英语人>词典>汉英 : 上 的英文翻译,例句
上 的英文翻译、例句

falling-rising tone
更多网络例句与上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These years of global real estate hot, regardless of national boundaries, a region or a city, as long as conditions are appropriate, and real estate prices on the best of both worlds,上窜non-stop.


A healthy baby you, to be anno...上一篇: On the baby's cold 5:00 mistak...


Post-secondary (Sub-degree course)(专上教育: Including all Higher Certificate/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree/ Endorsement Certificate/ Associateship or equivalent courses in Universities/ Vocational Training Council, other sub-degree courses in Universities funded by University Grants Committee, Higher Certificate/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree or equivalent courses in former Polytechnics/ other statutory or approved Postsecondary Colleges, Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree or equivalent courses in other colleges providing postsecondary courses, sub-degree courses in Hong Kong Institute of Education, Sub-degree level nurse training courses/ dental training courses, Distance learning sub-degree level courses and other sub-degree level courses


You can deprive…of…,but you can't… Sb is deprived of… 202.to be deserving of…值得……;配得上…… Those who are deserving of people's confidence and trust cannot usually get to the leading positions are nine out of ten not worthy of our faith.


And做上, middle and lower and inner, middle and outer parts of the bisector, a line of three and three vertical lines.


These clusters in the file allocation table in FAT cluster做上bad marks, so that it will not be covered by the permanent presence in the disk (the disk has been used in the cluster must be FAT file allocation table上簇do the tags, otherwise they will be other documents were covered by the use of).


Hill blocks in the hard-living, the processing of very fine, especially in the first courtyard, the brick Bo wind, etc., is also a significant local features of a high artistic level, on behalf of the local artisans in the high-watt level做上originality of the mature and designers.


Vi.上床,分层 apple-pie bed be brought to bed confined to one's bed die in one's bed feather bed flock bed get up on the wrong side of the bed get out of bed on the wrong side go to bed go to bed in one's boots keep one's bed keep to one's bed leave one's bed lie on the bed one has made lie in the bed one has made lie on a bed of thorns make one's make one's bed bed and lie on it make one's own bed make one's own bed and lie on it make the bed make a bed narrow bed narrow cell narrow house narrow home put to bed put to bed with a shovel stretch on the Procrustean bed

发生性关系;付印喝得大醉早睡早起因病躺在床因病躺在床病愈起床自作自受自作自受如坐针毡;坐立不安自作自受自作自受自作自受自作自受整理床铺整理床铺坟墓坟墓坟墓坟墓使睡;将扣紧准备印刷;准备编排直至印刷为止埋葬,下葬;扶送回家床按照同一标准判断;强求一致 24 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it。

Here the retranslation work is done in the way of putting "Up" into "上", and choosing phrases with "上" to replace the phrases with "UP".


For example, we are planning上东三角洲agents on exactly at the Beijing Lufthansa, Wangjing, Lido three major shopping district of the Upper East Wai All New "heart" area; while the other Nancheng星河城project, then close fit Nancheng Beijing the pace of the rise of these two projects are related to the formation of regional development into the interactive posture, and are more than millions of square meters large.


更多网络解释与上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All aboard:全体上船!请上船!开船啦全体上船!请上船!开船啦

all aback 逆风;大吃一惊 | All aboard! 全体船!请船!开船啦全体船!请船!开船啦 | all aboard 全体

alow and aloft:从上到下;甲板下的与甲板上的

alow and aloft 从到下 | alow and aloft 从到下;甲板下的与甲板的 | alow and aloft 从到下甲板下的与甲板

And Og king of Basan: for his mercy endureth for ever:肋未家族,也请讚颂上主!敬畏上主的人,讚颂上主

以色列家族,请讚颂主!亚郎家族,也请讚颂主! S... | 肋未家族,也请讚颂主!敬畏主的人,讚颂主! And Og king of Basan: for his mercy endureth for ever. | 住在耶路撒冷的大君,愿他由熙雍承受讚颂! And he g...

CIVIL LAW: PROPERTY:二上","专业必修",,"民法物权(上)

"二","专业必修",,"民法债编总论()","CIVIL LAW:GENERAL PROVISIONS OF OB... | "二","专业必修",,"民法物权()","CIVIL LAW: PROPERTY(1)",2,2 | "二","专业必修",,"刑法分则()","CRIMINAL LA

cope box:上砂箱,上模箱

模合模機cope closing machine | 砂箱,模箱cope box | 砂箱,模箱cope flask


到了15世纪晚期,桅帆(topsail)也开始出现. 最早的桅帆不过是装在桅台的旗杆的一根帆桁和一小面帆,接着才演变成全尺寸的大帆,其帆桁系在主桅接装的桅杆. 不久之后,前桅也加装了自己的桅帆. 在克拉克船时代末期,

TRADEMARK LAW:四上","四上","专业选修",,"商标法

"四","四","专业选修",,"证券交易法","SECURITIES EXCHANGE LAW AND REGULATION",2,2 | "四","四","专业选修",,"商标法","TRADEMARK LAW",2,2 | "四","四","专业选修",,&

All hands high:全体船员甲板上集合全体船员到甲板上集合

All hands heay! 全体船员甲板集合全体船员到甲板集合 | All hands high! 全体船员甲板集合全体船员到甲板集合 | All hands on deck! 全体船员甲板集合全体船员到甲板集合

The Gas Lamp in History:[历史上的汽灯历史上的汽灯历史上的汽灯历史上的汽灯]

24) As if just Waking from a Dream of China [如梦中国初醒时如梦中国初醒时... | 25) The Gas Lamp in History [历史的汽灯历史的汽灯历史的汽灯历史的汽灯] | 26) No Way to Finish It [无法结束无法结束...

king spoke:上舵轮柄舵轮的上把柄舵轮上的把柄上舵轮柄

king spoke 舵轮柄 | king spoke 舵轮柄舵轮的把柄舵轮的把柄舵轮柄 | king valve 主阀