英语人>词典>汉英 : 不以为意 的英文翻译,例句
不以为意 的英文翻译、例句


care nothing for · not take it seriously · dismiss all anxiety from one's thoughts
更多网络例句与不以为意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These slings of fortune, however lightly he pretended to receive them, never failed to lacerate him.


The self deprecating quotes are a smokescreen for an ambitious young man.


He dismisses the opposition's idea of a government of technocrats, saying that this belongs to the 1990s, and is just a cover for string-pulling politicians.


He shrugged, unsurprised by my capitulation.


He makes light of favors while he does them, and seems to be receiving when he is conferring .


Philosophy curriculum 25 year later today, I realized that passes through similarly congeals builds up the process, I already might face up to the fear, and causes itself not for their institute about.whenever I fear, whenever I to them the manner which intimidates appears thinks little, I stepped toward my essence near one step, nearly step place approached my sincerity, really I.


Some Britons have dismissed the anger expressed by American politicians of all stripes on the grounds that the United States, too, has courted Mr Qaddafi (Barack Obama's special envoy to Sudan lavished praise on Libya not long after Mr Megrahi flew home); that it cozies up to unsavory partners in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere; and that after Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo it is in no position to preach.


He said to me with a despising look,"CET6 means nothing to me. I would like to take BEC!"


But a man eating a basket of fried butter with cherry jam was not too bothered."It's just butter," he maintained.


For self-professed psychic medium Allison Dubois, life goes on.

灵媒 Alison对此不以为意。尤其当她的梦境和灵感告诉她还有许多人值得去救。

更多网络解释与不以为意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be oblivious to:不在意的,不以为意的

50be addicted to对...着魔,上瘾 | 51be oblivious to不在意的,不以为意的 | 52beetn. 甜菜

make nothing of:不以为意

make no stranger of 热情地对待 | make nothing of 不以为意 | make of 形成

make nothing of:不以为意,不能了解

444.make no account of 不注重,蔑视. | 445.make nothing of 不以为意,不能了解. | 446.make one's mark 显露头角,成功.

make of:形成

make nothing of 不以为意 | make of 形成 | make off with 逃跑

not have anything to do with:与...无关

not feel like anything [美俚]觉得不舒服 | not have anything to do with 与...无关 | not think anything of 不以为意

not think anything of:不以为意

not have anything to do with 与...无关 | not think anything of 不以为意 | unable to do anything with 对...无可奈何

make no stranger of:热情地对待

make no question of 承认 | make no stranger of 热情地对待 | make nothing of 不以为意

You misjudged yourself:你看错了你自己

Could I have misjudged you?|是我看错了你吗? | You misjudged yourself|你看错了你自己 | It may be your nature to see victory in defeat|你或对打败仗不以为意

be oblivions to:不在意的,不以为意的

448. oblivious adj. 未察觉的;不注意的 | 449. be oblivions to 不在意的,不以为意的 | 450. Millenarian adj. 千年的;千福的;太平盛事的;相信太平盛事的人

Tribes and tribulations:我是个黑人

# but I don't care #|# 可我不以为意 # | # Tribes and tribulations #|# 我是个黑人 # | # have had my share #|# 历了重重经磨难 #