英语人>词典>汉英 : 一扭 的英文翻译,例句
一扭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
twist  ·  twisted  ·  twists

更多网络例句与一扭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But instead of his usual countermove (which was twist in mid-air, spring off the wall, cartwheel and attack) he hit the wall flat on, with a sickening crack, and then dropped on the floor, out cold.


She tilted her head coquettishly and giggled.


The champagne she had been drinking had flushed her a rosy- red; her lips were moist; her eyes sparkled, and the banker's offers rose with every kittenish movement of her shoulders, with every little voluptuous lift and fall of her throat, which occurred when she turned her head.


At this moment, a miraculous picture suddenly flashed in my mind: a round golden moon hanging in the dark blue sky and beneath which it was the sand field at the seaside planted with limitless jade green watermelons. A boy of 11 or 12, wearing a silver necklet and grasping a steel pitchfork in his hand, was thrusting at a badger with all his efforts. But the badger twisted his bow and escaped through the boy's legs.


And just kind of wiggle in front of you.


The influence on lateral-torsional coupled seismic response of base-isolated structures due to the excentricity and the uncoupled period ratio of the superstructure is investigated, and the control of lateral-torsional coupled seismic response of structures is discussed.


Rend usually refers to violent tearing or wrenching apart: Rend 通常指猛烈的撕扯或猛力扭开:"Come as the winds come, when/Forests are rended".


With only a few squirms you are already in a perfect pose.


Her bottom wiggled as she walked past.


Firstly, the platform is simplified by a hollow flexible beam supported by a torsional spring at the base and attached with a mass at the tip.


更多网络解释与一扭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be at grips with:与...搏斗[扭作一团]; 正在认真对付[研究、处理]

a grip of steel 紧握, 紧抓不放 | be at grips with 与...搏斗[扭作一团]; 正在认真对付[研究、处理] | bring to grips with 使...面临...

The Family Man:扭轉奇蹟

电影>( The Fugitive)里有一段情节,金宝医生遭人诬陷是杀妻凶手,经过他自行四处调查,终于查出幕后主谋是另一名医生尼可斯. 电影>( The Family Man)里也有类似的话:I'm in the middle of a deal.我正在谈一桩生意.



Swing open into the spring:吱扭着荡进了春天里

Of my senses 重门 | Swing open into the spring. 吱扭着荡进了春天里 | Things I spent 我花了一整个冬天

radio button:单选按扭

表单单选按扭(Radio Button) :一个单选按钮是一组单选按扭的一部分,这组单选按扭是互斥的, 即只能有一个为真,而别的都为假互斥的. 表单编辑字段(Edit Field) :表单上的一个区域,用户可以输入一行信息如名或姓.

torsade necklace:绳形项链:由几股珠串扭在一起的一种项链

torpedo-shaped 鱼雷状 | torsade necklace 绳形项链:由几股珠串扭在一起的一种项链, | tortoise 龟

curve of constant torsion:定挠率曲线;定扭率曲线

定倾曲线 curve of constant inclination | 定挠率曲线;定扭率曲线 curve of constant torsion | 缺格一(二、三......)曲线 curve of deficiency one (two; there;...)


锌指(zinc finger)结构:锌指结构指含有一段保守氨基酸顺序的蛋白质与该蛋白的辅基锌螫合而形成的环状结构,分为锌指、锌扭(twist)和锌簇(cluster)结构;也有按照与锌结合的氨基酸残基性质分为Cys2/Cys2和Cys2/His2指,

He said with a motion/toss/jerk of his head:他边说边动了/甩了/扭了一下头

6. He indicated the place by a nod of his head.他点一下头,指明了这个地方. | 7. He said with a motion/toss/jerk of his head.他边说边动了/甩了/扭了一下头. | head表示"头痛"、"头晕"等生理现象的方法有:


tropotron 一种磁控管 | troptometer 测扭计 | trottoir 人行道