方式获得信仰的人.

impious:无信仰的, 不虔诚的, 不敬神的 (形)

impingement 影响 (名) | impious 无信仰的, 不虔诚的, 不敬神的 (形) | impiously 不信神地; 不虔诚地 (副)


impenetrable "不能通过的,不能穿过的;不可理解的" | impious "不尊敬的,无信仰的,不虔诚的" | implicated "牵连, 涉及"

I don't believe in an interventionist God:我不信仰干涉主义的神

Into My Arms 进入我怀中 | I don't believe in an interventionist God 我不信仰干涉主义的神 | But I know, darling, that you do 但我知道 亲爱的 你信仰


disbeliever 不信宗教的人 | misbeliever 信仰邪教者,信仰错误者 | reliever 急救者,接替者


truism 不言而喻的道理;自明之理;老生常谈 | Unitarianism(属于不信仰三位一体的)独神论 | Utilitarianism实用主义;功利主义