英语人>词典>汉英 : 三分的 的英文翻译,例句
三分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trichotomous  ·  tripart

更多网络例句与三分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When teams double-team Yao or Aaron Brooks attacks the basket, I can be their spot-up jumper for 3-pointers.


Next, I looked at some of Bob's other points, in which he claims that LeBron has made some type of improvement in each of these areas: defense, foul shooting, and three-point shot selection.


Hideo Hashimoto came close with a strike from outside the area eight minutes after the hour mark before Gamba came close to snatching all three points in stoppage time but Zeng produced three close range reaction saves in quick succession to deny Lucas and substitute striker Ze Carlos.

Hideo Hashimoto在68分钟的时候得到了一次绝好的得分良机,刚把队也在伤停补时阶段连续获得全取三分的机会,但是曾诚连续的三次快速反应使得卢卡斯和替补前锋卡洛斯都无功而返

This is where I throw the TD.


Based on the political opportunity structure theory and the state-society interaction theory, and analyzed on the framework of "central-local–peasant" tripartition, this research presents the discrepancy in central-local relations as main dimension.


This chapter studies the connotation of western civil society and its evolution from classic to modern and contemporary, from which we can know western civil society undergoes a process from integration, dichotomy to trisection, with which the concept of civil society changes. Therefore, we can conclude the connotation and characteristics of civil society. The concept of civil society is also suitable to Chinese context and it is the actual theoretical grasp of the new social structure elements which are brought by the social transformation.


"Our home games, with the exception of Chelsea, are all very winnable."


Then rallying at the three-minute mark with a game-saving offensive rebound and putback, then a ridiculous three-point play when he got fouled on a jumper to tie the game.


A trifid tail; a trifid organ .


Iron mining industry through large-scale international mergers and acquisitions, forming a pattern of two-thirds of the world.


更多网络解释与三分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

medium rare:三分熟

煎烤熟度分"一分熟"(rare)、"三分熟"(medium rare)、"五分熟"(medium)、"七分熟"(medium well)、全熟(well done)几种. 从色泽上可以判断牛排的熟度. 一分熟的牛排,内部虽为血红色,但外熟内温;三分熟的牛排内部为桃红色且带有相当热度;

PT shot:三分线以外的出手(不包括半场后的远投)

MID-RANGE shot:三分线以内的出手 | 3PT shot:三分线以外的出手(不包括半场后的远投) | Putbacks:直接二次进攻(补篮、扣篮)


一般以"三分熟"(rare)表示极嫩;"五分熟"(medium)表示很嫩;"七分熟" (medium-well)表示较熟. 要举一个欧洲菜色中熏制菜肴的例子并不容易. 种类实在太多(单单德国就有200种以上的熏肠),反而不知道讲哪一种好. 刚好前两天听朋友讲起,


triangle test 三点检验法,三点比较法 | triangulable 可三角剖分的,可三角形化的 | triangular 三角的,三角形的


Peirce的符号三分法(Trichotomy)理论为基础的方法论并阐明了本课题的研究步骤. 第三章既是本文的重点和难点,也是创新之处. 本章将象似性原则重新总结并划分为三大类:语音象似,突显象似以及话题象似,并利用各象似原则对与其相对应的英文诗歌加以分析.

Grand Trine:大三角 三顆星之間互相成三分相

Grand Cross 大十字 有兩組星之間成對相,且兩兩成四分相 | Grand Trine 大三角 三顆星之間互相成三分相 | Great Year 大年 天文學上的春分 c歲差繞行黃道一周為一個大年


法式分为两个层次,我们称之为图解(schemata):网格(grid)与三分法(tripartition). 网格图解通过两组线来划分一个建筑,在古典建筑中运用最多的是矩形网格图解,直线相交成直角,线之间的距离通常是相等的,把组合体分成相等的部分.


Triple:三部分的,三倍的,增值三倍的 | Trisection:三分,三等分 | Tricolour:三色的,三色旗

trisectrix:三等分角线 三分角

trisection 三等分 | trisectrix 三等分角线 三分角 | triserial 三列的

one-third formula:三分法公式

one-stop shops;综合信息中心;; | one-third formula;三分法公式;; | one-third rule;摊付三分之一的规定;;