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三维 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与三维相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3D reconstruction is one of the most challenging problems in computer vision. This project uses CAD model to increase the accuracy,robustness and speed of 3D reconstruction and five different works are conducted: 1 research on space curve 3D reconstruction method based on high curvature point nad turning point; 2 free-form curve 3D reconstruction based on B-spline and BURBS; 3 Active surface affine reconstruction based on single frame; 4 Matching and reconstruction of 3D sparse points; Data fitting method based on the iteration of nearest point.


The coordinate transformation and numerical integration was executed on the discretized tetrahedral elements based on which the 3-D MT vector-finite element method was implemented. A whole computation framework for 3-D vector-finite element method with unstructured mesh was given. Based on this some typical models were tested which has demonstrated that our algorithm could distinctively avoid problems caused by the fake solution and both the accuracy and efficiency were enhanced which made our algorithm has a bright future for further application.3. According to theory of Sobolev vector space and the discretization of Helmholtz space, the error estimate which was suitable for 3-D MT vector-finite element modeling was deduced by which the procedure of adaptive technique was guaranteed.4. Based on the fully unstructured tetrahedralization and optical strategy, the 3-D magnetotelluric h-adaptive vector-finite element method was presented through combining the error estimate. With this work, the accuracy and creditableness for 3-D MT complicatedly modeling was guaranteed.5. The 3-D magnetotelluric h-adaptive vector-finite element algorithm with unstructured mesh was implemented.


In view of the demand of computerized eye-glasses-wearing system, an approach to match two dimensional (2D) human head images with 3D glasses frame graphics in 3D space has been proposed. First, the operator points out three or six key points, which are used to locate 3D eye-glasses frame, on the human face image displayed on the computer screen interactively.


Then loading the models in both feet standing body posture, gain stress distribution figures of the models, record stress numerus of weight bearing dome, anterior wall and posterior wall in condition of different areas posterior wall fractures. Results 1、Normal 3D finite element model of acetabulum Obtain 3D visible model of pelvic by restituting CT fault images with Mimics10.01; gain 3D visible model of haunch bone by splitting the pelvic model with FreeForm software.

结果 1、正常髋臼三维有限元模型通过Mimics10.01软件对骨盆断层CT图像进行三维重建,获得骨盆三维可视模型;然后在FreeForm软件系统中对模型进行修饰,平滑模型表面,设定各受力面与界线;并成功截取出髋骨三维可视模型;再将模型导入Ansys8.0中进行各部分材料赋值及网格划分,建立了正常髋臼三维有限元模型,共含节点69440个,三维四面体单元45209个。

3D solid visualization class and 3D surface visualization class have thefunction of visualizing the scalar and vector. Moreover, 3D surface visualization classcan produce 2D data file. Picture class provides function of marking on the picture.

其次,运用 VTK 标量和矢量可视化技术实现了三维数据场的矢量和标量可视化,包括三维体数据场标量和矢量单视区显示及三维体数据场剖面标量和矢量单视区/四视区显示;使三维面数据可视化类具备了三维面数据场标量单视区显示功能和剖切面生成二维数据文件的功能,并且在三维面数据可视化类中内嵌了数据预处理算法。

The key technical problem of roughcast in the virtual machining environment is to handle three-dimensional shape, which includes the method of setting up geometrical model of three-dimensional shape of roughcast , the data structure that displays three-dimensional shape, process compiling three-dimensional shape, etc.


The invention discloses the anti-fake method by using the 3D stereoscopic icon, which can show 3D stereoscopic icons and hide the confidential image information in the 3D stereoscopic icons, comprising the following steps of: obtaining parameters, inputting confidential images and grey images; then using a visual divided storage method to build n visual divided storage images, using a 3D stereograph method to build n 3D stereoscopic images, adjusting the sizes of the n visual divided storage images and the n 3D stereoscopic images and dividing the n visual divided storage images and the n 3D stereoscopic images into a plurality of basic blocks; finally random choosing the basic blocks in the corresponding positions in the visual divided storage images or the 3D stereoscopic images to build n 3D stereoscopic and visual divided storage icons, etc.


By the numerical analysis of the ultimate bearing capacity of two- and three-dimensional footing under combined loading mode, the results show that the effect of alteration of underground water lever on bearing capacity of three-dimensional foundation is more than on that of two-dimensional foundation, the effect of soil gravity on bearing capacity of three-dimensional foundation is more than that of two-dimensional foundation. At the same time, the numerical calculation process of ABAQUS indicates that whether the geostatic stress is balanced or not has great effect on the numerical convergence. In view of the effect extent of dilation angle of soil on the ultimate bearing capacity and the failure pattern of foundation, the condition of two-dimensional plane strain is higher than that of the three-dimensional foundation.


The model is used to count several engineering example.Comparing the 2D numerical results with electrical simulations,it is proved that the seepage model can count the seepage surface and the location of search results in dam well and truly.Comparing 3D results with 2D results at close section,the results are tally well except the difference of meshes and the interceptive position of section.So the model is credible and has upper practicality value.In the projects,the spending of account is increasing because of the bigger account field.


The research of making use of 2D image to form the 3D objects has been a field paid attention to very much all the time. In this work, we propose the synthetic way of a 3D human head, based on image information of multiple-view, cooperate with a Generic 3D head model. By choosing the feature points from images to estimation of position of the camera, and then dealing with information reconstruction of human head and feature point relationship between images and 3D object. Subsequently, applying interpolation technique, the head model is deformed from original model to fit the computed feature points by using Radial Basis Function. Make the form of the head model of people after deformation in conformity with true face of people. Finally, execute 3D head texture mapping and reach the function of translation and rotation with arbitrary direction.

利用二维影像来合成三维物件的研究一直是很受到重视的一个领域,在本论文中,我们提出一个三维立体人头的合成方式,以多张不同视角的影像资讯为基础,配合一个事先准备好的通用三维人头模型(generic 3D head model),透过二维影像中特徵点的选取来估算出拍摄的角度、方位,进而处理人脸模型五官的资讯重塑与特徵点对应的关系,接著利用内差技术,使用放射基底函数对三维通用人头模型作形变,使形变过后人头模型的形状与真实人脸相符,最后对三维通用人头模型作材质贴图,并可对此模型作任意角度、方向的旋转平移,以期达到类似照镜的功能。

更多网络解释与三维相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

three dimensional equation:三维方程式

三维计算器图形 three dimensional computer graphic | 三维方程式 three dimensional equation | 三维四线 three dimensional four wire,3D4W

three dimensional equation:三维方程

three dimensional dynamic spectrum aha-lyzer 三维动态频谱分析仪 | three dimensional equation 三维方程 | three dimensional graph 三维图形

three-dimensional fundamental form:三维基本形

三维偶极子 three-dimensional doublet | 三维基本形 three-dimensional fundamental form | 三维几何 three-dimensional geometry

INTERFERE INF:用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维组合实体

INSUNITSDEFTARGET 设置目标图形的单位值 | INTERFERE inf 用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维组合实体 | INTERSECT in 用两个或多个实体或面域的交集创建组合实体或面域并删除交集以外的部分

INF INTERFERE:干涉(用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维组合实体)

IO INSERTOBJ OLE 对象(插入链接或嵌入对象 | INF INTERFERE 干涉(用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维组合实体) | IN INTERSECT 交集(用两个或多个实体或面域的交集创建组合实体或面域并删除交集以外的部分)

INF INTERFERE:用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维复合实体

65 I INSERT 将命名块或图形插进到当前图形中 | 66 INF INTERFERE 用两个或多个三维实体的公用部分创建三维复合实体 | 67 IN INTERSECT 用两个或多个实体或面域的交集创建复合实体或面域并删除交集以外的部分

three-dimensional numerical calculation:三维数值计算

三维数值模:three-dimensional numerical simulation | 三维数值计算:three-dimensional numerical calculation | 三维计算:Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation

three-dimensional ray tracing:三维波线追踪

三维模拟 three-dimensional modeling | 三维波线追踪 three-dimensional ray-tracing | 三维测勘 three-dimensional survey

three-dimensional ray tracing:三维地震射线跟踪

three-dimensional radial timebase 三维径向时基 | three-dimensional ray tracing 三维地震射线跟踪 | three-dimensional reconstruction 三维重现

D seismics:三维地震

3-D ray-tracing 三维射线跟踪 | 3-D seismics 三维地震 | 3-D seismology 三维地震学