英语人>词典>汉英 : 一种海鸟 的英文翻译,例句
一种海鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与一种海鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Auk Any of several diving sea birds of northern regions, such as the razor-billed auk, having a chunky body, short wings, and webbed feet.


Any of several sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda of northern regions, characteristically having black and white plumage and a vertically flattened, triangular bill that is brightly colored during breeding season.


Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel .


Which is a seabird and difficult to catch .


New research has found that a seabird, the Arctic tern, flies more than 70,000 kilometers each year, the longest migration by any creature.


The exquisite and arctic yan ou of of give sb a present is the seabird of grace of a kind of posture.


By the end of World War II, Bermuda was ransacked by housing developers, exotic pests, and a native flora wrecked by imported garden species. The residents of Bermuda and the world's scientific community were stunned, then, in 1951 by the announcement that the cahow -- a gull-size seabird -- had been rediscovered on the outer cliffs of the island archipelago.


By the end of World War II, Bermuda was ransacked by housing developers, exotic pests, and a native flora wrecked by imported garden species. The residents of Bermuda and the world's scientific community were stunned, then, in 1951 by the announcement that the cahow -- a gull-size seabird -- had been rediscovered on the outer cliffs of the island archipelago.


By the end of World War II, Bermuda was ransacked by housing developers, exotic pests, and a native flora wrecked by imported garden species. The residents of Bermuda and the world's scientific community were stunned, then, in 1951 by the announcement that the cahow -- a gull-size seabird -- had been rediscovered on the outer cliffs of the island archipelago. The cahow was thought to be extinct for centuries.


Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the ''.


更多网络解释与一种海鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Albatross:沉重负担 信天翁(Albatross)是一种濒临灭绝的珍贵海鸟,这个单词同时还有"沉重负担"的意思,这是为什么呢? Albatross的起源可追溯到17世纪晚期,很可能是西班牙语alcatraz(鹈鹕,塘鹅)的变体,后来受到了拉丁语alba(白色...


海鸟粪(Guano)又称鸟粪石,是海鸟、蝙蝠或海豹排泄物与动植物残体混杂而成的一种细颗粒混合物. 它可作肥料,而且在历史上也曾是氮、磷元素的重要来源,用于战争用火药的生产之中.


台湾的陆生哺乳类有61种,仅约三分之一的种类有跳蚤的记录;而台湾约有450种鸟类,但迄今台湾的野鸟尚无跳蚤寄生的记录(Maa and Kuo 1965),在国外有很多海鸟(seabird)及燕雀类(passerines)有跳蚤寄生.

Krosa:罗莎 柬埔寨 鹤

3-14 Lekima 利奇马 越南 一种水果 | 4-1 Krosa 罗莎 柬埔寨 鹤 | 4-2 Haiyan 海燕 中国 一种海鸟


鸌形目(Procellariiformes)鸌科(Procellariidae)几种鸥形海鸟. 暴风鸌一名特别专用於暴风鸌属(Fulmarus)的两个种. 常於大海低空逐浪飞行. 杂食性,虽惯食小鱼、乌贼和甲壳动物之类,但亦常食船上的食物残馀. 同多数燕鸌不一样,常上岸寻食腐肉.

Puffinus tenuirostris:短尾鹱

还有一种外形类似于燕鸥的海鸟,名叫短尾鹱(Puffinus tenuirostris),在分类上与信天翁同属管鼻目. 其翼形尖长,极善飞行,夜行性. 一生中的许多时间在空中或辽阔的海洋里度过,仅在生殖季节来维多利亚附近的小岛上筑巢. 19世纪初,刚刚登陆的英国人没有肉吃,


特贼鸥 空中强盗--贼鸥 鸻形目(Charadriiformes)贼鸥科(Stercorariidae)几种掠食性海鸟的统称. 在美国,贼鸥一词仅指英国人称之为大贼鸥的Catharacta sk木贼纲木贼纲(Eguisetimae) 特征:茎具有明显的节和节间,叶小鳞片状轮生,孢子囊生于枝顶,