英语人>词典>汉英 : 下降的 的英文翻译,例句
下降的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
descendant  ·  descendent  ·  descending  ·  falling  ·  catabatic  ·  degressive  ·  descensive  ·  katabatic  ·  desc.

更多网络例句与下降的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A class of conjugate descent algorithm with single parameter βk for unconstrained minimization problems is presented and it is proved that this algorithm is of descent feature when it satisfies the condi- tion of a sort of inexact linear searching and, in addition, it is globally convergent.


The activity of catalase in rind of both hybrid and inbreed showed the trend of decreasing, but increased in early period and decreased later in four season pummelo, while in inbreed pummelo pulp it showed the trend of decreasing, but increased in early period and decreased later in hybrid and four season pummelo.


The effects of different plant densities on flag leaves chlorophyll content,SOD activity and MDA content after anthesis in stronggluten wheat interplanted in paddyfield were studied.

本试验在江苏淮北地区设计不同密度试验,研究其对稻田套播强筋小麦花后剑叶叶绿素含量、SOD酶活性和MDA含量的影响,结果表明:随花后生育进程推移,叶绿素含量呈下降趋势,且随密度增加,下降幅度增大;花后单茎干物质积累量和单茎籽粒产量亦随密度增加而下降,二者呈极显著负相关;随花后生育进程推移,剑叶SOD酶活性呈单峰曲线变化,可用二次曲线方程模拟,在花后1416 d达峰值,且随密度增加峰值出现时间提前,峰值数值呈先上升再下降的变化特征;随花后生育进程推移,剑叶MDA含量呈上升的变化特征,且随密度增大,数值变大;花后35 d剑叶SOD酶活性与花后单茎干物质积累量和单茎籽粒产量呈极显著正相关,而MDA含量与花后单茎干物质积累量和单茎籽粒产量则呈显著或极显著负相关。

However, 74% of farmers need to increase appliction of fertilizer for wheat when measure agronomic efficiency.


AT-deficient plasma had significantly smaller R values compared with control, and dilution did not change R values in AT-deficient plasma. Celite activation eliminated dilution-associated changes in R values in control plasma but resulted in linear decreases R(2 = 0.88-0.96, P 0.0001 in alpha, A, and G in response to dilution.


The different methods of blood pressure measurement and vital microcirculation observation method were used . The systemic blood pressure, arteriolar and capillary blood pressure decreased significantly after 3 months of Linzhi administration in addition to the routine hypotensor in 27 cases of refractory primary hypertension.


Meta-analyses showed that the response rate of TP (topotecan + cisplatin) regimen had no significant difference compared with EP regimen (etoposide + cisplatin) with OR 0.83 and 95%CI 0.63 to 1.09, but myelo-suppression such as leucopenia and thrombopenia was more severe with TP regimen; the response rate of monotherapy with topotecan was similar with that of CE (carboplatin + etoposide) regimen with OR 0.59 and 95%CI 0.22 to 1.60; the response rate of TEP (topotecan + etoposide + cisplatin) regimen was comparable with that of EP regimen with OR 1.37 and 95%CI 0.82 to –2.28, but myelosuppression and anemia were more severe with TEP regimen; the response rate with OR 0.97 and 95%CI 0.60 to –1.57, median time to progression with WMD –2.32 and 95%CI –5.72 to 1.09 and median survival time with WMD –1.65 and 95%CI –7.13 to 3.83 of IV topotecan were similar to those of oral topotecan, while neutropenia was more severe with IV topotecan.

Meta分析结果表明,TP 方案与EP方案的反应率相似 [OR 0.83, 95%CI (0.63,1.09)],但具有相对高的致血小板下降的骨髓毒性;单药拓朴替康与CE方案的反应率相似 [OR 0.59, 95%CI (0.22,1.60)];TEP方案(拓扑替康+足叶乙甙+顺铂)与EP方案的反应率相似 [OR 1.37, 95%CI (0.82,2.28)],TEP方案致化疗后重度白细胞下降、重度血小板下降、重度血红蛋白下降均高于EP方案;口服拓扑替康与静脉滴注拓扑替康的化疗后反应率 [OR 0.97, 95%CI (0.60,1.57)]、中位疾病进展期 [WMD –2.32, 95%CI (–5.72, 1.09)]、中位生存期 [WMD –1.65, 95%CI (–7.13,3.83)] 相似,口服拓扑替康化疗后重度中性粒细胞下降明显低于静脉滴注拓扑替康。

Meta-analysis based on included studies showed that response rate of TP regimen has no statistic significance compared with EP regimen[OR0.83,95%CI(0.63-1.090)],but myelo-suppression such as leucopenia and thrombopenia is more severe; response rate of single topotecan has no statistic significance compared with CE regimen[OR0.59,95%CI(0.22-1.60)]; response rate of TEP regimen has no statistic significance compared with EP regimen [OR1.37, 95%CI(0.82-2.28)], but myelo-suppression such as leucopenia, thrombopenia and anemia is more severe; response rate of IV topotecan has no statistic significance compared with Oral topotecan[OR0.97, 95%CI(0.60-1.57)],so as median time to progression[WMD-2.32, 95%CI(-5.72,1.09)] and median survival time[WMD-1.65, 95%CI(-7.13,3.83)],while neutropenia is more sever in IV topotecan than Oral topotecan.


The program of AER+RES was similar to AER, but went through resistance exercise 20min in base section of every exercise trail.Result: Prior to intervention, adiponectin levels were significantly correlated with BMI、 WHR、 COS、 LN、 LN、 TG、 LG10、 LN、 weight、 waist、 FM、%F, and leptin levels were significantly correlated with BMI、 WHR 、 LN 、 LN 、 TG 、 HDL-C 、 LG10、 apoB 、 apoA1/apoB、 waist、 F1M、%F. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that LG10; COS and waist was an predictor of basal adiponectin levels , and %F,apoB and WHR was an predictor of basal leptin levels. In early obesity, adiponectin and leptin can be worsened , along with the changed of body component, fasting plasm glucose and lipid accumulation. After intervention, both group were significantly reduction in FM,%F,weight, WHR,FPG and TG, while HDL-C had significantly increased.AER exhibited significant in leptin, while AER+RES did not show the change. Insulin and HOMA-IR were changed in both groups. The control group exhibited no significant change in any variables. Although adiponectin levels were unchanged in the three groups, a significant negativecorrelation between delta %F, delta WHR and delta FPG was observed. Futhermore, if compare the degree of delta weight, we fought a significant increased in adiponectin between the group of delta weight higher (=3kg) than delta weight lower(=0kg), delta %F, delta WHR and delta weight were significant negative correlation with delta leptin.


The results showed that O. fragrans seeds were desiccation-sensitive as the seed viability declined to 6% when the seed moisture content was reduced to 11.6%. The seed electrical conductivity increased with the declining moisture content, a sign, which was caused by increasing cell membrane cleavage. Superoxide dismutase activity decreased rapidly during desiccation; but peroxidase activity increased to the maximal value when dehydration for 12 h, then declined rapidly when seeds were dehydrated more than 12 h.

结果表明:'紫柄籽银桂'种子不耐脱水,种子生活力随着含水量的下降而降低,种子含水量下降到11.6%时,生活力仅为6%;自然脱水过程中,种子细胞膜系统受到损伤,相对电导率不断上升;种子内SOD活性随着含水量下降而呈总体下降的趋势;POD先呈波动性上升,脱水12 h时达到最大值,之后急剧下降。

更多网络解释与下降的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


decayed rack 风化岩 | decayed 衰变的;被破坏的;分解的;下降的 | decaying wave 衰减波

gently dipping:平缓下降的

gentlemen gentleman的复数 | gently dipping 平缓下降的 | gently-dipping domal structure 平缓穹窿构造

the declining hegemon:下降的霸主

86 u.s.department of transportation 运输的u.s.department 1998 | 87 the declining hegemon 下降的霸主 1990 | 88 new immigrant literatures in the united states 新移民文学在美国 1996

obsolescent grade:服务需求下降的职系

obnoxious duty 厌恶性职务 | obsolescent grade 服务需求下降的职系 | obsolescent rank 逐渐取消的职级

parachute:降落伞 - 放缓下降的速度

- MAGNET 磁鐵 - 可以將附近的金幣吸過來 | - PARACHUTE 降落傘 - 放緩下降的速度 | - RADAR 雷達 - 在右下角顯示


anaclastic 屈折的 | anaclinal 下降的 | anaclisis 依赖心理


anaclastic | 屈折的, 反曲的 | anaclinal | 与四周地层反方向下降的 | anaclisis | 依赖别人之心理

catabatic:下降的, 减少的, 缓解的

zero defect management [管理]无缺点管理 | catabatic 下降的, 减少的, 缓解的 | deflection computer 前置量计算机, 偏离计算机

cataclinal:与地层凹陷处同方向下降的, 顺斜的

catacleisis | 眼睑封闭 | cataclinal | 与地层凹陷处同方向下降的, 顺斜的 | catacline | 下倾型


degression /渐减/下降/递减/ | degressive /下降的/递减的/ | degritting /除砂/