英语人>词典>汉英 : 上升气流 的英文翻译,例句
上升气流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
updraft  ·  upcurrent

更多网络例句与上升气流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The conditional symmetry instability is the intermediate process between the stable and instable states of the atmosphere. The evolution of the atmosphere from the stable to unstable state or from unstable to stable state comes through two stages. The convective-symmetric instability circulation is related with the state and type of the instability. When the conditional instability lies in the lower level and conditional symmetric instability in the upper level, the circulation will have vertical updrafts in the lower level and slantwise updrafts in the upper level. The release of conditional symmetric instability gives rise to a mesoscale rain belt.


It is indicated that the updrafts of the Arabian Sea meridional cell tube and the south zonal cell tube arrive in the SCS at the same time in May, which brings strong convective precipitation. Meanwhile, the westerly of the meridional cell tube and the southerly of the south zonal cell tube combine together to form the southwesterly at the low levels, resulting in the onset of the SCS monsoon.


However, with the help of an updraft, mosquitoes are able to rise with the air current.


Roll cloud heading inland over Shark Bay, Western Australia: A roll cloud is a horizontal tubular formation that forms in the cold downdraughts that spread out ahead of an approaching storm


When the spatial pattern is meridionally anti-symmetric, in the north-warm/south-cold years, an anticyclonic anomaly circulation exists over the warm pool at 850hPa, the easterly near 15°N and the westerly near the equator are greatly strengthened, while the center of the 200 hPa anticyclonic circulation moves to the East Asia, and the Hadley circulation is affected evidently, so the summer rainfall may be above normal in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and vice versa.


The southwest vortex restricted the development of the plateau vortex in some way at the early stage when it appeared in the lower atmosphere. When they were coupled longitudinally, the vertical difference caused by the different vorticity advections between the upper and lower levels excitated the updrafts under 500 hPa and strengthened cyclone vorticity, and then the positive vorticity at 500 hPa and 700 hPa increased by two times The change rate of positive vorticity facilitated the plateau vortex to move eastward.

分析表明:高原涡与西南涡涡心之间的纬向距离在5个纬度的时候,两者上升气流都在500 hPa以下,当两者继续东移,在经向上耦合的时候,二者同时得到发展,西南涡中心的上升气流达到300 hPa,而高原涡中心的上升气流突破200 hPa;西南涡在低层出现初期,在一定程度上制约了高原涡的发展,随着两者在经向方向发生耦合,上下涡度平流不同造成垂直差动,将激发500 hPa以下的上升运动与气旋性涡度加强,使得500 hPa与700 hPa涡心正涡度值的增大近 1倍。

The material enters from the feed pipe and is scattering in the rising airflow. Under the influence of gravity, the powder medium fragments fall by conquering the airflow resistance and is discharged from the discharging port.


Because of the difference in the press between ring structure and its country rock, the velocity of the ascending gas flows in the ring structure would speed up and the amount of it could add very much.


It\'s also the first time to design and study the structure of new typed fluidized bed jet mill. Adding fresh air to the top and the bottom in the fluidized bed jet mill to increase the speed of upward currents, the way is leading fluidized particles to be boiling and reduce the eddy strength. The aim is to reduce the opportunity of regrinding. It is valuable to produce the particles which are rough, high density and high product rate requirement. At present, the technology has been prevailed, which produced lots of benefits for society and economy.


Its also the first time to design and study the structure of new typed fluidized bed jet mill. Adding fresh air to the top and the bottom in the fluidized bed jet mill to increase the speed of upward currents, the way is leading fluidized particles to be boiling and reduce the eddy strength. The aim is to reduce the opportunity of regrinding. It is valuable to produce the particles which are rough, high density and high product rate requirement. At present, the technology has been prevailed, which produced lots of benefits for society and economy.


更多网络解释与上升气流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ascending air current:上升气流

ascend curve 上升曲线 | ascending air current 上升气流 | ascending development 上升发展

ascendant air current:上升气流

ascend 上升 | ascendant air current 上升气流 | ascendant 上升的

ascending current:上升水流;上升气流

alternating current 交流[电](AC) | ascending current 上升水流;上升气流 | bed current 底层流


up stroke上升冲程 | upcurrent上升气流 | updraft上升气流

upcurrent:上升气流 向上游

upcountry /内陆的/ | upcurrent /上升气流/向上游/ | update /更新/


白头海雕选择的迁徙路线要视乎该路线的暖流、上升气流(updraft)及食物资源是否有利. 在迁徙期间,牠们会靠暖流往上攀升,而後往下滑翔,就这样使用暖流前进,而当遇上断崖和一些峭壁时则使用上升气流,掠过这些地带. 一般而言,


updraft 向上抽气 | updraught 上升气流 | upgrade 提高等级

an updraught:上升气流

a downdraught 下降气流 | an updraught 上升气流 | a lull 风停


unvulcanized rubber 未硫化橡胶 | upflow 上流上升气流 | uramil 乌拉米尔


upward向上的 | upwind迎风,顶风,上升气流 | vacuum真空, 空间