英语人>词典>汉英 : 不一意孤行的 的英文翻译,例句
不一意孤行的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不一意孤行的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frothy saliva produced especially AS a result of physical exertion or a pathological condition.


It''s better to be as open and honest as you can with your kids - ever try hushing a toddler when they"re bent on knowing "why?


Some experts and policymakers now see this as unlikely and believe the inflexible military simply wants to be accepted as a full member of the nuclear club.


Self -willed meaning is clear: obstinate, stubborn and obstinate, refusing to accept the views of others, stubborn, arrogant, thinking that the truth of the world's end, a little listen to others views, arbitrary, like the emotional, more ...


Self -willed meaning is clear: obstinate, stubborn and obstinate, refusing to accept the views of others, stubborn, arrogant, thinking that the truth of the world's end, a little listen to others views, arbitrary, like the emotional, more capacity can not ...


The style is modernist without being too tacky, but it surely will not please anyone with a traditionalist bent.

风格是现代主义的无过于tacky ,但它一定会不请任何一个传统的一意孤行。

If you are determined to go down this dark road, and unbeknownst to me steal this paternal rightswaiver that's sitting on my desk


People who persist in this unbelieving rebellion against God only succeed in incurring more sin and punishment for themselves.


A man who hath studied the world knows when to time, and where to place them; he hath analyzed the characters he applies to, and adapted his address and his arguments to them; but a man of what is called plain good sense, who hath only reasoned by himself, and not acted with mankind, mistimes, misplaces,runs precipitateIy and bluntly at the mark; and falls upon his nose in the way.


Keep your arms loose and don't lock your elbows, they should be bent in order to absorb any bumps, rather than the knock going straight on to the joint.


更多网络解释与不一意孤行的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如果你一意孤行,一定要做这么大的游艇,那唯一的办法就是附加一个小型游艇做渡船,但是那显然太不实用了. 但是阿布拉莫维奇眼睛都没眨就决定,"就买300英尺的,用渡船. "香港 香港仔(Aberdeen)游艇会德国基尔(KIEL)游艇俱乐部


James形容,由政府主导走向官商合作,这个过程是混乱(messy)和草率(sloppy). 他开始为西九占卜,西九的未来在玻璃球上出现:「一开始市民会不相信政府会缩减资助,然后是猛烈的投诉,政府一意孤行. 」我们的特区政府一向「顺从民意」,