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不代偿的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与不代偿的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this case, the usual formula for a metabolic acidosis (which assumes full compensation) may not be valid.


Of the 60 patients, chronic nephritis 27 cases,acute serious nephritis 3 cases,essential hypertension 9 cases,diabetes 9 cases, multilocular cyst 6 cases,lupus nephritis 6 cases were enrolled. 60 CRF cases with four phase,including the phase of compensation of renal malfunction,the phase of no-compensation of renal insufficiency the phase of azotemia and the phase of renal failure,were divided into three groups.


Those patients are at-risk without antiviral treatment, so they will decompensate, resulting in further risk.


Their initial presentation is acute, with a few days to weeks of polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss and lack of a precipitating cause of metabolic decompensation.


When compensatory renal insufficiency, due to the capacity of the kidneys to reduce the concentration, the patient will be polyuria, thirst, polydipsia, the performance of low specific gravity.


It was suggested that aging did not only influence diastolic filling period, but also influence STI. 3. With increasing age, whether at rest or during exercice, fractional shortening of minor semiaxis, mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening, cardiac index and ejection fraction did not change, but immediately post pacing, PEP prolonged and PEP/ LVET increased in elderly group and did not change in young group. It was suggested that STI was sensitivity in detecting systolic function of LV. 4. There was a good correlation between aging and decreased compliance and diastolic function of left ventricle which was manifested by a reduction of early diastolic peak folw velocity, time-velocity integral of early diastole, 1/3 filling fraction (1/3FF)(r=-0.958,-0.875 and -0.937, P<0.01~0.001) and a significant compansatory increase in peak flow velocity of atrial contraction, time-velocity integral of atrial contraction, the ratio between APFV and EPFV and the ratio of ATVI and Total TVI (r=0.958, 0.956, 0.966 and 0.986, P<0.001) and the prolongation of Dec T and RFP with increasing age. It was particularly true for the subgroups above the age of 50 years.


Results:(1) cerebrovascular syphilis 1 case,tabes dorsalis 2 cases;(2) Inall cases,Serum and cerebrospinal fluid syphilis antibody reaction showed positive; CSF protein content was increased significantly,and cells increased (3) MRA and DS...


Results:(1) cerebrovascular syphilis 1 case, tabes dorsalis 2 cases;(2) mall cases. Serum and cercbrospinal fluid syphilis antibody reaction showed positive; CSF protein content was increased significantly, and cells in creased (3) MRA and DSA of cerebroascular syphilis show that Mi segment of the left middle cerebral artery is blocked. The left posterior cerebral artery and the left anterior cerebral artery compensate blood supply for the left middle cerebral artery through the conical branch.(4) MRI of head and thoracic cord was normal in 2 cases of tabes dorsalia. Result of EMG and biopsy of suml nerve not manifest damage of peripheral nerveous system.


Objective To observe the effect of nesiritide glycerol trinitrate, dobutamine on renin and aldosterone in patients with intractable heart failure.

目的 观察在应用新活素、硝酸甘油、多巴酚丁胺治疗失代偿心力衰竭伴轻度肾功能不全时对肾功能、肾素、血管紧张素、醛固酮系统的影响。

Methods Six well trained healthy young volunteers served as subjects. The self-made four revisions of vests to be compared were large sized bladder vest, medium sized bladder vest, thoracic back bladder vest and uninflated TB vest.

在离心机上,6名受试者分别穿大囊、中囊或胸背囊代偿背心、充气,在+5.5 GZ时进行4.8 kPa的PBG,在+6.5 GZ进行8.0 kPa的PBG;或穿TB代偿背心、不充气,在+5.5 GZ进行4.8 kPa的PBG,在+6.0 GZ进行6.4 kPa的PBG。

更多网络解释与不代偿的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

retrograde amnesia:逆行性遗忘症

(一)逆行性遗忘症(Retrograde amnesia)患者在脑功能发生障碍之前一段时间内的记忆均丧失,尽管这些长期存储的记忆保存着,但不能从中回忆过去的经历. (二)虚谈症(Confabulation)严重近记忆削弱的代偿,

compensatory pause:代偿间歇

le)和 代偿间歇(compensatory pause) 当心肌进行正常的窦性节律性收缩时,如果在舒张期(有效不应期之后,正常窦性节律到来之前)心肌受到额外刺激,就会引起一次比正常窦性节律提前发生的额外兴奋和产生额外收缩.这种发生在下一次正常收缩之前的额外收缩,



Chronic heart failure:心力衰竭

2 .慢性心力衰竭( chronic heart failure ) 临床常见,发病缓慢,病程较长,心衰发生前机体有较长的代偿期,在此阶段病人心力衰竭症状往往不明显. 随着疾病发展机体代偿能力逐渐丧失, CO 不能满足机体代谢需要,于是心力衰竭症状逐渐表现出来,

hepatic insufficiency:肝功能不全

比较轻度的损害,通过肝脏的代偿功能,一般不会发生明显的功能异常如果损害比较严重而且广泛(一次或长期反复损害),引起明显的物质代谢障碍、解毒功能降低、胆汁的形成和排泄障碍及出血倾向等肝功能异常改变,称为肝功能不全(hepatic insufficiency).




(5)内分泌性萎缩:如:垂体肿瘤所引起的肾上腺萎缩.二,肥大(hypertrophy) :细胞,组织和器官体积的增大(不是数目的增多) . 1,代偿性肥大:细胞肥大多具有功能代偿的意义. 2,内分泌性肥大:由激素引发的肥大称为内分泌性肥大. 3,

cardiac insufficiency:心功能不全

心肌收缩或(和)舒张功能原发性或继发性降低,心输出量绝对或相对减少,不能满足组织代谢需求的病理过程称为心力衰竭(heart failure). 心力衰竭属于心功能不全的失代偿阶段,心功能不全(cardiac insufficiency)包括了心泵血功能下降但处于完全代偿直至失代偿阶段.

torsade de pointes:尖端扭转型室性心动过速

此举缘于在药物过量(甚至正常推荐 剂量下)、低血钾、肝脏代偿功能不全或同时并用肝细胞色素酶 CYP3A4抑制剂(如酮康唑、伊曲康唑、红霉素、醋酸竹桃霉素、 克拉霉素、环丙沙星、西米替丁等)的条件下,第2代组胺拮抗 剂中的阿司咪唑和特非那丁可能抑制心脏钾离子慢通道,有引 起尖端扭转型室性心动过速(Torsade de Pointes)或Q-


自恋可以被重新解释为:在童年自体的心理结构的获得性缺陷以及随之而来的继发性防御与代偿性结构的建立. 成功的治疗必须包括,通过获得新的结构治愈"赤字"(deficits). 如果内驱力体验和本能是有问题的,当得不到支持的时候,它们便倾向于出现自体分裂(disintegrate)