英语人>词典>汉英 : 万用的 的英文翻译,例句
万用的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与万用的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our cosmetologist recommends Suave as a good all-purpose shampoo.

我们的 cosmetologist 推荐柔和的当做一个好万用的洗发精。

In 1820 he was known to have a sum of six hundred and thirty thousand francs lodged in his name with Laffitte; but before reserving these six hundred and thirty thousand francs, he had spent more than a million for the town and its poor.


In 1820 he was known to have a sum of six hundred thirty thousand francs lodged in his name with Laffitte; 8ttt8.com before reserving these six hundred thirty thousand francs, he had spent more than a million for the town its poor.

一八二○年,大家知道他有一笔六十三万法郎的款子用他个人名义存放在拉菲特①银行里;但是 dddTt 在他为自己留下这六十三万法郎以前,他已为这座城市和穷人用去了一百多万。

You are not at all likely to use the AC ranges, indicated by,on your multimeter.


You are not at all likely to use the AC ranges, indicated by ,on your multimeter.


The millionaire with some state of province pedestal in Zhejiang, the private car after superhighway Tu meeting a stage manners, meeting with accident to turn over a car, the whole body being harm, cellular phone but Mayday to cry for help, thunder-storm handing over to add win Tu remind of friend present of ten thousand using battery, taking out to connect to cry for help escape from danger with cellular phone, harm more look for to me department to requite favors by purchasing a product, sunlight power supply supply use at inshore fisherman's company, the effect be better, and request group everybody of the company be essential ten thousand use power supply, in order to prevent unpredictable of use.


There is not universal set of motivations (aside from basic physiological needs, of course).


1 It need to be invested 5 million USD capital to process 10000 tons pickles, which includes 1 million USD in raw material processing workshops and essential equipments such as transportation, cultivation, irrigation and drainage machines etc; 2.8 million USD in cleaning and processing machines such as factory construction, cleaning pool, tools, cutting machines, frozen house and zymosis house; 200 thousand USD in personnels training; 1 million USD in purchasing raw material and working capital fund.

2.1 生产加工10000吨泡菜咸菜制品需要投入资金500万USD。其中原料生产基地、需要各种农业机械设备100万USD,主要购置运输机械、耕作机械、开沟机械、起垄机械、排灌机械等;清洗加工机械设备280万USD,主要有厂房建筑,清洗池、加工用品的器具,切片机、切丝机和一部分保鲜用的发酵冷藏房、冷库;人员培训需要资金20万USD,购置原料及所需周转资金100万USD。

Progress for America, which spent almost $45 million backing Mr. Bush last year, plans to lay out $20 million on Social Security this year. It has spent $1 million on television commercials and is working to send experts around the country. Among them are Thomas S****ing, a trustee of the Social Security Trust Fund; Rosario Marin, a former United States treasurer; and one really, really young Republican. Noah will not be eligible to collect Social Security for nearly 60 years.


Money:比尔盖茨的5条致富秘诀To be a guy who lives a house that costs $97 million and has 66,000 square feet of living space, employing 300, a pool, boat dock, an 8 hole putting range, and even a salmon hatchery, you must have to be a pretty rich guy.


更多网络解释与万用的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

generalship:将军的地位[身分, 风度], 将才, 军[韬]略

general-service 通用的, 一般用途的 | general-utility 通用的, 万用的 | generalship 将军的地位[身分, 风度], 将才, 军[韬]略


M-200钳形表 的详细说明 产品名称: 通用型钳形表型 号: M-200 品 牌: 万用(MULTI) 发布日期: 2006-6-27 主要产品参数: ●只需用接触式CT接触单相,三相电路的电线即可测试到电流, 可测至今为止的钳形表无法测到的配线密集处的电流,


CLIO8是欧洲Audiomatica公司发布的CLIO电声测量系统最新版操作软件,其积累综合了Audiomatica公司16年的电声测量分析与应用经验集: 最长序列码(MLS) 正弦扫描(Sin) 实时分析(RTA) 信号发生器(Generator)、 万用表(Multimeter) 等13种测量模式于一体,


4.1 数字万用表(Multimeter) 万用表的虚拟面板参见图2.3-3, 这是一种4位数字万用表,面板上有一个数字显示窗口和7个按钮, 分别为电流(A)、 电压(V)、电阻(Ω)、电平(dB)、交流(~)、直流(-)和设置(Settings) 转换按钮, 单击这些按钮便可进行相应的转换.

multiple-purpose tester:万用测试器

multiple punching machine 多头冲床 | multiple purpose tester 万用测试器 | multiple range 多量程的多波段的


multiprobe detector 多探头检测器 | multipurpose 多用途的,万用的 | multipurpose clamp 多用夹


抱着客户第一、质量第一、...摘要: 本厂是一家专业生产: 公文包、经理夹、文件夹、万用手册、笔记本、记事本、CD包、钱包、护照包、菜谱、酒水牌、证书套、名片包、化妆包等皮具、文具;节庆礼品、会议礼品 ,现已成为一家皮革制用品如万用手册(Organizer)、文件夹(Portfolio)、公文包(Briefcase)、钱包(Wallet)等的专业生产工



versatile a.i:多才多艺的ii万用的

invert vt.I倒转II上下倒置 | versatile a.I多才多艺的II万用的 | vertical a.垂直的,竖直的;n.垂线


处理万用字符(wildcards)、转向(redirection)、管线(pipes)与工作控制(job control) 3. 搜寻并执行命令 如果您经常会输入一组相同形式的命令,您可能会想要自动执行那些工作. 如此,您可以将一些命令放入一个档案(称为命令档,script),