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下转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
subduction  ·  deorsumvergence  ·  deorsumversion  ·  infraduction

更多网络例句与下转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The possibility of crosslink between sodium caseinate and whey isolateand the impacts on functionality after crosslinking by transglutaminase and the application of transglutaminase on yoghurt were studied.


Minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g.


From the south wind that breathed a century and a half over the green wheat; from the perfume of the growing grasses waving over heavy-laden clover and laughing veronica, hiding the green-finches, baffling the bee; from rose-lined hedge, woodbine, and cornflower, azure blue, where yellowing wheat stalks crowd up under the shadow of green firs.


His mind does not go downward to the objects of the world.


With the patient prone and the elbow flexed 90 degrees over a support and the forearm dependent, begin a curved skin incision over the center of the posterior surface of the arm at the proximal limit of the triceps tendon, extend it distally to the posterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle, and then farther distally and medially to the posterior border of the ulna, 4 cm distal to the tip of the olecranon Fig.


Open-shelf design method is put forward to frame the fault diagnosis expert system which could supervise locomotives with different types and different internal structures; moreover, the problem of various fault sources with complicated logic connections on electric locomotive is solved by the bidirectional fault diagnosis mechanism.


In this paper,the overall structure of the monitoring and programming system of CNC turret punch press is designed under Windows.


Two-way referral guidelines are explored in the pilot work of Guanlan People's Hospital,which takes the symptoms as the turn-up gudieline and the health as the turn-down gudieline.We can see that the guidelines are reasonable and standardize doctors' referral behavior.


Methods The 201 cases in 1979~1996 were retrospectively summarized. The clinical features including chief complaints, sex distribution, age at first visit, laterality, type of presentation, ocular deviation in the primary position, refractive errors, amblyopia, globe retraction, change of the palpebral fissure, upshoot and downshoot in adduction, binocular single vision, and its associated ocular and non-ocular anomalies were analyzed.


African protests show China that investment comes with heavy price转自81.china.comJonathan Clayton in Chambishi 转自81.china.com 非洲的抗议显示获取中国投资付出的代价转自81.china.comPresident Hu cancelled one of the showpieces of his African tour yesterday after war...

转自81.china.com转自81.china.com 身兼搜狐网首席经济顾问的香港中文大学教授郎咸平在网上发表署名文章说,如果中国在适当的环境下对台湾进行武力干涉,可以肯定地说那绝不会是一场战争而必定只是一场一哄而散的闹剧。

更多网络解释与下转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ATC FWD:刀盘正转至下一把刀具处

ORIENT SPINDLE 将主轴转至一个已知位置并锁定主轴. | ATC FWD 刀盘正转至下一把刀具处 | ATC REW 刀盘反转至前一把刀具处

demise charterer:转管租约承租人

"转管租约"(demise charter) 指以转管方式将船舶出租的租船合约;在这租约下,转管租约承租人管有该船舶,并控制一切与该船舶的航行及经营有关的事宜,包括船长及船员的雇用; (由2001年第9号第2条修订)"转管租约承租人"(demise charterer) 指在转管租约下的船舶承租人,

Switch to next page:转到下一页

Switch to previous page= 转到上一页 | Switch to Next Page= 转到下一页 | Close page & Switch to previous page= 关闭当前页并转到上一页

Cycle to next page:转到下一个(右边的)选项卡

Close dropdown 关闭下拉框 | Cycle to next page 转到下一个(右边的)选项卡 | Cycle to previous page 转到上一个(左边的)选项卡

visual pathway:视路

收缩时主要功能是分别使眼球内旋和外旋;其次要作用上斜肌为下转、外转,下斜肌为上转、外转视路(visual pathway)是视觉信息从视网膜光感受器开始到大脑枕叶视中枢的传导路径临床上通常指从视神经开始,


subcutis 皮下组织 | subduction 下转 | subendothelium 内皮下膜

Alemana Check to O.CPP:阿丽玛娜右转至开身反分身位置

15.Under Arm Turn to L and R 臂下转左和右 | 16.Alemana Check to O.CPP 阿丽玛娜右转至开身反分身位置 | 17.Alternative Basic Movement 变化基本步


apotropous ovule | 下转胚珠 | apotropous | 向下转的 | apotype | 次模

apotropous ovule:下转胚珠

apotrophic | 极度生长的 | apotropous ovule | 下转胚珠 | apotropous | 向下转

apotropous ovule:(向)下转胚珠(指倒生及弯生胚珠)

apotracheal parenchyma 离管的薄壁组织 | apotropous ovule (向)下转胚珠(指倒生及弯生胚珠) | aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系统