英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼻息肉 的英文翻译,例句
鼻息肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
polyp  ·  rhinopolypus  ·  rhinopolyp

更多网络例句与鼻息肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results IL-8 antigen staining was observed predominantly in the acidophilic and the epithelium cells in the nasal polyps, and immunoreactive IL-8 was distributed widely in the cell plasm of these cells, and IL-8 antigen staining was barely observed in control.

结果 鼻息肉中IL-8免疫阳性物质存在且主要分布在鼻息肉上皮层和嗜酸性粒细胞的细胞浆内;对照组中,上皮层细胞浆有少量的IL-8免疫阳性颗粒着色。

Result:322 cases,The trouble CT scanning sees the cerebellum star type cytoma 1 cases;cerebritis 18 cases;Ametropia 51 cases;The adenoid body is light, moderate large 79 cases;The encephalitis merge has nasosinusitis 37 cases;Nasosinusitis merge has the nose polyp 12 cases;The merge has the paranasal sinus mucous membrane cyst 6 cases;The merge has the mastorditis 29 cases;The merge has nasosinusitis, the mastorditis 22 cases.


Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction tests for eotaxin-1 messager RNA were performed in 5 cases of nasal polyps accompanied with chronic sinusitis and 2 cases with fungal ball sinusitis, and 2 cases of inferior turbinate mucosa.


It is differential for the expression proteins of 2-DE profiles of human nasal polyps and polyposis and nasal mucosa tissue.


The T cells in nasal polyps express high CD69 and are activated, producing Th1/Th2 mixed cytokines with change of cytokine secretion predomination, probably owing to the formation of microenvironment of the nasal polyps and the mucosa immune system.


Methods Thirty-two specimens of nasal polyp and 12 specimens of normal inferior turbinate were studied with immunohistochemistry SABC method.


Methods Twenty-two cases of nasal polyp and 10 cases of normal inferior turbinate were studied with immunohistochemical SABC method and ELISA method.

应用免疫组化和酶联免疫吸附测定法,对22例鼻息肉和10例对照组下鼻甲组织内IL-8 的分布及含量进行测定。

38 patients with nasal polyp and 15 control cases were chosen. Their IL-5 concentration in tissue homogenate were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All samples were stained with Chromotrope 2R histochemical and SP immunohistochemical method separately to examine eosinophil and IgE+ cells in nasal polyp.

方法采用免疫组化SP法检测38例鼻息肉,15例正常鼻腔粘膜组织中IgE阳性细胞表达情况;采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测以上病例中IL-5含量;采用Chromotrope 2R特染方法检测以上病例中Eos浸润情况。

Methods 40 cases with the disease of unilateral cavitas nasi and accessory nasal cavity were retrospectively analyzed that were comfirmed by pathology.

结果 鼻息肉16例,乳头状瘤9,鼻腔鼻窦癌7例,血管瘤3例,霉菌性鼻窦炎3例,鼻腔恶性淋巴瘤1例,鼻腔神经鞘瘤1例。

The incidence in the clinic symptoms:sneeze was 98%,rhinorrhea 85%,nasal itch 68%,while nasal obstruction 68%,with the symptom of eyes itch 45%,hyposomnia 26%,headache 12%,and companying with sinusitis 10%,asthma 3%,polyps 1%,nasoseptal deviation 1%.


更多网络解释与鼻息肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nasal obstruction:鼻阻塞

鼻阻塞(nasal obstruction) 鼻塞是耳鼻咽喉科常见的症状之一,最常见的原因包括鼻炎,鼻中隔偏曲,鼻息肉,鼻窦炎等. 理论上来说,鼻塞都可以通过不同的治疗方法进行解决. 1、急性鼻炎的鼻塞发展很快,通常在数日内即达到高潮,一周左右可自行消退,

nasal polyp:鼻息肉

鼻息肉:(nasal polyp)为鼻部常见病,是由于极度水肿的鼻腔鼻窦粘膜在重力作用下逐渐下垂而形成.

nasal polyposis:鼻息肉病

近年来,许多学者提出鼻息肉病(nasal polyposis)的改变,但临床上鼻息肉鼻息肉病尚无明确的区分标准. 下列情况应考虑为鼻息肉病:①有鼻息肉前期手术及术后复发史;②糖皮质激素类治疗有效;③息肉样变粘膜与正常粘膜无明显分界线;

Nasoseptal polypus:鼻中隔息肉

Nasopharyngeal tumor 鼻咽肿瘤 | Nasoseptal polypus 鼻中隔息肉 | Natural disposition 自然素因


polypoidpolypous 水螅似的 | polypous 息肉的 | polypous 鼻息肉


polypous 息肉的 | polypous 鼻息肉的 | polyppolypus 水螅


rhinoplasty 鼻成形术 | rhinopolypus 鼻息肉 | rhinorrhagia 鼻出血

nasal polys:鼻息肉

鼻息肉:nasal polyps | 鼻息肉:nasal polys | 鼻内镜:nasal endoscope


nasal polyps相关词的翻译: | 鼻息肉:polyps | 声带息肉:Vocal fold polyps

nasal polyps:鼻息肉

鼻息肉(nasal polyps)是水肿的鼻粘膜突入鼻腔而形成的赘生物.鼻息肉是鼻部常见疾病,也与某些全身疾病有关. 它是由于鼻粘膜长期炎性反应引起组织水肿的结果. 鼻息肉多来源于中鼻道窦口、鼻道复合体和筛窦,高度水肿的鼻粘膜由中鼻道、窦口向鼻腔膨出下垂而形成息肉.