英语人>词典>汉英 : 上级的 的英文翻译,例句
上级的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ranking  ·  superior  ·  superordinate  ·  upper  ·  superordinated  ·  superordinating

更多网络例句与上级的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To me, this was friendship at its best.


This is the idea of higher authorities.


This is the idea of higher authorities .


He continued to climb up, over the dead bodies of his superiors.


He went to see the generals under whom Georges Pontmercy had served, among others, Comte H.


For example, in the Employees table, you can display the name of each employee′s supervisor in the ReportsTo field—?a Lookup field that displays data from the FirstName and LastName fields by looking up the corresponding EmployeeID.


A sufficient cause is always required in order that a dispensation may be both valid and licit when an inferior dispenses from a superior's law, but only for the liceity of the act when a superior dispenses from his own law.


How could they stand the trial, even for the sake of money, if they perjured themselves?


Thompson: I'm just waiting for the order.


But employee's achievement effect achievement having decided whose direct higher authority on big degree in round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles effect, employee's direct higher authority is to know to owe employee's manage person most


更多网络解释与上级的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

e.g. be inferior to:在....之下; 次于; 不如

7. inferior adj. 下等的, 下级的, 差的, 次的, 劣等的 | e.g. be inferior to 在....之下; 次于; 不如 | 8. superior n. 长者, 高手, 上级 adj. 较高的, 上级的, 出众的, 高傲的

e.g. be superior to:胜过, 比...好; 不为...所动

8. superior n. 长者, 高手, 上级 adj. 较高的, 上级的, 出众的, 高傲的 | e.g. be superior to 胜过, 比...好; 不为...所动 | rise superior to 超越..., 不为...所影响


尤其是权威或者上级;奥本海默的成长模式,Gladwell归结为"协同培育"("concerted cultivation"),这样的孩子的特征是拥有善于与人协商和沟通的能力,面对权威人物或者上级的时候,他有"权利"(entitlement)意识也敢于站起来为

fair-haired boy:一个得到上级垂青的年轻人

15. fair weather friend 只会同安乐却不能共患难的人 | 16. fair-haired boy 一个得到上级垂青的年轻人 | 17. go whole hog 干脆彻底地做一件事,不惜重金购买一件朝思暮想的东西

hatchet man:被雇的杀人凶手; 打手; 受雇写漫骂文章的人; 代上级申斥[开除]职工的人

Give every man the ear, but few the voice. [谚]多听少说. | hatchet man 被雇的杀人凶手; 打手; 受雇写漫骂文章的人;代上级申斥[开除]职工的人 | He is the last man to 他[我]绝不...; 他[我]最不适于...

Mother Superior jumped the gun:母亲上级偷步

I need a fix cause I'm going down我需要一个固定的事业,我将前往 | Mother Superior jumped the gun母亲上级偷步 | Mother Superior jumped the gun母亲上级偷步

Communicate well and often:良好而经常的沟通(与上级及同一个战壕的同事)

2. Remember the human element 铭记人总是第一位的 | 3. Communicate well and often 良好而经常的沟通(与上级及同一个战壕的同事) | 4. Think business 时时想起公司的总体战略和目标


rankamaite 钽钠石 | ranker 出身行伍的军官 | ranking 上级的


直到收到对方的BPDU.当DP处于丢弃或者学习状态,它将在自己将要发送出去的BPDU里设置提议位(proposal bit),如上图的p0和步骤1.由于交换机A收到了上级(superior)信息,它将意识到自己的P1应该立即成为RP.此时交换机A将采取同步(sync)动作,

In the Indian caste system:在印度的种姓制度中

superior a. 上级的,(职位、 地位等)较高的;较好; 卓越的;有优越感的 n... | In the Indian caste system, ;在印度的种姓制度中, | marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed. ;同来自高一级种姓的人 通...