英语人>词典>汉英 : 下台的 的英文翻译,例句
下台的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
out  ·  nonofficeholding  ·  outed

更多网络例句与下台的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even before Mr Levy went AWOL a recall petition had started to circulate.

甚至在 Levy 擅离职守前,一个要求他下台的请愿就开始广为流传。

Although hailed as Germany's greatest politician, his dismal fall from power, though owing partly to his advanced 87-year age, was also due in large part to his advocacy of integration with Europe. Indeed, it may be said that he was forced out of power by opposition parties' attacks on this idea, as


It should be more in good taste when quitting the scene.it's not anything to quit the scene,but it will be grotty to smile with the tongue.his breeding must be poor.


He was the first Russian leader to step down voluntarily.


Analyst of Bernstein company senior Internet Geoffrey Lindesai says, if Microsoft is intended really,reopen negotiates, had to poll trustee of Yi Kan nomination, Ling Yahu is current the main reason with board of directors and administrative nonofficeholding layer.


He says his ongoing battle with cancer is not why he's stepping down.


He is entertaining no thoughts of stepping down.


If Britain's prime minister is not thinking about stepping down, he should be


Sir Trevor Brooking, the FA's Director of Football Development, has expressed his concern at the lack of home-grown players making it through to the top level because of the influx of foreigners, and that fear has been echoed by one of his predecessors, Howard Wilkinson.


But China's dictator could not be exorcised by mere wishes.


更多网络解释与下台的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antitrust law:反垄断法

负责雅虎欧洲业务已有18个月,其中多数时间用于重组和大规模裁员. 理论上,反垄断法(antitrust law)可助长竞争. 但事实上,政治影响力强的公司有时能运用影响力打击竞争对手,这正是即将下台的雅虎CEO杨致远得到的惨痛教训.

Balmy resorts:怡人的度假胜地

4. Look tough to dislodge: 很难被弄下台. | 5. Balmy resorts 怡人的度假胜地 | 6. Stitch deals 达成交易

caretaker Cabinet:过渡时期的内阁

acting mayor代市长 | caretaker cabinet过渡时期的内阁 | caretaker government旧政府已下台,新政府产生前的看守政府

caretaker government:旧政府已下台,新政府产生前的看守政府

caretaker cabinet过渡时期的内阁 | caretaker government旧政府已下台,新政府产生前的看守政府 | balancing government budget平衡政府预算

Crown Princess:女王储,王储的妻子

crown prince王储 | crown princess女王储,王储的妻子 | dethrone废黜,使(某人)从重要位置上下台

Look tough to dislodge:很难被弄下台

3. A jolt of inspiration :一丝鼓舞 | 4. Look tough to dislodge: 很难被弄下台. | 5. Balmy resorts 怡人的度假胜地


她随着音乐的(musical)拍子(tempi),继续(continue)往后走,台下的声音越来越响. 她的嘴角露出(appear)了笑容,她感觉(sense)到自己的这套表演(performance),赢得了观众(audience)的心. 她用眼角的余光扫视(sweep)了一下台边的助理(assistant),


而且「门票还变成站票」,不过,对於被立委点名下台,陈冲今(11)日不愿评论,仅说,「谢谢指教」. 他表示,美国总统欧巴马日前指华尔街在2008年领走200亿美元的分红是可耻的 (shameful),他认为也是太夸张 (overstated)的说法.

Step Out:下台

"当尼尔准备唱他们1996年的歌>(Step Out)时,莱姆介绍说:"这首是>,给那些因此而烦恼的人......"不过后来莱姆越讲越过分,因为他在台上经常都是醉醺醺的,他竟在台上以言语羞辱嫂子,尼尔当场以拳头伺候了他.

Our revels now are ended:亚非拉

[2008.08.07]Speaking truth to power向权贵进言 社论 | [2008.08.28]Our revels now are ended 亚非拉 | [2008.09.04]Another grey man bites the dust 又一个灰头土脸下台的首相 社论