英语人>词典>汉英 : 三维环面 的英文翻译,例句
三维环面 的英文翻译、例句


three dimensional torus
更多网络例句与三维环面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 3D motions of plane double enveloping worm has been emulated with Solidege and Flash.The model of fuzzy optimization design of plane double enveloping worm has been built by fuzzy theory and the methods of mechanical design.


Furthermore, the reconstituted model of planar enveloping hourglass meshing surface is established in the light of the research of 3D surface reconstituted algorithm, and 3D error of the real planar enveloping hourglass meshing surface is derived accordingly.


We build the model for the enveloping worm helix parametric equation and then analyze its relations with the enveloping worm helix tooth surface equation,thus establishing the characteristic model of the involute helicoid enveloping worm′s generative gears.


The principles of forming toroidal gear have been studied and the trajectories of the machining tools have been obtained. Then, the generating method for manufacturing of the internal toroidal gear by using the envelope method has been proposed. Further, spatial meshing profile normal theory is applied to design the profile of the proposed hobber, and the fix angles of the hobbing cutter have been confirmed.


A laser 3D body scanning system based on light stripe method was presented,which can realize body contour automatic scanning from top to bottom and forming a circinal stripe on body surface with four semiconductor laser linear light sources.Light stripe image is received from eight image CCD cameras located on the two sides of linear light sources.


According to 3D analysis, it is known that shear transfer between rings are carried out by three ways. First is friction between ring joint faces; Second is dowel effect of circumferential bolts; Third is contact-hold effect of tongue-and-groove.


The author established the axisymmetrical bubble with the vortex sheet and the vortex ring and established the three-dimension bubble with vortex ring respectively based on the achievements of the former researchers.


更多网络解释与三维环面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

color wheel:颜色轮

在AutoCAD的示例文件中有一个名为"colorwh.dwg"的图形文件,以"颜色轮(Color Wheel)形式给出了全在创建千禧堂模型的过程中,已经学习了八种在AutoCAD中预定义的三维曲面网格,即长方体、圆锥体、下半球面、上半球面、棱锥面、球体、圆环和楔体,

three dimensional torus:三维环面

three dimensional space 三维空间 | three dimensional torus 三维环面 | three eighths rule 八分之三法

three eighths rule:八分之三法

three dimensional torus 三维环面 | three eighths rule 八分之三法 | three faced 三面的

Solway Firth:索爾威灣

苏格兰位於英国大不列颠本岛的北部,三面环海,北、西与大西洋交界,东临北海,南端则以索尔威湾(Solway Firth)、契维特高地(Cheviot Hill)及特韦德河(Tweed River )和英格兰为界,面积7万7千1百67平方公里,约台湾的两倍大.