英语人>词典>汉英 : 下小雨 的英文翻译,例句
下小雨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sprinkle  ·  sprinkled  ·  sprinkles

更多网络例句与下小雨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a small drizzly rainy day, but this could't hold up our passion. The brothers of ZhongshanUniversity had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.

灰蒙蒙的天上下着淅沥的小雨,但这丝毫阻挡不了大家的热情,还没到7点,中山大学微软俱乐部的兄弟就在公关部长 Lene 的陪同下早早的赶到了107,这时工作人员还在忙碌地准备着气球、挂着彩带。

It was a drizzly day with soft rain, but this couldn't hold up our passion. The brothers of Zhongshan University had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.


Xi'an yesterday a "mud rain " Xi'an yesterday a "mud rain " Yesterday morning it started to rain in Xi'an but people will not feel under the rain but mud and dropped the car almost all the raindrops on the glass became a little mud the cars are parked outdoors into a "big painted face "rustic also filled with the air smelled of earth an umbrella if you do not go out not take a few minutes the body are also covered with mud is very uncomfortable.


That region is drizzly in winter.


What the Tamagotchi did well was allow the owner to role play as whatever kind of person he wished - kind and benevolent to maniacally evil.


MASTER: A man living in society should make a show of tamas to protect himself from evil-minded people.


Outside the weather is a bit cool. A trickle of rain cannot dampen my ebullience now. Last night, I ended four weeks of "Acting for Film" class; leaving emotions complex and unstilled. After class, I joined classmates for the experimental theatrical performance of our "Scene Study" teacher "Sam". Afterwards, we had dinner together (just soup for me ok…..)…..

外头的天气有些阴凉,还下著些小雨,但几乎无损於我此时此刻雀跃的心情,昨晚刚结束为期四个礼拜的Acting for film课程,心情有些复杂难平,下课后直接和同学们去看我们Scene Study课程老师Sam的实验性剧场的表演,之后大家又一起去吃晚餐…实在不太喜欢离别时刻的感觉啊!

It was drizzling when we reached the beach.


Good and evil apply to the jiva, the individual soul, as do righteousness and unrighteousness; but Brahman is not at all affected by them.


It began to spot with rain two hours ago, but I don't think it will last.


更多网络解释与下小雨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a heavy rain:下大雨

55.How much is your year end bonus? 你的年終獎金多少? | 56.It is a heavy rain 下大雨. | 57.It is drizzling. 下小雨.

heavy rain:下大雨

Overcast变阴天#78665 | Heavy Rain下大雨#78666 | Light Rain下小雨#78668

She was in a light blue dress:她穿着浅蓝色的衣服

She was in a light blue dress. 她穿着浅蓝色的衣服. | A light rain began to fall. 下起一阵小雨. | He felt well enough for light work. 他感觉(身体)很好,要做点轻微工作.

in the consequence of:由于他的懒惰和粗鲁,我不得不把他开除了

85.on the point of 在他们就要出发的时候,开始下起小雨了. gYN... | 86.in the consequence of 由于他的懒惰和粗鲁,我不得不把他开除了. G3|23G.~)( | 87. goes back on 由于他经常食言,我拒绝和他有任何来往. /Z...

Sincere Love:赤诚的爱恋

04 唰啦啦下起小雨 Shalala,It Drizzles | 05 赤诚的爱恋 Sincere Love | 06 情满酒歌 Toasting With Love

Clear Skies:变晴天

Light Rain下小雨#78668 | Clear Skies变晴天#78669 | Weather of Normal正常天气#78670

springy:有弹力的, 多泉水的, 轻快的 (形)

springtime 春天, 初期, 春季 (名) | springy 有弹力的, 多泉水的, 轻快的 (形) | sprinkle 洒, 撒, 散置; 洒, 下小雨 (动)

It sprinkled that evening:那天晚上下了雨

sprinkle v.撒;洒;把...洒在 n.小雨 | It sprinkled that evening. 那天晚上下了雨. | typical a.典型的

Shalala,It Drizzles:唰啦啦下起小雨

03 说句心里话 Speak My Mind | 04 唰啦啦下起小雨 Shalala,It Drizzles | 05 赤诚的爱恋 Sincere Love

lunar year:中国的年

08 唰啦啦下起小雨 Begin patter of light rain | 09 中国的年 Lunar year | 10 大森林的早晨 Forest's moming