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三维图 的英文翻译、例句


graphic model
更多网络例句与三维图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This software package is of the following capabilities: top view display, line plot, net plot, surface plot, section analysis, background plane reduction, zoom, 1-D or 2-D Fourier transformation, power density analysis, restoration of STM images, smoothing, low pass or high pass filter, BMP file output, printing images etc.


Some applications of the Bezier curve to computer graphics are introduced in this paper. These include generating flowered patterns approximate drawing of profile of machine parts, designing the shape of industrial products with free curve, making three-dimensional picture of ratators with the Bezier curve as the generating line and plotting charts by smoothing out the graphs of discrete data of scientific experiments.


I was a university student, I had not done a very complex programming exercise, This is the first time I upload source. this is the upload computer graphics, I do exercises at the WIN-TC environment prepared by some of the procedures, these are the basic 2D graphics transform (translation, rotation, Shear, Zooming, symmetric) animation demonstration, three-dimensional map of the two-dimensional plane of the hidden map, the lines cut, the parabolic mapping and B-spline curves mapping, detailed procedures of the Notes, and I hope to the students friends to help.


MR angiograms of 204 cases were analyzed retrospectively to sum up the variation ratios of cerebral arteries, their differences in gender and sides, in which the artery not displayed was regarded as absence and the artery 1/2 diameter less than the symmetrical one was regard as hypogenesis.


Visualization of 3D information can make nonrepresentational data into visual 3D image, which is important for us to analyze and understand these data.


On the network of 3-dimensional perspective projcction transforming and the forest resource DBASE data, the color forest stereogram can be drawn. The problem of the railway linear base will succed in being solved.

通过三维图象的透视投影变换和与森林资源 dbase 数据的联网,可绘制彩色森林立体专业图,并成功地解决了铁路线型库的问题。

Three kinds of boiling states could be classified in a three dimensional diagram.


On the one hand, the component method is introduced into flowchart design, which can not only enlarge the depth and the connotation of the flowchart, but also extend the traditional concepts of the flowchart. By combining the component method and the objectoriented method, it will be easy to illustrate the industry flow and meet with the future requirements of the industry control software. On the other hand, the trajectory concepts in plane moving, the method of using Bezier Curve to approach the 1/4 arc to implement the arc circumrotation, the method of using graphic elements' combination to extend the expression capability, and the method of combining the graphic elements'combination, three-dimensional graphic elements and bitmaps to realize the three-dimensional effects to express the industry flow more realistic are brought forward in this dissertation.


Based on the existing data of the Yangtze delta area, a preparatory simulative experiment have been done by the model on the sea-land change course in Yangtze delta area since l0000aBP, and a good simulative effect are obvious from the hypsometric paleotopographic map and 3D color shaded-relief map which exported from the model. That provides a visual scene to analyze and discuss the Yangtze delta evolution, coastline shifting, even the relationship between the ancient civilizations migration and environments.


So the structure is designed to ensure reliable mould, working with other components., Based on 3d drawing die assembly drawing and 2d.


更多网络解释与三维图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

n-q-phi 3D chart:三维谱图

最终诊断图:last diagnosis chart | 三维谱图:n-q-phi 3D chart | 顺序功能图:sequence function chart

three-dimensional animation:三维动画

表情比率图:face animation | 三维动画:three-dimensional animation | 人脸动画:face animation


对于双参数或多参数数据,既可以单独显示每个参数的直方图(histogram),也可以选择二维的散点图(dot plot)、等高线图(contour)或三维立体视图(pseudo 3D每一个细胞单参数的测量数据可以整理成统计分布,以直方图的方式来显示.

image processing:图象处理

因而,电视节目制作运用图象处理(image processing)对客观原本存在的物象进行数码加工处理,应用CGI(Computer-Generated Imagery)计算机生成图象,充分发挥电视人的想象建构新的审美时空,以二维动画(2D animation)或三维动画(3D animation)创建虚拟世界,

INTERFERE INF:将两个或两个以上的三维实体的相交部分创

127 INSERT I 把图块(或文件)插入到当前图形文件 Y|bCbaF | 129 INTERFERE INF 将两个或两个以上的三维实体的相交部分创 !b<c*J?f | 219 REDRAW R 重新显示当前视窗中的图形 cn (-{dCXM


61 Hatchedit HE 编辑区域填充图样 | 62 Intersect IN 对三维实体求交 | 63 Layer LA 或-LA 图层控制


2.2.2台理设置图层 图层(Layer)是AutoCAD组织管理图形对象最为有效的工具之一. 通过将不同性质的对象放置在不同的层上,可以方便地通过控制层的特性来显示和编辑对象. 三维图形较二维图形更为复杂,视觉干扰更大,

DDVPOINT VP:设置三维观察方向

DDPTYPE 指定点对象的显示模式及大小 | DDVPOINT vp 设置三维观察方向 | DEFLPLSTYLE 为新图层指定缺省打印样式名称

VP VPOINT:设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向

136 V VIEW 保留和恢复已命名的视图 | 137 VP VPOINT 设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向 | 138 W WBLOCK 将块对象写入新图形文件


timing age 计时年龄 | tomograph 三维结构图 | toner 调色剂