英语人>词典>汉英 : 不伤生 的英文翻译,例句
不伤生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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According to the traditional chinese medical principle,the product is made of herbal essence,wild ginseng essence,tea tree oil and powerful vegetal bacterium inhibiting essence,and can mildly float aged and dead hominess,easily remove hominess without hurting skin,inhibit and relieve small acne,effectively remove surplus oil with unique skin care formula,balance sebum secretary retion,and make skin refreshing and clean after use


Reduces Wrinkles in 61%, reduces cellulite in 38%, face looks visibly younger within a few weeks, improves skin elasticity, tightness, thickness in 68%, smoothness in 71%, rehydration of skin increases turgor, reverses sun damage and liver/aging spots, veins become less prominent,"a knifeless facelift" by regenerating the protein matrix and musculature under the skin, reduces puffiness under eyes,"turns the prune of old age back to a plum"


Reduces Wrinkles in 61%, reduces cellulite in 38%, face looks visibly younger within a few weeks, improves skin elasticity, tightness, thickness in 68%, smoothness in 71%, rehydration of skin increases turgor, reverses sun damage and liver/aging spots, veins become less prominent,"a knifeless facelift" by regenerating the protein matrix and musculature under the skin, reduces puffiness under eyes,"turns the prune of old age back to a plum"


The infringement act of aggression on the right and interest of the fetus refers to infringement of the personal interest of the fetus under mistaken conditions,or unmistaken infringement for which the doer must take civil responsibility in accordance with the law.


I was in hospital several days ,mom even hadn't came to look in all through.I thought mom won't love me anymore.Maybe she would regard the girl which hurted her so deep as no procreating .I left hospital lastly.


The results showed that the rooting rate reached 83.2%~96.3% in 1/2 MS medium with IBA1.0~1.5 mg/L, The rooting rate of stem with top was significantly higher than that of stem without top; Snicking in stem base increased root number obviously, The appropriate substratum for transplanting was perlite and soil (1:1), The growth tendency of transplanting plantlets in May was slow-fast-slow.

结果表明:采用1/2MS培养基添加IBA1.0~1.5 mg/L,生根效果最好,平均生根率达83.2%~96.3%;带茎尖茎段的生根率显著高于不带茎尖茎段;茎段基部刻伤处理后较对照生根量明显增加;酸枣带根组培苗适宜的移栽基质为1:1的珍珠岩和土;5月份移栽下地的组培苗,其生长呈现慢-快-慢的趋势。

Semen Ziziphi Spinosae are the dried and riped seeds of Rharmnaceaeherbs Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spionsa Hu. They can benefit the liver, calm the nervous, decrease the perspiration and increase the saliva.

酸枣仁为鼠李科植物酸枣Ziziphus,ujuba Mill.var.spionsaHu的干燥成熟种子,具有补肝、宁心、敛汗、生津的作用,用于虚烦不眠,惊悸多梦,体虚多汗,津伤口渴等症。

更多网络解释与不伤生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为人父母总想儿女快高长大,阿什莉(Ashley)的父母,却要把九岁爱女的身体发育永远冻结在六岁. 阿什莉生来患有罕见脑病,身体会发育,却像个初生婴孩一样不会坐起身、走路或说话. 父母为确保她的生活质素而伤透脑筋,在2004年初决定狠下心肠,

Honeysuckle Flower:金银花

花单 生或疏圆锥花序,总苞两列,每列3枚,基部金银花(honeysuckle flower) 金银花,又名忍冬、银花、双花等,自古被誉为清热解毒的良药. 它性甘寒气芳香,甘寒清热而不伤胃,芳香透达又可祛邪. 金银花既能宣散风热,还善清解血毒,用于各种热性病,

Nemean lion:尼米亚猛狮

看管巨人革律翁的牛群; 刻耳柏洛斯(Cerberus):看守地狱大门的妖犬,三首蟒尾,蛇鬃狮爪; 海德拉(Hydra):居住于勒拿湖的九头蛇; 客迈拉(Chimera):狮身狮首,背生一首如羊,蟒尾; 尼米亚猛狮(Nemean Lion):硕大无朋,斧剑不能伤;


即被认为是原生动物(隐滴虫目(cryptomonadida)),亦被认为是藻类(隐藻纲(cryptophyceae))的小型双鞭毛生物. 生于淡水和海水中. 含有仅红藻和蓝绿藻才有的色素,有时栖生动物(动金甲藻(zooxanthella))体内,但不伤宿主.