英语人>词典>汉英 : 一种西瓜 的英文翻译,例句
一种西瓜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与一种西瓜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Emerged as a novel functional food additive, lycopene has been of particular interest in recent years.


And yes , just like the brinjaul and the pumpkin , botanically speaking it is a fruit , not a vegetable . More than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced per year ,16 million tons more than the second most popular fruit , the banana .


In the video work Secrets of a Watermelon (9'47 Video 2006/2007), he creates a multiple narrative structure around a girl and a watermelon and the elusively complex implications between man and object, between people, between man and incidence; he uses these symbols to create a labyrinth of language.

Secrets of a Watermelon ( 9'47'' Video 2006/2007 )录像作品里,女孩和西瓜之间构成了一种多重叙事结构,人与物、人与人、人与事之间有着难以琢磨的复杂寓意,他用这些符号编织了语言的迷宫。

An amino acid, C6H13N3O3, originally isolated from watermelon, that is produced as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to ''.


An amino acid, C6H13N3O3, originally isolated from watermelon, that is produced as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to arginine during urea formation in the liver.


The invention provides an industrial method for extracting natural L-citrulline from plant tissues of watermelons or citrullus lamatus, and the like, which belongs to the technical field of extracting natural products in the food industry and the medicine industry.


A globose watermelon(Citrullus lanatus var.citroides)having white flesh that is candied or pickle d.


The former is one of new bacterial diseases in recent years and caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli, which mainly infects cucurbitaceous plants and is threating to the agricultural production.

西瓜果斑病(Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon)是近年来新发生的一种细菌性病害,由噬酸菌属燕麦种西瓜亚种(Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli)引起,主要侵染葫芦科植物,对农业生产造成很大的威胁。

One can go on a 1-3 days watermelon diet, eating as much watermelon as one likes and taking no other food. This gives the digestive and eliminative organs a good clean out


Ammos juicy watermelon flavor, refreshing thirst-quenching, is the best summer fruit, watermelon in addition to non-fat and cholesterol, contain high levels of glucose, malice acid, fructose, protein, amino acids, and tomato-rich material, such as vitamin C, is a nutritious, Clean, safe food for human consumption.


更多网络解释与一种西瓜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



enema bag:灌肠袋

待温度与体温接近时,倒入灌肠袋,(enema bag) 从肛门灌入肠内,西瓜,木瓜, 哈密瓜,香蕉,奶油果(avocado)等. 以上(2),(3)中的材料, 只需一种即可. (原文未提每种的分量)


首先, 亲代产生生殖细胞(gamete)如精子和卵子. 一个卵子和精子细胞相遇而形成受精细胞, 其内含有父系和母系的单拷贝遗传信息, 一个新的生命就这样诞生了. 鸵鸟有西瓜般大的卵子而人类的卵子非常小, 但是两种卵子中都仅含有一套遗传信息.

Nondestructive test:无损检测

无损检测(nondestructive test)简称NDT. 人们常常用手拍击西瓜判断是否成熟,检车工敲击车轴检查机车车轮是否能安全运行;医生用扣诊的方法诊断病情. 这些都是常见的"无损检测". 无损检测就是不破坏和损伤受检物体,对它的性能、质量、有无内部缺陷进行检测的一种技术. 工业上

Stung Treng:上丁

柬埔寨西北部省份上丁(Stung Treng)盛产西瓜,尤其是一种被称为密宝的小西瓜,皮薄瓢沙清馨甘甜. 小则如拳,大如青椰,每逢雨季末旱季初或者旱季末雨季初蜂拥上市,一美元买一堆,慢慢地吃上三五日,十分的惬意.

Citrullus vulgaris:西瓜

文章摘要:西瓜(Citrullus Vulgaris)的种属特征、经济状况、组织培养在七十年代初开始进行,首先是无子西瓜下胚轴的培养. 诱导再生植株成功,其后有芽及茎尖、花药、原生质体的培养及诱导植株再生,提出一种待解决的问题,展望组织培养技术应用的前景. (共3页)


西瓜虫和潮虫是不同的两种动物,但它们都叫鼠妇,是节肢动物门,甲壳动物亚门(Crustacea)软甲纲(Malacostraca)等足目(Isopoda)鼠妇亚目鼠妇科的一属. 其中能团成小球的西瓜虫又叫光滑鼠妇. 不能团成小球的潮虫又叫长鼠妇,它的颜色较浅.