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下降了... 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与下降了...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At all stages, the epithelial cell height of efferent ducts in the control ratswas higher than that in the tats in DES-treated rats. The epithelial cell height of efferent ducts in DES-treated rats was reduced 45% at age 10 days, 41% at age 18 days, 37% at age 25 days, 71% at age 35 days and 69% at age 60 days .


Production of fire clay declined by 19.5% to 383,000 t valued at $5.97 million, with 88,200 t used in heavy clay products and lightweight aggregates (-12.7% compared to 2000) and 277,000 t used in firebrick, block, shapes and other refractories (-20.4%).


However, 74% of farmers need to increase appliction of fertilizer for wheat when measure agronomic efficiency.


PV sales at 0.83mn units,+37% YoY ; CV sales at 0.32mn units,+1.4% YoY . 2 Q109 saw 19 major auto makers revenue -14.2% YoY and profit -48.4% YoY . 3 CAAM raised 2009 sales forecast of domestic cars to 10.2mn cars,+8% YoY , vs.+5% YoY made at 2009 year beginning. 4 CAAM said that China will inevitably see 2009 car exports down YoY . 4M09 export volume -61% YoY (Apr -63% YoY ).


In December, for example, Taiwan's exports fell by 42 per cent, South Korea's by 17 per cent and Japan's by 35 per cent, capping many months of contraction.


Bieti lost its habitat continuously in recently decades associated with the extension of rangelands and farmlands, as well as firewood collection etc. The monkey live mainly in primary fir forest and the mixed conifer forest, to evaluate the status of the monkeys' habitat, we employed GIS and RS software to identify the habitat types with five Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite imagery in winter of 1986, 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006 years respectively. The work resulted in: 1 the size of summer grazing lands, farmlands, and fir forest was 13 100 hm2, 6 400 hm2, and 30 500 hm2 in 2006 respectively; 2 during the past 20 years (1986-2006), the size of fir forest (including primary fir forest and the mixed conifer forest) decreased by 14.6%(5 200 hm2), summer grazing lands and farmlands increased by 47.2%(4 200 hm2) and 14.3%(800 hm2) respectively; and 3, during the past 20 years, the number of firry forest patches increased by 68.4%, the mean size of firry forest patches decreased by 49.3%(from 15.1 to7.6 hm2), the largest patch index of firry forest decreased 54.9%; the patch richness had no change, but the Shannon's diversity index and the Shannon's evenness index increased by 2.7% respectively.

为了评估该物种的栖息地现状和变化情况,我们通过野外调查工作,应用GIS和RS技术,分别解译了1986年、1992年、1997年、2001年和2006年的Landsat TM/ETM+冬季卫星影像,并对解译结果进行了计算和分析,得到了以下西藏种群栖息地的主要结果:1)现有暗针叶林(包括原始针叶林和针阔混交林)面积是30 500 hm2,夏季牧场面积是13 100 hm2,农田面积是6 400 hm2;2)在过去20年间(1986-2006年),暗针叶林面积减少了14.6%(5 200 hm2),夏季牧场面积增加了47.2%(4 200 hm2),农田面积增加了14.3%(800 hm2);3)在过去20年间,暗针叶林的斑块数量增加了68.4%,平均斑块面积下降了49.3%(从1986年的15.1 hm2下降到2006年的7.6 hm2),最大的斑块指数下降了54.9%;景观丰富度并没有变化,但Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度指数分别增加了2.7%。

Furthermore, the very significant/nearly identical increase in the ratio of doubling times in dmdm medium in the presence/absence of high concentration of paromomycin was observed in symptomatic or asymptomatic cybrid cell lines carrying the c1494t mutation as compared with the average rate in control cell lines.

结果 来自听力下降者的融合细胞系的线粒体dna标记速率分别比对照组4名成员的12个融合细胞系下降了38���和43%,这一缺陷显然造成了携带c1494t突变的融合细胞(不论来自听力正常者还是来自听力下降者)的细胞总体呼吸率下降,或苹果酸/谷氨酸、琥珀酸/3-磷酸甘油及tmpd/抗坏血酸所始动的呼吸率下降。

The results showed compared with the native state the shear strength of rockmass under the saturation state decreased by 11.17%, cohesion force decreased by 16.09%, internal frictional angle decreased by 10.02%.(3) 3D-σFEM numerical simulation software is used to simulate the slope stability on the native state and saturation state. Compared with the nature state the displacement of the discontinuity and stress concentration in the saturation state is largened clearly, the results showed slope stability under the rainfall is weakened.


Compared with the first quarter of 2007, first quarter 2008 outerwear net sales increased 16% to $69.6 million and accessories and equipment net sales increased 12% to $15.4 million. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of 1% in sportswear net sales to $161.1 million and a decrease in footwear net sales of 3% to $51.3 million.Compared with the first quarter of 2007, first quarter 2008 Columbia brand net sales increased 2% to $267.2 million, Mountain Hardwear brand net sales increased 23% to $21.8 million, and Sorel brand net sales increased 6% to $3.7 million. These increases were partially offset by a 20% decline in Montrail brand net sales to $3.9 million. Net sales of Pacific Trail brand products were insignificant during the first quarter of both years.

与2007年相比,2008年第一季度的服装净销售额为6960万美元,同期相比增长了16%;装备和配件为1540万美元,同期相比增长了12%;而运动服装为1.611亿美元,同期相比下降了1%���鞋类净销售额为5130万美元,下降了3%���Columbia 品牌的净销售额为2.672亿美元,同期相比增长了2%;Mountain Hardwear品牌的净销售额为2180万美元,增长了23%;Sorel的净销售额为370万美元,增长了6%;而Montrail的销售额为390万美元,同期相比下降了20%;Pacific Trail净销售额的增长情况在2007和2008年不是很显著。

Of this total, 409,000 t were reportedly used in ceramic floor and wall tile (-20.9% compared to 2000); 11.1 Mt in extruded brick (-4.3%); 1.7 Mt in other brick products (-2.9%); 79,900 t in clay drain tile and sewer pipe (+10%); 256,000 t in clay flue linings (-1.2%); 71,400 t in miscellaneous heavy clay products, such as flower pots, roofing tile and terra cotta (-33.9%); and 741,000 t in refractories (+36.3%).


更多网络解释与下降了...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Decrease by:下降了

22. in the years ahead 今后一些年里 | 23. carry out 执行 | 24. decrease by 下降了......

Decrease to:从...下降到

decreased 下降后的 | decrease ... to... 从...下降到... | decrease by ... 下降了...


其中有国外汇率的积极影响作用. 尽管AV/IT、电子设备、金属产品以及与生活相关产品的销售都下降了,��乐器的销售保持了平稳. 从利润来看,乐器仍有较高的利润,而电子设备、金属产品的利润率下降,导致公司总体营业收入(operating income)下降了


在上述期间, 伊朗无核葡萄干(sultana)和葡萄干(raisin)的出口量下降了3%. 但是竞争性的价格以及超过预想的140 000吨的低产量增加了更多的采购兴趣, 使价格稳定地上涨, 从约700美元/吨上涨到 1 200美元/吨. 但是出口总值下降了3%,




Have her platelets dropped?|血小板下降了吗? | Plummeted.|大幅下降 | New labs show they're under 40.|最新读数显示还不到40

You're 80% effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while:宝宝已经下降了八成,就快了 但你可能还得等上一阵子

Yeah, just a tad.|对... | You're 80% effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while.|宝宝已经下降了八成,就快了 但你可能还得等上一阵子 | -There are ways to help things along. -Do them!|-如果你...

She was still more determined after the debate:讨论之后她更坚决了

2. adverb (修饰比较级)更,愈 | She was still more determined after the debate. : 讨论之后她更坚决了. | The living standards here have fallen still further. : 这儿的生活水平又下降了一截.

Business slumped after the holidays:节日过后生意下降了

3) To decline suddenly; fall off:暴跌:突然下降;衰退: | Business slumped after the holidays.节日过后生意下降了 | 4) To sink or settle, as into mud or slush.陷入:沉入或陷入(泥泞或雪泥中)

Other thefts and handling down 6:其他盗窃和处理下降了6

Other burglary down 5%其他爆窃案下跌了5 % | Other thefts and handling down 6%其他盗窃和处理下降了6 % | More serious violence down 13%更严重的暴力下降13 %