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The sharpest angles are usually seen on the frontal glacis plate, both as it is the hull side most likely to be hit and because there is more room to slope in the longitudinal direction of a vehicle.
Outside the school, the flag was hanging at half-staff in honor of the late President Ford.
就在学校前方,为纪念已故前总统福特而降下一半的旗帜还悬挂在旗杆上 B2B99收辑整理
Stainless steel hopper, mounted on a turret valve with spring lock pin and with the following three positions: fully closed, fully open and discharge through a pipe at the front of the extruder.
Methods: The shape and formation of superior lumbar triangle were observed from the external surface of posterior abdominal wall. The grouping patterns and courses of subcostal nerve, iliohypogastric nerve and ilioinguinal nerve passing the front of superior lumbar triangle were also observed.
The recoery rate was calculated as follows;(JOA score at follow up_preoperatie JOA score)/(17 _ preoperatie JOA score) _ 100,15 and the surgical outcomes were classified into four grades based on the calculated recoery rate; excellent: recoery rate 75% or higher, good: 50–75%, fair: 25–50%, and poor: lower than 25%. Ealuation was made on radiographic findings, including the range of motion and the jaw diameter (a measured line from the posteroinferior corner of the ertebral body to the anterior aspect of the subjacent lamina) at the adjacent leels in group A and the affected leels in group B and the spinal canal diameter at the C4 leel in both groups. The C4 leel was chosen for this measurement, because the spinal canal is usually narrowest at this leel.
Vertebral column were excided through dorsal meso-incision. the removed vertebral column were put on ice as soon as possible and L1/2, L2/3, L3/4, L4/5, L5/6 intervertebral disc tissue were procured.
The M249 is gas-operated and air-cooled. It has a quick-change barrel, allowing the gunner to rapidly replace an overheated or jammed barrel. A folding bipod is attached near the front of the gun, though a M192 LGM tripod is also available. It can be fed from both linked ammunition and STANAG magazines, like those used in the M16 and M4. This allows the SAW gunner to use rifleman's magazines as an emergency source of ammunition in the event that he runs out of linked rounds. However, this will often cause malfunctions because the magazine spring has difficulty feeding rounds quickly enough to match the SAW's high cyclic rate.
Landing a 7lb Redfish -- again a perfect head on shot at 12 o'clock with the fish tailing away from the boat so had to land the fly in front of it without spooking it.
The distances between inferior margin of 12th rib and the 3 above-mentioned nerves were all measured. Results: The superior lumbar triangle was quadrilateral (55%), triangular (35%) or irregular (5%). If the 12th rib was too short, the upper border of the triangle would be the 11th rib (5%). Four grouping patterns of the 3 nerves were found in front of the triangle, and the average distance between inferior margin of 12th rib and the 3 nerves was (16.92±6.32)mm,(59.49±14.97)mm and (112.49±17.15)mm, respectively.
Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him. He made a quick drop, slanting down on his back-swept wings, and then circled again.
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Agger nasi:鼻丘
中鼻甲前方的鼻腔外侧壁上有一 丘状隆凸,谓鼻丘(agger nasi),通常含1~4个气房,其实际上是前组筛窦的一部分. 中鼻甲垂直部尾端恰位于蝶窦前壁下半部之前,尾端的后上 方、近蝶窦底处的鼻腔外侧壁上有一骨孔,谓蝶腭孔,向后通翼腭窝,
ethmoid bone:筛骨
3、筛骨(ethmoid bone) 位于颅前窝的中央部,两眶之间. 前方观呈"巾"字形,中间的水平板为筛板,板上有筛孔,分隔颅腔和鼻腔,正中矢状位向下延伸的为垂直板,构成鼻中隔的上部,两侧为筛骨迷路,内有许多含气的小腔称筛窦,呈蜂窝状.
右边的通道被大火阻隔,直接进入右前方的休息室(RestRoom),战斗过后从右侧就近的门进入厨房(Galley). 这里的煤气很诡异是吗?过去看看吧......从厨房的后门出去,右转,在楼梯口找到第2个蓝色阀门,关掉阀门熄灭下甲板走廊里燃烧的火焰.
bony nasal cavity:骨性鼻腔
◎②骨性鼻腔(bony nasal cavity)位于面颅中央,被骨性鼻中隔分为左右两部. 骨性鼻中隔由筛骨垂直板和犁骨构成. 鼻腔前方的开口称梨状孔,后方为成对的鼻后孔. 鼻腔的顶主要由筛板构成. 外侧壁结构比较复杂,有3个向下卷曲的骨片,
mons pubis:阴阜
临床上可经阴道穹后部,向直肠子宫陷凹穿刺作诊断. 阴道前方邻接膀胱底和尿道,后方邻接直肠. 阴道的下端开口于阴道前庭,称阴道口,处女的阴道口周缘有环形或半月形的处女膜. . (一)阴阜(mons pubis) 为耻骨联合前方的隆起区,皮下脂肪丰富.
每眼的眼外肌(extraocular muscles)包括4条直肌(rectus)和2条斜肌(obliquemuscle). 4条直肌为上直肌、下直肌、内直肌和外直肌,它们均起自眶尖部视神经孔周围的总腱环,向前分别附着于眼球赤道部前方的巩膜上.
infraorbital canal:眶下管
侧线几平直,沿体侧中部向后延伸,约至尾鳍下叶前方的1/3处急转下弯至尾端;头部眶上管(supraorbital canal),前方微弯,至眼前上方则几近平直而延伸至吻端;眶下管(infraorbital canal)呈波状,向前延伸至吻前方与眶上管相接,
obliquus inferior:下斜肌
7、下斜肌(obliquus inferior) 起自眼眶下壁的前内侧,经下直肌下方,行向后外,止于眼球赤道后方巩膜的下面. 收缩时,牵拉眼球,使瞳孔转向外上方. 其作用与下直肌相对应,二者同时收缩,使瞳孔对向前方. 由动眼神经支配.
lower deck:下甲板
返回外面,打开一旁的电子门进入下甲板(Lower Deck)走廊. 右边的通道被大火阻隔,直接进入右前方的休息室(Rest Room),战斗过后从右侧就近的门进入厨房(Galley). 这里的煤气很诡异是吗?过去看看吧......从厨房的后门出去,右转,在楼梯口找到第2个蓝