英语人>词典>汉英 : 三桅帆船 的英文翻译,例句
三桅帆船 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
barkentine  ·  barque

更多网络例句与三桅帆船相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not long ago, smith hears city south is called Dekesasi " barkentine river is pressed down " area bury is worn boat of treasure of a Spain, as it is said this barque sinks at was missing in place 1822, on the boat valuable the gold of 3 billion dollar and silver.

不久前,史密斯听说得克萨斯州南部一个名叫"三桅船河镇"的地区埋藏着一艘西班牙宝藏船,据传这艘三桅帆船于1822年在当地失踪沉没,船上有价值30 亿美元的黄金和白银。

Before the statues rests a block upon which would have rested the sacred barque itself.


Po Jin Sizheng is eager to exiting experience of a hopeful endowment the project of 180 million dollar, this is not KPCB most the network that often invests or company of new and high technology, however one is called " Malta falcon " barque.


We therefore regard it as suitable and salutary that, in the election of the said pontiff, in order that the faithful may look upon him as a mirror of purity and honesty, all stain and every trace of simony shall be absent, that men shall be raised up for this burdensome office who, having embarked in the appropriate manner and order in a due, right and canonical way, may undertake the steering of the barque of Peter and may be, once established in so lofty a dignity, a support for right and good people and a terror for evil people; that by their example, the rest of the faithful may receive instruction on good behaviour and be directed in the way of salvation, that the things which have been determined and established by us for this, in accordance with the magnitude and seriousness of the case, may be approved and renewed by the sacred general council; and that the things so approved and renewed may be communicated, so that the more frequently they are upheld by the said authority, the more strongly they shall endure and the more resolutely they shall be observed and defended against the manifold attacks of the devil.


Sailing to Aswan. Visiting the High Dam, Unfinished Obelisque and Felucca ride to visit the Botanical Garden and Agha Khan Mausoleum, transfer back to the ship .


A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail,lugsail,or lateen.


A quadrilateral or triangular sail set from the after part of the mainmast on a fore - and - aft rigged vessel.


A large three-masted sailing ship with a square rig and usually two or more decks, used from the15th to17th century especially by Spain as a merchant ship or warship.


A large three masted sailing ship with a square rig and usually two or more decks , used from the15th to17th century especially by Spain as a merchant ship or warship .


Do not automate this ship, it's your personal fleet to trade valuables and run errands, you should add more light ships to it and later migrate it to something fast but also tough, preferably Xebecs.

你可以适当的添加一些轻快的船只,如小帆船Sloops ,到后面优选小型三桅帆船Xebecs。

更多网络解释与三桅帆船相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


BRIGG 雙桅帆船 | BARKE 三桅帆船 | PIBARKE 海盜三桅帆船


barkeeper 酒吧老板 | barkentine 三桅帆船 | barker 剥树皮工


barkeeper | 酒吧老板或酒吧招待员 | barkentine | (仅前桅有横帆的)三桅帆船 | Barker sequence | 巴克序列



barque:三桅帆船, 船

sweep phasing 扫描定相 | barque 三桅帆船, 船 | solid pitch 固体树脂


barothermohygrograph 气压温度湿度计 | barque 三桅帆船(后桅纵帆 | barquentine 三桅帆船(后桅纵帆




loran 导航系统 | lorcha 三桅帆船 | lord chief justice 最高法院的首席法官


三桅船 three-masted craft | 三桅帆船 three-master | 三相电路 three-phase circuit


barque 三桅帆船(后桅纵帆 | barquentine 三桅帆船(后桅纵帆 | barrack ship 仓库船