英语人>词典>汉英 : 三一节 的英文翻译,例句
三一节 的英文翻译、例句


Holy Trinity
更多网络例句与三一节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That You May Believe translates an aorist subjunctive in Greek, but some manuscripts have a present subjunctive ; hence TEV alternative rendering 'continue to believe'.

其实,当 Robinson 在强调约翰的"布道目的"的时候,他已经在第二十章三十一节的希腊文古抄本中作了一个选择。

This portion of the lesson includes the third part of the video: Babylonian Judgment.


Years ago, hold the post of when " man of fashionable and healthy ·" the thin horse of magazine chief editor is initiated first apply " 83 men section ", and the renown man of a gang China such as hook in Zhang Chaoyang, Sun Zhou, Sun Xing, Li Xiaopeng takes the lead in celebrating a festival in Beijing, this is 3 years too.


The last section of Chapter 3 discusses the flux distribution of a quasi-single stage solar furnace which consists of a non-imaging focusing heliostat as the primary stage and a much smaller spherical concentrator as a secondary.

第三章的最后一节分析了准一阶聚光(quasi-single stage)太阳炉的聚光比分布。这种太阳炉的组成是由一个非成像聚光定日镜作为主要聚光装置,一个小的球面镜(来源:ABC论文5e网www.abclunwen.com)做为二次反射聚光装置。

A Jewish intercalary year consisting of thirteen lunar months contains fifty-three sabbaths, and the final section is always read on the day of the "joy of the Law", that is, the ninth day after the feast of booths (twenty-third day of Tishri).

一个犹太intercalary年构成的13个月,农历包含53安息日,和最后一节是一定要阅读关于一天"的喜悦,法律",即是第九届后的第二天,宴摊位( 20 -第三天提斯利)。

Interlocking rhyme is a rhyme scheme in which an unrhymed line in one stanza rhymes with a line in the following stanza. Interlocking rhyme occurs in an Italian verse form called terza rima.

连环韵指一行诗在前一节中没有押韵句,而在后一节中其中的一句押韵,连环韵通常出现在三行体诗中(象旦丁《神曲》中所用的诗体,三行为一节,每节的第二行与下一节的第一、三行押韵,如:aba, bcb, cdc。

With jurisprudential analyses, the author examinates the above issues one by one to determine how to achieve the best results in practice, and then brings out the suggestions: 1provisions should be added on supplementary compensative liability of faulty party in defective shares assignment; 2company law should in particular provide for conditions of partial assignment of powers Vested in Shares 3company law should detail on the price and process of shares assignment so as to protect other shareholders purchase privilege; 4relevant registration should be improved; 5in consideration of the overabsolute provision of new Company Law for company articles of association, exceptions should bemade to association articles restricting shares assignment; 6assignment withoutconsent should be included by company law as a separate provision of CompanyLaw.


Another custom, also of Italian origin, is that of adding three Glorias to the Angelus in thanksgiving to the Blessed Trinity for the privileges bestowed upon our Lady.


At the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas comes a day called the Epiphany, or Three Kings Day.


Terza rima: An Italian verse form consisting of a series of three-line stanzas in which the middle line of each stanza rhymes with the first and third lines of the following stanza.


更多网络解释与三一节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


头部之下有四对肢体,除最前端的一对特化为不分节的触角(antenna)外,其余三对为足(leg). 胸部则每一节下都有一对足. 尾部除一般的足外,还有一对像触角般不分节的尾肢(cercus). 三叶虫的足为二支式,



metaphor:隐喻, 暗喻

第九节 情态动词 第十节 介词的使用 第十一节 一致原则 第十二节 强调和省略 第三章 完形填空题型对策 第四章 篇章改错题型对策 第五章 常考英语修辞手法 第一节 直喻/明喻(Simile) 第二节 隐喻/暗喻(Metaphor) 第三节 对偶(A


climax) 第七节 平行结构(Parallelism) 第八节 转喻/换喻(Metonymy) 第九节 提喻法/借代(Synecdoche) 第十节 拟人法(Personification) 第十一节 委婉手法(Euphemism) ......第三篇 阅读理解第四篇 翻译第五篇 写作作者介绍吴中东教授,


比赛分为四节 (Quarter) 进行,职业美足及大学美足每一节是15分钟,高中美足则为12分钟. 中场的休息时间通常是15分钟,职业美足目前缩短为12分钟. 每一队上半场及下半场各有三次叫停的机会.

Saint Patrick's Day:圣帕特里克节

按照微软的解释,这一最新主题是为了纪念一周后17日的 圣帕特里克节(Saint Patrick's Day) 故主角是三叶草,以及绿色和黄色. 圣帕特里克节为 每年3月17日 ...


时态与语态 第八节 倒装 第九节 情态动词 第十节 介词的使用 第十一节 一致原则 第十二节 强调和省略 第三章 完形填空题型对策 第四章 篇章改错题型对策 第五章 常考英语修辞手法 第一节 直喻/明喻(Simile) 第二节 隐喻/暗

Thanksgiving Day:月的第二个星斯一 加拿大感恩节

ional Peace Day) 9月第三个星期六 全国国防教育日 9月第四个星期日 国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf) 10月的第一个星期一 世界住房日(World Habitat Day) 10月的第二个星斯一 加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day) 10月第二个星期

Trinity Sunday:三一节

属西印度群岛,靠近委内瑞拉海岸,该岛是哥伦布于1498年,也许是在三一节(Trinity Sunday)那天发现的,所以他称之为特拉尼达岛,"特拉尼达"为西班牙语,意即"三位一体",不过,本岛取名特立尼达的更大可能性,是哥伦布在接近该岛时看到该岛上有三座山峰.

Feast of Tabernacles:住棚节

3.住棚节(Feast of Tabernacles)(出廿三16;利廿三34~43;申十六13~15):这节期共一周,在这期间参加守节的人,要住在搭棚或帐蓬里,记念以色列人离开埃及之后,在旷野的生活方式.