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三度法 的英文翻译、例句


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The causes of shield tunnel defections could be divided into six branches: the segment dislocations, lining material deterioration and seepage. etc. Fault trees are also founded to illustrate each branch. 23 quantitative elements from the fault trees are selected to serve as the diagnosis indexes, all of which could be applied in engineering practice. By using the AHP method, a 3-level diagnosis index system is established. Afterwards, the procedure of setting up the quantitative judging criteria is given, as well as the relative index weight of index layer, by using the improved Analytic Hierarchy Process-multiplication scale method. At last, the values of corresponding parameters of membership functions are set, with the Cauchy distribution model.


According to the definition of the minimum zone method, the mathematical model is presented for evaluating flatness error and establishing datum plane equation.


Methods The effects of the reading error and the misalignment of the probes on the accuracy of measuring and all the harmonics of roundness were analyzed; The strategy and the algorithm for optimizing the parameters of the measuring system were proposed; The distribution and propagation patterns of the measured errors for all the harmonics of roundness were studied in detail; A software for correcting the errors caused by the measurement error of the angle positions of the probes and the sensitivity difference between three probes was presented.


The method how to separate the radial jumpiness of the large shaft by three-point method to gain the round error in high precision is showed particularly. In the part of diameter measurement, this paper indicates how to standardize the photomicrosensor and shows the way how to use correction signal correct the measure error of the grating system which is used to measure the rotated angle of the wheel in detail.


Through the experimental study of existing evaluation method of mud cake compressibility, this paper compares the compressibility under normal temperature static / dynamic state, with three evaluation methods "cake percotation rate ","penetrometer", and "two stage water loss".


The algorithm for optimizing the parameters of the measuring system were proposed; The distribution and propagation patterns of the measured errors for all the harmonics of roundness were studied in detail; A software for correcting the errors caused by the measurement error of the angle positions of the probes and the sensitivity difference between three probes was presented.


Man's origin; The Magism of God; Man, the continuation or recommencement of God; Door of Light and love in Man; How to attain God's Action; The Fall; Human institutions derive from above; Blood of clean animals; The Exodus; Law of Sacrifices; Three degrees of abominations; Mosaic law preparatory to spiritual law; Man delivered from prison of his blood; The Eucharist; Progress of individual man towards Canaan; The perfecting of our faculties hereafter requires sacrifice of all here; God's love and Man's insensibility; The work of the man of faith reacts on the whole tree of Man; On the Word: The Word sustains all things; The Words requires an apprenticeship; The true Cross; The substance of men's words; Power of the enemy during night; Duties, responsibilities, and misdirection of literary men; Religious literature; Gradations in Adam's fall; Demonstration of God and the soul; The sublime is God, and all that connects us with Him; Ministers of the Word withholding the key of knowledge; Desire, the principle of movement; Three degrees of the Word; Progressive names, stat es, and processes; Who should teach the deep things of God; Eternity in a point of time.


In this paper, based on the fundamental principle of the three-point method roundness error separation technique, the separation of cylindricity error factors and the reconstruction of the measured cylinder profile was intensively studied, and the methods of evaluating the cylindricity form error were discussed. Furthermore, the separation and reconstruction methods of the cylindricity error proposed in this paper were examined by the experiment.


Aiming at precision measurement of cylindricity,this paper puts forward a kind of method which can sep- arate the cross- section roundness error,the radius error of different cross sections,the initial coordinates of least square centers of measured cross sections and can reconstruct the pattern of the measured cylinder,i.


The method of recognition by secret signs, words, grips, steps, etc.; the three degrees including the Royal Arch; the Hiram legend of the third degree; the proper "tiling" of the lodge against "raining" and "snowing", ie, against male and female "cowans", or eavesdroppers, ie, profane intruders; the right of every regular Mason to visit every regular lodge in the world; a belief in the existence of God and in future life; the Volume of the Sacred Law; equality of Masons in the lodge; secrecy; symbolical method of teaching; inviolability of landmarks.

该方法的承认秘密的迹象,换言之,夹具,步骤等;三个度,包括皇家拱;西贡的传说第三度;适当的&分块&的提出对&下雨&和&雪花&,即,对男性和女性& cowans &,或窃听,即,亵渎的入侵者;的权利,每次定期梅森访问,每次定期提出在世界上;信念,在上帝存在,并在今后的生活中;货量的神圣法;平等的石匠,在投诉;保密;象征性的教学方法;不可侵犯的里程碑。

更多网络解释与三度法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Convenient sampling:方便抽樣法

然后采取方便抽样法(convenient sampling)对这三个年级的被试进行抽样. 研究一和研究二各包括153名和354名一至三年级在校大学生. 总被试人数为507. 由于研究二作为信效度检验之用,有必要对其被试分布情况做一简单描述,情况如表1所示:

Sakyamuni Buddha:释迦牟尼佛

三千年前,释迦牟尼佛(Sakyamuni buddha)出家学道后,在菩提树下开悟证成无上佛道,到鹿野苑为憍陈如等五比丘说四圣谛法,度五比丘开始,一生说法四十九年,演说无量佛法,度化无量人天众生,一直到入灭的阶段,佛陀住世应化在人间,度化众生之际才有的相状,


thirty-degreepiezoelectriccut 压电三十度截法 | thirty-twomo 三十二开 | thirty-twonucleus 三十二核

three-dimensional:三度空间法 除了有高度宽度外还有厚的深度

Thinning 打薄法 借着削剪头发里头发量没有改变外头长度 | Three dimensional 三度空间法 除了有高度宽度外还有厚的深度 | Vertical section 垂直部分 一个取垂直的部分

Mettler Toledo:梅特勒-托利多公司

公司明天发布收买梅特勒-托利多公司(METTLER TOLEDO)的Berger SFC(R)业务部分. 超临界流体色谱法的快度比下效液相色谱法(HPLC)速三到五倍. 超临界流体色谱法的溶系性佳,因而十分合适脚性对于映体和自然产物等易度较小的化学试样的分别和纯化货架.

trimetrogon method:三镜头航摄机摄影法

trimetric projection 三度投影 | trimetrogon method 三镜头航摄机摄影法 | trimic 三掩模集成电路

three-stepwise weight function correction method:三步权函数修正

自适应权向量法:adaptive weight vector method | 三步权函数修正:three-stepwise weight function correction method | 粘度法测量分子量:testing molecular weight by viscosity method


Kider-Richardson Reliability Coefficient 庫李二氏信度法 | Kurukh 庫路克語(東印度中部) | Kurdish 庫爾特語(伊朗,土耳其和伊拉克三國)

pour les Tierces:(三度音程练习)

01 Pour Les "Cinq doigts"d apres Monsieur Czerny 继泽尔尼先生之后的"五指弹法练习" 3:02 | 02 pour les Tierces (三度音程练习) 4:04 | 03 pour les Quartes (四度音程练习) 5:40