英语人>词典>汉英 : 一餐 的英文翻译,例句
一餐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
feed  ·  feedbag  ·  meal  ·  feeds

a meal
更多网络例句与一餐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck.


In the Southern United States,people traditionally prepare ameal of collard greens,black-eyed peas and pork for ayear of good luck.


I'm not even assured of a single meal a day. If i have one, it's only a small bowl of kaoliang husks, which even a pig or dog would disdain to eat...


B After eating a rich fatty meal, the lacteal appears milky because of it is filled with a suspension of fat droplets .


With four to six smaller, but regularly spaced meals, you may keep yourself from becoming ravenously hungry and overeating at the next meal.


You can reheat the stuff for your next dinner and save yourself having to cook again.


One can have many Tapas and consider this therefore a meal.


Costs include: Shijiazhuang/Guilin and from the train hard, stay hotel double-labeled, the含餐(eight meals soup, ten people table), the local air-conditioned coach, the first Road attractions tickets, excellent guided tours, travel agencies responsible for Insurance


With the development of science, serious problems arise within people's diettoday. 1. It is seriously disproportionate of the three daily meals. We pay more attention to supper while neglecting the most important breakfast. 2. Human's digest system has strict biorhythm, but we always confuse our diet time. 3. In our daily diet, sometimes we absorb excessive nutrition while sometimesless than necessary. 4. Each kind of food has its most proper edible time, but we eat at our pleasure without thinking the time. 5. We always neglect the synergistic effect or reciprocal effect of food. 6. Due to various genes and blood types, each person has the very food most suitable for him to eat.


Although his roof was made of thatch and his door of raspberry vines, through which the wind could blow and the rain could seep in, and what he ate was wild vegetables and plain water, and he didn't always have food for a meal, he continued to sit up straight and study.


更多网络解释与一餐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a light meal:少量的一餐

7.for the first time 第一次 | 8.a light meal 少量的一餐 | 9.be different from 与...不同


西餐酒水品种一、餐前酒(Aperitif)餐前酒也称开胃酒,是指在餐前饮用的、喝了后可以刺激人的胃口、使人增加食欲的饮料. 开胃酒通常由药材...

Unit Eighteen:一餐饭

Unit Seventeen 食物 | Unit Eighteen 一餐饭 | Unit Nineteen 衣服

How much do I owe you? My treat:我欠你多少? - 请我一餐

All it took was a fat chronic blunt. These guys were lightweights.|不费... | How much do I owe you? My treat.|- 我欠你多少? - 请我一餐 | As long as you promise, next time you pop your old lady...|只要你...


地的made in taiwan 老板人很好~她们好像一天只卖一餐(Lunch)在hamilton 的朋友可以去尝尝!!她们好像一天只卖一餐(Lunch)在hamilton 的朋友可以去尝尝!!

an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source:奇妙的一餐,来自令人意想不到的出处

昨晚我有个全新的经验, Last night,I experienced so... | 奇妙的一餐,来自令人意想不到的出处. an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. | 如果说那一餐和它的创造者To say that both the meal ...

a square meal:(丰盛的一餐)

1 a square meal丰盛的一餐 | 2 by all means当然可以; 一定, 务必; 无论如何 | 3 for good measure额外的量, 外加的项目

Table wine:餐酒

以葡萄酿出的酒可分为四类一 餐酒(Table Wine),酒精度8% - 14%:红葡萄酒(Red Wine)亦即俗称红酒. 采用红葡萄酒酿造,发酵过程是将葡萄皮连同葡萄酒汁一起浸泡发酵,因此酿成的酒中含极高的单宁和色素. 白葡萄酒(White Wine),亦即俗称白酒.

To set before the king:可口的一餐吗

Was not that a dainty dish 那不是为国王准备的 | To set before the king? 可口的一餐吗? | The king was in his counting-house, 国王在帐房里

To set before the king:十分可口的一餐嗎

Was not that a dainty dish 那可不是放在國王桌前, | To set before the king? 十分可口的一餐嗎? | The king was in his counting-house, 國王在帳房