英语人>词典>汉英 : 下弦月 的英文翻译,例句
下弦月 的英文翻译、例句


last quarter · last quarter moon · old moon
更多网络例句与下弦月相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still, while the crescent Moonis overexposed, surface features can be seen on the dim lunar nightside illuminated by earthshine - light from sunlit planet Earth.


This third quarter Moon and first quarter Moon were both photographed during the last lunar cycle or lunation with the same telescope and camera.


It was an old ragged moon..


And S. 1, is the festival of lights, when light is carried from the waning to the waxing fortnight and presents are exchanged.


Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!


They knew the waning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise.


更多网络解释与下弦月相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

last quarter:下弦月

waning 月亏 | Last Quarter 下弦月 | waning Crescent 蛾眉月(残月)

last quarter moon:半月,下弦月

half-moon 半月 | last quarter moon 半月,下弦月 | waning moon 娥眉月,亏月

last quarter moon:半月、下弦月

half-moon 半月 | last quarter moon 半月、下弦月 | waning moon 娥眉月、亏月

last quarter moon:半月,下弦月iDN中国学习动力网

half-moon 半月iDN中国学习动力网 | last quarter moon 半月,下弦月iDN中国学习动力网 | waning moon 娥眉月,亏月iDN中国学习动力网

the last quarter:下弦月

望月:the full moon | 下弦月:the last quarter | 月牙/新月:the crescent moon

last quarter of the moon:下弦月

下弦月 last quarter moon | 下弦月last quarter of the moon | 下旋球under spin

La Lune:下弦月

La Lune 下弦月 | 02. Winter in July 七月里的冬天 | 03. Scarborough Fair 斯卡波罗市集

waning moon:下弦月

下弦 last quarter | 下弦月 waning moon | 下中天 inferior transit

third quarter moon:下弦月

waning gibbous 亏凸月 | third quarter moon 下弦月 | waning crescent 残月

third quarter of the moon:下弦月

third purser 第三管事 | third quarter of the moon 下弦月 | third steward 第三服务员