英语人>词典>汉英 : 一开始 的英文翻译,例句
一开始 的英文翻译、例句


at the outset · at the very start · to start with · in limine
更多网络例句与一开始相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Should be started, bought him a tube of toothpaste and toothbrushes for children began to practice, one would have to go the beginning of adult demonstration, the use of children to imitate nature, if the child too spicy toothpaste, then brush with warm water clearance, and slowly tempered with toothpaste, must adhere to.


"Polly I love you.You are the whole world to me,and the moon and the stars and the constellations of outer space.Please,my darling,say that you will go steady with me,for if you will not,life will be meaningless.I will languish.I will refuse my meals.I will wander the face of the earth,a shambling,hollow-eyed hulk."-"Ad Misericordiam."-"Well,Polly,you certainly have learn your fallacies."-"You're darn right."-"And who taught them to you,Polly?"-"You did."-"That's right,So you do owe me sth,don't you,my dear?If I hadn't come along you never would have learned about fallacies."-"Hypothesis Contrary to Fact."-"Polly,you mustn't take things so literally.I mean this is just classroom stuff,You know that the things you learn in school don't have anything to do with life."


In a sense,men of this kind begin not so much with a musical theme composition.


Decision questioned by the fans but he leads Valencia to their first Primera Liga title in 三一 years in first campaign in charge.


Perhaps a start, you on the station in, are doomed to be able theposition which injures, perhaps a start, our meeting one another, isone kind of 悲情 story, the flower blooms also the flower to thank,said any loves your for 10,000 years, gigantically stays behind thepledge, perhaps already arrived the end point tomorrow, likes with notliking being situated between between, I not too understand the love,万万 had not thought the love like this arrives, in front of thelove, my heart not that is still dependable, the early knowledge so,initially I should not start, I only then regretted to the present, Iliked me in the pray the person not being supposed to be you, Wantedto forget your this to resemble is impossible.


The game appeared to have early momentum in the Yankees' direction, as Johnny Damon slugged a disputed home run to open the game and saw a reversed call work in his favor, but any luck quickly turned as Wang, the Yankees' Game 1 starter in two consecutive playoff series, turned in one of his worst outings of the season.


For most the initial reaching of a certain level of flexibility assisted is most uncomfortable or even unbearable the first two weeks to the first two months depending on how far you go and depending on how flexible you are in the beginning, but it gets less and less uncomfortable the longer time you practice and after that amount of time you should feel comfortable in the position and instead work on staying as longer and longer in the position and getting deeper and deeper into it and still feeling comfortable.


My baby was 2 weeks premature Caesarean section birth, insufficient breast milk, a month-An artificial feeding infant formula, has been eating better, although not a lot of food, but feed feeding table on the small standard deviation. 3 months have been all-you-can-per-150ML (a daily 5 times), but from 100 days to go to work I started on the point of death, my mother fed her the first time when the spit after eating 160ml, From then on, she ate 1 milk cried, but also fewer, and sometimes even a day 600ml are not, I work to feed her a little better, so that lasted about 10 days, my mother fed her不哭, and a 150ML, half an hour or so, I and she was dying husband to feed, each drink 60ml always to哭一场, tired of crying sleep eat eat 100ML, before and after one hour, the key is always eaten吐奶, four hours after the infants When she was always not interested, do not care to eat do not eat at all, thought it was tired of the beginning of milk, or poor appetite, but now has lasted more than a month, or about 700ml a day, nothing else very good, playing love laugh, urine are normal, sleep, or how to do?


The next development in musical notation were "heighted neumes", in which neumes were carefully placed at different heights in relation to each other. This allowed the neumes to roughly indicate the size of a given interval as well as the direction. This quickly led to one or two lines, each representing a particular note, being place on the music with all the neumes relating back to them. At first these lines had no particular meaning and instead had a letter placed at the beginning indicating which note was represented. However, slowly the lines indicating middle C, and the F a fifth below, became most common. Having at first been merely scratched on the parchment, the lines now were drawn in two different colorded ink: usually red for F, and yellow or green for C.

音乐记谱法的再一次新发展是heighted neumes,这种记谱法标识出音符之间的音高关系,这样就使得纽姆谱可以粗略并直接地标记出指定音程的增减,这样的标识方法导致了谱上一线或者二线的出现,每条线代表一个特定的音符,这个音符与纽姆谱中所有的音符的音程关系都能被标识出来,最初这些线并没有什么特殊的含义,反而会有一个字母被放在开始的位置表明代表哪个音符,渐渐的,线代表中央C或者比C低五度的F 变得最常用,这些一开始只不过在羊皮纸上刮出的线,开始用两种不同的颜色书写,红色代表F,黄线或者绿线代表C,以上的这些便是我们所知道的音乐记谱法发展的开端。

The exciting left winger was initially signed on a year's loan from Spanish side Albacete in July 2005 with a view to a permanent move to Anfield, but at first the work permit was turned down.


更多网络解释与一开始相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ab initio:一开始

当这种情况被强调来反对我时(when this is urged against me),我马上看清楚了,仿佛是在一刹那,不仅没有任何一种我能想到的描述将确实能描述那通过绝对价值我意指的东西,而且我也拒绝每一种重要的别人可能建议的,一开始(ab initio)以重要性为理由的描

at the beginning:从一开始

beginning n. 开始,起点;开端部分,开头部分 | at the beginning/从一开始 | at the beginning of/在......初

at the outset:从一开始;开始的时候

102. human rights 人权 | 104. at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候 | 105. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为

at the very start:一开始, 当初

at the start 开始, 起初 | at the very start 一开始, 当初 | awake with a start 突然惊醒

begin at the wrong end:一开始就错

begging letter | 募捐信, 求援信 | begin at the wrong end | 一开始就错 | begin school | 开始上学

from the beginning:从开始,从一开始. 如

It happened at [in] the beginning of this century. 此事发生在本世纪之初. | 3. from the beginning 从开始,从一开始. 如: | Recite the poem from the beginning. 从头开始背诵这首诗.

from the first:从头,一开始

I'm afraid this will have to be done all over again from the bottom up. 这件事恐怕得返... | from the first从头,一开始: | I had a very good impression of him from the first. 他一开始就给我留下了很好的印...

from the outset:从一开始

有观点认为人们获取他们和周围世界联系的暗示(intimation)靠的是一种即刻的且从一开始(from the outset)就是针对这个目的的感受,这种观点太过奇怪且与我们心理学的基础(fabric)格格不入,因此人们有理由尝试探索一种精神分析的方法(psychoanalytic),

from the very first/beginning:从一开始,从最初

from now on 从现在起,从此以后;今后 | from the very first/beginning 从一开始,从最初 | from then on 从那时开始

Witchwood Lake:在一开始往前走的时候看到的一座红色的恶魔雕像,挖

13. Twinblade's Camp:南部会发现一个宝箱个两个木桶在一起的地方,挖!! | 14. Witchwood Stones:在人面门的旁边钓吧! | 15. Witchwood Lake在一开始往前走的时候看到的一座红色的恶魔雕像,挖!